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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Regis narrating possibly? If so the chap must have found some more expedient means of regeneration after Stygga, possibly a plot point? It will be interesting to see a thriving Nilfgaardian protectorate such as Toussaint, especially when set against the barbaric Northern Kingdoms "freedom," inform ones choices of who to support in the disputed lands and Skellige as well perhaps.
  2. I'm keeping an eye on it because of the unusual innovations it promises. Have they implemented a thrusting mechanic in the swordplay yet? I was a little disappointed to see only swinging in the early versions, as the thrust seems a far more obligatory attack. It reminds one of the first Diablo game ambience wise, which is no bad thing of course.
  3. Reminds me, I recently watched the original movie with the kids (to great response I might add,) but I seem to remember one part being a little different: That being the chair/hand possession scene with the lovely Ms Weaver, as I remember that scene went on for a while longer and the chair/hands were on rather first name terms with the actress so to speak. In this cut the scene seemed very truncated, am I (or my hormones) misremembering? I'm similarly not impressed by the trailers, but then again I gave up in the franchise after the second film with young Dragonslayer and the chap from Die Hard.
  4. Usually in my experience an inexperienced young person from a privileged background, with an elitist frame of mind, a smug demeanour and a hypocritical lack of regard for self reflection.
  5. I always wonder why common murders and such aren't judged as hate crimes? For instance when Mr Sutcliffe was beating prostitutes skulls in with his claw hammer back when I was a lad, surely there was a certain level of hate involved there. I'm not sure that the term fits really.
  6. It's still not released? I think we should begin to unveil the conspiracy theories now: My money is on a Nepyunian Slaarh beast holding the script to ransom because of innappropriate resemblances to political situations in its own dimension. Either that or Mr Avellone has written something so dangerously seditious and ruthless as to make the Prince seem positively meek, and the publishers are afraid of what shockwaves its release may bring.
  7. The Sky at Night featuring a look at Mercury with the recent solar transit upcoming, a very odd planet, but then again many heavenly bodies are strange. Followed by Kurosawa's Ran, the maestros take on Lear. I can't think of a better night of televisual entertainment, sometimes the beeb is worth the license fee, it's becoming rarer but the potential is still there.
  8. I believe they were all consumed by one of the Hive Fleets according to canon, strange to have Ratlings and what have you but no Squats for some reason. Probably just another means of helping to distinguish the Fantasy and 40k brands, like with the disappearance of the Zoats and other elements from Rogue Trader.
  9. Wow, well thank you Mr Sands, think i'll stick to the original games based on that however.
  10. I have to ask to those who've finished the game, is it true that the antagonist is
  11. Yep, content needs updating to mesh with "modern day gamers" and "sexism" has to be fought everywhere. Because **** internal logic, down with the patriarchy, privilege something something. They had a thread over at BD discussing this too. Barely made it to page 2 before it was shot down and offenders were dealt with. You know things are ugly when you're told to go to the KKKodex if you resent someone else's political agenda being shoved down your throat. And now I'm probably treading on thin ice myself because badmouthing other companies is a big no-no here at Obsidz'... So in other news, I'm playing through this. Installing some mods (SCS and tweaks) broke tons of strings and now items have random and nonsensical names and descriptions. Hasn't affected dialogues, so... What would be quite humorous in my opinion is to have the Cleric at the end of their narcissistic lecture say in closing, "Please donate to my Patron." This is quite a fitting play on words, referencing churches habits of taking donations, Tempus being her patron in a spiritual sense, while at the same time referencing the modern phenomena of spoiled young adults begging online like the genuinely needy, instead of working for a living.
  12. How strange, why would there be any but extremely poor transgendered people in Faerun? Magic Users are in every city and a Polymorph spell will change gender immediately, there is no need for all of the pretense. I can only blame (obviously) poor writing, lack of research and a failure to apply logic. Still hardly something to fuss over, modders are allowed to put whatever they want in a game. I have to ask however, for those who are playing, whether the Bhaal essence at Boarskeyr (spelling?) Bridge is dealt with in any manner in this game, or just handwaved away? This seems like the only interesting plot point to me i'm afraid to say, as WotC have effectively destroyed the Bhaalspawn saga with their canonical PnP treatment of poor Abd Al Adrian.
  13. As a nipper I think the Eagle was very much of its time, though making enormous strides for the medium, an optimistic and pro everyman publication with obvious sensible conservative undertones. 2000ad (reading as a teenager) however wore its colours and biases on its sleave quite clearly, though without the modern penchant for condescension, spiteful hypocrisy and preaching. Then again almost every form of media was anti Thatcher in those days, even those who had suffered through the mismanagement of the 70s socialist dream/nightmare reality, she was enormously iconic and easily demonised/caricatured.
  14. Back to the Witcher 3, just living the life of an itinerant Witcher, wandered back into Novigrad for some reason to hear Priscilla singing of Yen and Geralt. I'd forgotten just how well made this game is, usually singing in video games comes off as far too mawkish and cringeworthy, like Lillyallan's song from Dragon Age or any Bioware cutscene really, but this was actually touching and well implemented. Firmly lodged in ones noggin now as well, i've already caught myself humming a few bars. Strange that Jaskier doesn't get such a moment.
