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Everything posted by Metabot

  1. Even if it were tolkien-esque it wouldn't automatically make it generic. Is game of thrones generic?
  2. Hmm having elves doesn't automatically make it generic. What style? A couple of sketches? I mean really?
  3. What are people basing this judgment on? Where are they getting this secret information? It's a huge case of jumping to conclusions if you ask me.
  4. Yes there would be, such as not dying, but there will be limits on spell casting.
  5. It doesn't mean there can't be depth. You can also run your own corps and stations and such in EVE Online.
  6. I don't know. A manable city you can become the ruler of seems like the kind of over-ambitious feature Lionhead would attempt in one of their games. The idea sounds good on paper, but would it actually work well in game? I think it would be difficult to implement with the level of depth and complexity expected in an oldschool cRPG like Project Eternity. Look at mount and blade.
  7. You need to be able to pick multiple options.
  8. "Cooldowns however, shifts more focus from strategic to "tactical". The problem with this is that the tactical dimension they add here is that of micromanagement. Whether it be spells, abilities or potion spam." You still have to decide when to use certain abilities and which enemy to use it on and have to weigh that against how long the cooldown is. Micromanagement is a part of any kind of strategy and tactics so that's a silly criticism.
  9. The problem I have with this politically correct crap is that it's ok for women to have their things that are made for them, but it's not ok for men to have their things.
  10. Meh that guy's an idiot. Almost everything he says is entirely subjective, a non-sequitor, or just wrong. His stance is more from the perspective of an action gamer than really caring about RPG mechanics. So basically you failed to read the entire article? Not surprising. I read it when it was first posted and I just read it again. His arguments against cooldowns are terrible. Such as "they're inherently bad" or "they're completely non-interactive."
  11. Meh that guy's an idiot. Almost everything he says is entirely subjective, a non-sequitor, or just wrong. His stance is more from the perspective of an action gamer than really caring about RPG mechanics. That guy is a poster on this forum. Got anything to say for yourself, sea? Oh it's sea? Even better, always thought he was kind of
  12. Meh that guy's an idiot. Almost everything he says is entirely subjective, a non-sequitor, or just wrong. His stance is more from the perspective of an action gamer than really caring about RPG mechanics.
  13. I think that if they made it so that you have to use varying tactics each encounter then the game will be balanced around using cooldowns effectively instead of just using the most powerful one as soon as it comes up.
  14. I don't think the opposition to cooldowns has to do with rounds, it has to do with using abilities and spells strategically and sparingly.
  15. I never understood the hostility to cooldowns...maybe make them longer, but disliking them on principle doesn't make sense to me.
  16. I'd also love to see Obsidian making the crafting system more interesting in later stretch goals by adding quests for lore based recipes/ingredients. Also, adding hard to find recipes and/or making some "discoverable" through player combinations.
  17. I'd rather have a small crypt or cave with an interesting encounter, a strange scroll and a weird feel about it.. than a myriad of dungeon levels that are built just because more people backed the project, and not because it makes sense. Who cares if it makes complete sense. It is a game after all. This is probably going to be entirely optional. There will probably be plenty of smaller areas, etc., but a small cave as a stretch goal isn't really all that interesting now is it?
  18. Well, as any other topic, it's a matter of preference. I wanted to post this as link but the forum insists on media, so I'll have to post this as text: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVbPnDf3TIw
  19. I much prefer instrumentals to any singing in video game music.
  20. I'd like to see new areas, races and creatures unique to Eternity, and something outside of the game like an Eternity card game
  21. This sounds great. For those saying they need to add higher stretch goals look at this http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/#chart-daily
  22. Hmm in many RPGs, most, when you're a low level you have a small number of abilities.
  23. What about a spell crafting system where you can create different types of items that have a certain number of charges etc.?
  24. I thought i read somewhere that screenshots will be made public soon.
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