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Everything posted by Metabot

  1. greaves cuisse breasplate/cuirass gloves boots helm vambraces pauldrons cloak belt at least 2 rings amulet Anything else? Maybe the ability to wear robes over armor like in Morrowind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Components_of_medieval_armour
  2. I meant that your character is not you.
  3. Eh no. You aren't playing yourself, you're playing as a character.
  4. The only point I disagree with is the last one. You should be able to either click the chest and click "pick lock," or hit L and click the chest. That, while being slightly redundant, allows you to either click only once (on the chest) or click twice (once on the chest, the second time on the "pick lock" skill). I want to USE my keyboard, not just the mouse. This is a computer game after all, I don't need to be limited by only two buttons on my mouse. This isn't an action game though.
  5. Well for a game lkke this being able to use the mouse for everything is more important I think. I'm sure there will be hotkeys for most things though.
  6. One thing that can make a game great is having things and mechanics that you might not discover until years after.
  7. I would like to see some kind of hidden alignment system that tracks your favor and disfavor with the gods.
  8. All of the examples you gave are pretty black and white. I prefer the grey moral areas in new Vegas.
  9. I don't really see how it's a problem. If someone wants to roleplay a character a certain way, it stands to reason that that type of character won't be able to do some things that another type of character would be able to and so on.
  10. I'd prefer the story to be more about the world and what is going on in it rather than about the main protagonist so you can keep all of the customization you want.
  11. ", opening up into another large, sandbox style city late in the game poses problems for pacing. As we approach the climax of a game, the action needs to increase and become more focused, leading to linearity" .That's your opinion.
  12. Leather armor "completely useless"? That seems like a very broad categorical statement that will get you in trouble.
  13. Ehhh no. Repairing your own weapons and crafting your arrows or bolts makes sense in a fantasy setting as well. Crafting your potions and poisons, etc. also makes sense.
  14. I liked Fallout: New Vegas's crafting overall, mostly the ammunition crafting, but making chems is pretty useful.
  15. I was just thinking about this. As far as blacksmithing goes I think it's better for the player to be able to modify equipment that they find rather than making the actual equipment.
  16. Philosophy underpins science and natural philosophy.
  17. Why is there no downvote option on this forum?
  18. Fixed isometric isnt any more archaic than any other perspective.
  19. It was last tuesday here in 'murrica.
  20. Why is there always a respec thread? It's not the end of the world if you just kind of don't like where your character is going.
  21. So what, so what, and so what? God I hate these talking points that seem to just float around the internet.
  22. Not a single good reason to not have talent trees in this entire thread. That being said, I'd rather not have them.
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