  15. The GM wants to tell their story, and what you the player wants doesn't matter, it's all about the GMs pets and their brilliant narrative. Strange how such a common poor practise amongst novice GMs is carried out by experienced developers.
  16. It's a Bioware game, don't expect logic or any kind of reasoning, perhaps the pioneers had a spare few thousand millenia to throw away making the journey to the nearest galaxy?
  17. Well i'm very sad to hear that such an old firm is closing and people are losing their jobs, but I have to question their business practises, almost everything they announced about SCL was a slap in the face to D&D players, to the extent that they had the fearsome Eye Tyrant level scaled to the player. They alienated their potential audience with almost every facet of their game, and I can't see what audience they were pursuing, D&D is a niche interest and Kickstarter and Beamdog have both shown that those interested in it are more than willing to spend money. Why spurn that huge market? I hope that some lessons have been learned going forward, I would hate to see more firms throwing everything away chasing an imaginary audience.
  18. Well all immersion is subjective so opinions may vary, but here are mine: A first person view does not immerse me in my character, I never see the individual so it is not so close to me as an isometric view or even better a third person view. I am divorced from the character, whereas if I see and control them all the time I am continually affirmed in my connection with the character. Using text and illustrations can stretch and stoke the imagination far more easily than an hour long cutscene, and it is far cheaper and brutally effective, if done correctly. Some parts of Torment or Betrayal at krondor were utterly evocative and emotional, and merely crafted by fine prose. However I am in agreement with you about Poe, it fails to immerse me, in fact the game was a slog to get through rather than a pleasure I looked back upon with fondness and a regret that it had ended. Why is this? I think there are two reasons for me personally: One is the dissonance between the narrative, setting, art design and the gameplay. For instance the games asks questions about how knowledge of souls would affect a society, it has an art style that is as beautiful as its inspiration and benefits from the verisimilitude it cleaves to, it has a well considered setting where civilisations are more well thought out and more organic than what we see in many other games. Then we have the gameplay which is the standard fare of grinding combat, collecting pointless tat in an unexplained infinite stash, selling this and collecting more quests to farm, the stats which are balanced but are utterly illogical and unintuitive, the drab itemisation and a quest that never really resolves exactly why i'm bothering with it, I have no motivation. I get the feeling that the devs couldn't be bothered to create a system that fit with their art style, setting and prose, they just handwaved it away. *SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2 AND THE ENDGAME BEGIN HERE, PLEASE SKIP IF NOT DESIROUS OF VIEWING* The second reason for me is the lack of a creative spark: How chapter 2 is resolved for instance, the exact same problem as the NWN2 trial raises its head again and I am rendered into an observer rather than a player, all the work i've done is cast away and this is irksome in the extreme, expecially when faced for a second time. In fact what is even more frustrating is that the trial in NWN2 was a better experience, with much coming into play and so much participation allowed. Then we have the method by which we defeat the demigod whom we are facing for vague reasons, what options are we given? Are they as varied as what we recieved in Fallout when dealing with the Master, are they as varied as the choices one can exercise when facing Kerghan the Terrible in the Void? No you have a bossfight. After New Vegas and Alpha Protocol I expected more than just another combat in a long line of them, how come developers are not thinking beyond this tiresome bossfight addiction? *SPOILERS END* Sorry to unload such negative waves but this is truthful criticism, and I would not back a Poe 2 based on my experience in the first game, there were just too many issues and too much handwaved away. The game was a tiresome slog for me, and needed to make up its mind whether it was going to try and grab my attention through a massive amount of detail and reactivity like say an Ultima or Deus Ex or whether it was going to focus on core aspects and make them enthralling like a Diablo, BG2 or Grim Dawn, the trying both and failing to achieve them did not satisfy me as I was neither enjoying the gameplay or becoming immersed in the setting. All this said I did recognise in my recent playthrough of the second part of the White March that the team were aware of the game weak spots and trying to rectify them, but I still will have to wait and see for a Poe 2 whether it is Kickstarted or not. Edit: The soundtrack must be mentioned of course as a positive as well, fantastic work by Mr Bell.
  19. Considering the prices our antipodean cousins are charged every game should come with frankincense, gold and myrrh borne by three wise men, though I realise the latter may be harder to acquire than the former.
  20. 2k games now available on the site with a sale of some of the better ones, one can now purchase the first Freedom Force and not just the sequel.
  21. They weren't unicorns, they were just d**kheads. Edit: Sorry couldn't resist.
  22. So when did it find the RPG Codex? I was recently watching the same spectacle up at the Ladybower Dam in the Peak District, it is fascinating.
  23. My first thought would be to take out multiple life assurance policies, but that's biased towards who I am now, as a twenty year old I would do things differently: Firstly I would grab the individual who gave me the note, threaten them with pain of violence and torture, demand more life and an antidote, and work my way up to the mass murderer who is behind all of this. Even if I was given an antidote I would still crush the skull of the sick freak responsible for killing so many youngsters, this would be a necessary and goodly task whatever the outcome. Hopefully this would end this sick practise, however even if it did not and my family was punished I would say that I was correct in my actions, this murderous practise should be opposed and given no quarter.
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