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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. A fine point and one that needed to be made, for Britain has often judged a future leader by the real estate twixt upper lip and brow. Indeed a strong rudder like appendage has oft been seen as a sure sign of a man or womans commitment to the cause, will to succeed and an able indicator of their direction. One only has to remember Tennyson's vivid words when regarding Arthur Wellesley's famed profile: Poetry of the Proud Puissant Proboscis.
  2. Personally I was surprised that Mr Johnson was such a staunch campaigner for the exit vote, the gentleman speaks numerous languages, is a great admirer of continental culture and history, and is a very avid traveller to all of the cultural capitals of Europe. He would seem, before the election, to be an almost certain candidate for the remain camp. The whole not taking Boris seriously thing is rather his own fault however, the gentleman does cultivate and reinforce his bumbling nitwit reputation frequently.
  3. Neither: https://johnsonweld.com/ It's interesting to me that in many western countries the electorate is growing increasingly tired of the established parade of fools and seeking a viable third way, something better and more representative, whether it's a fools wish or not I think this speaks of an admirable optimism. Then again i've always felt that the electorate has been too often demonised or dismissed by smug elitists content with the establishment.
  4. I've got to admit that even though I have no stake in this, and it is really none of my business, I have to wonder what the voting turn out will be considering two such unlikeable and incompetent candidates are running. Be interesting to see.
  5. I think Mrs May is far too canny a politician to do this, indeed her moderate stance in the referendum is probably what has almost guaranteed that she will lead the party in the immediate future. By playing the middle of the road she is appealing to a rather large demographic who are sick of the extremism and rhetoric, and also taking over the role that New Labour occupied. Now defining what exactly our position will be going forward as a trade partner, well that may be a minefield to tread, and one I don't envy anyone attempting. The expectations and factions are probably just as entrenched as those being brought into the referendum. I don't think anyone will be satisfied in the long term. That said I also don't believe Mrs May has the grit or sheer bloody mindedness of our last lady premier (who does?) and thus we cannot expect as good a deal with Europe as she might have achieved.
  6. Have entered the alien world of Timirianya with Gorath and Owyn in Betrayal at Krondor, I have to admit that now mechanically the game is a doddle as i'm massively overpowered, even if temporarily without Owyn's spells, he can serve as an able fighter and Gorath is a juggernaut of doom. This isn't really spoiling my enjoyment of this alien, haunted world however, with its weird crystalline formations and violent Valheru legacy. A rather nice narrative turn, and a welcome respite from the Kingdom of the Isles.
  7. Nations, whether they've existed for thousands of years like Britain or Greece, a few centuries like the USA, or a few decades like the European superstate, can hardly be condemned as good or bad on a whim. One could condemn all of humanity for industrialisation (or just Britain for introducing it,) and the toll that has taken on our planet, and yet it has brought so many advances and benefits to mankind. At the end of the day condemning or immodestly proclaiming one nation or another as the greatest or the worst is in my opinion a little silly. Britain as part of this new European superstate is no better or worse than Britain apart from Europe, it demeans neither and frankly being a drama queen about it is very silly. Edit: Personally I think the world is big enough for almost every culture, religion, people and nation to coexist and cooperate peacefully and reflect real diversity, rather than mimic the robot like conformity which is now touted as diversity.
  8. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a post apocalyptic setting where the removal of industrialisation has benefited the world, the Earth is healing and evolving in strange ways to deal with the scars of the past and even (what remains of) mankind has had to adapt to this. Start with something small and tightly designed like the first Fallout, a compact setting with a distinctive aesthetic like both Arcanum and Fallout had. A man can dream.
  9. A tragedy, hopefully there are no escalations or reprisals, commiserations to the affected families and of course traumatised bystanders.
  10. I'm surprised that a chalk hill figure (like the Uffington White Horse) hasn't been made somewhere near there to commemorate Crazy Horse, seems like an ideal stop gap while the statuary is carved/dynamited. Then again does the USA have any history of making hill figures? I suppose it might not have crossed over the pond, plus the chalk layers under the Downs make it considerably easier.
