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Everything posted by Metabot

  1. I can see what you mean there for sure, but there are some differences between them especially if you look at the lower right.
  2. Inside of concrete, yes. Not inside solid blocks of natural stone. Ok sorry, he mentioned rebar and when it came into use. I'm researching this as I go, ha.
  3. @sensuki- Aren't you building your party with each member being needed for different tasks?
  4. Re: arches If you look at the stones, they aren't much bigger than the ones that make up the steps leading up to this ruined structures. They aren't really very large stones. This seems to be the ruins of a much larger structure. Maybe some of the ruined arches should have a few less stones left, I don't know but who cares, really? I don't know why I'm still talking about this...boredom?
  5. If you're not an architect or engineer then what do you know at all? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebar#History Rebar has been in use since the 1700s, even though earth timeline doesn't really correspond directly to PoE's timeline (a fantasy setting). Not only that but mortar used in ancient structures still holds up today in some cases.
  6. Presumable there's some kind of mortar there holding the bricks together....
  7. Yea oh well. I wish people would use simple rational thought instead of getting so emotional about it.
  8. @kebrus- Listen to logic. The beta access was an extra add-on during the kickstarter. If they charged less than that for the beta access now, people that backed then would be up in arms. Also, more logic don't pay for it if you don't want it. Also, early access is literally the same thing as beta access.
  9. Dark Souls isn't easier when you're in undead form, you can't summon help for one thing.
  10. Great thanks. I wonder if they'll fully flesh it out or just use it to make names and stuff like that.
  11. Also, as others have asked, will there be a guide to the language in the manual or some other document for our curiosity and edification?
  12. I don't agree with the idea that we should never ever have to try more than a couple of times to overcome one fight or another, all I'm saying is that it should rest on skill and knowledge of game mechanics. However, I do think there is an element of luck or chance in all combat.
  13. I'm pretty sure, at least I hope, that Sawyer is in favor of enemies playing by the same mechanics and rules as the players.
  14. Becasue that way sucks. I want it like it is in BG - the player and all NPCs and mosnters play by the exact same rules. As it was in the IE games, I want all monsters to have stats. Skills. Everything the player has. The mere mentioning of your desire top not have that makes me want to kill you for heresy. Pretty sure it's going to be that way. I don't know what primejunta is talking about here, maybe things like rabbits or something??
  15. I do understand where you're coming from to an extent, I know of no other sources of funding that Obsidian has received for this game other than the kickstarter and add-on's through paypal and late backers through paypal. This isn't Star Citizen. Now, if they actually were able to secure more funding from other sources I would be ok with that. If you don't want to pay for the beta then don't.
  16. "Concentration is similar to Concentration in 3E/3.5 (somewhat similar to Poise in Dark Souls) but it is for everyone, not just spellcasters. Concentration prevents you from playing hit reactions when you take damage. If you cannot maintain Concentration, you will play a hit reaction and your attack/reload/spell is interrupted. We're still defining the system (in fact, I was messing around with the formulae before I sat down), but that's the general idea."
  17. Hmm I don't think challenges are "built" for reloading but reloading is a necessary outcome of something being challenging...
  18. Well, Mr. Sawyer I can say that I trust you to make a great game. Fallout: New Vegas is one of my favorite games ever. There are, of course, multiple reasons for that though.
  19. Right, I didn't want to say pre-buffing was strictly necessary in all encounters, but it certainly helped greatly in certain ones.
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