  11. I know that words aren't enough when it comes to losing family, nothing heals those wounds, but for what it's worth my condolences Mr Bartimaeus. I hope that life will give a little comfort and happiness where it has taken from you.
  12. Sounds serious, best of luck to your companion Malcador.
  13. Speaking of mans best friend my Fido is ill, off his food, losing weight and listless. Taking him to the Vets in half an hour to get some tests run, hoping for the best, fearing the worst.
  14. There's a very detailed and in depth review on the Codex if that's any help. Chapter IV in Betrayal at Krondor, trapped in the very heart of the enemy stronghold, a quite daring narrative move if I do say so myself. Due to the clues i've gathered and noticed its become quite clear to me whom the real antagonist is, long before the game acknowledge this, but that is true in most media I suppose and I am too far placed to do anything about the matter.
  15. Well by the looks of it Mrs Clinton is grossly incompetent if nothing else, not sure who'd want such an individual for a head of state. If the old adage that loose lips sink ships holds true however, prepare for the greatest naval disaster of all time following her investiture.
  16. I slaughtered a small nation worth of people, how am I expected to remember just one? Please add an "Apathy is death!" option to the poll.
  17. Pardon me for not really paying attention (its not really my business,) but these two clowns surely aren't your only options are they?
  18. I have to admit that i'm obsessed with my IQ score...when i'm playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
  19. As an American who went from fat to fit, that's true. If I were to name a cause for the unhealthy I'd say it's due to the saturation of unhealthy food everywhere and a lack of time(and will) to exercise with the 8 hour shifts and hour+ commutes to and from work. As part of probably the fattest nation (who used to be) in Europe I agree, and would also add that the convenience and sedentary nature of modern life also adds to the expanding waistline of our respective countries. Life is just so much easier now, for entertainment one does not have to even leave the house, one does not have to move from the couch to change a channel on the telly, food can be prepared in minutes or ordered, and all together I think we have become somewhat a victim of our own ingenuity. I remember as a boy playing outside for hours, running up the local slag heap with a bucket to scrounge chunks of coal for the fire, running to the shops if we were out of something, or digging vegetables up from the allotment. Compared to those days, even with the busy workout schedule I maintain and my reliance on walking, I do not think I am expanding half as much energy.
  20. Sorry. I have to agree, every time i've travelled over to the states i've noticed how much larger you people are. While drinking with some acquaintances back in the eighties I was nudged and told, "Your round!" I stood myself up foursquare and tall and said to the porcine gentleman, "No you're round friend, however i'll go and get the drinks in." Had rather a good laugh about it after he'd stopped chasing me, and had a sit down and a breather for half an hour. That's pretty offensive mate. But not wrong. It's strange because of the variety in my opinion, the fittest people i've ever met have been Americans, and yet at the same time the most unhealthy have also been from the states. It seems to be a country of extremes.
  21. I have to agree, every time i've travelled over to the states i've noticed how much larger you people are. While drinking with some acquaintances back in the eighties I was nudged and told, "Your round!" I stood myself up foursquare and tall and said to the porcine gentleman, "No you're round friend, however i'll go and get the drinks in." Had rather a good laugh about it after he'd stopped chasing me, and had a sit down and a breather for half an hour.
  22. There's something about Michael Gove that really makes my skin crawl, i'm not sure what it is (and maybe i'm quite wrong) but I would not trust the chap as far as I could throw him. In other new I invested in a great many shares of European companies specialising in soothing rectal cream before the Brexit vote, I am now quite pleased with the financial return that has been achieved due to Englands (monstrous) vote for independence.
  23. We all know that those who preach the loudest almost invariably excuse their own shortcomings and have the morality of pond scum, we've seen it time and again whether they be supposed liberals, evangelists, SJFs or just censorious condescending busybodies, this is hardly a surprise. Edit: I think its a little rash to condemn Mr Valsuelm due to his viewing choices, the gentleman deserves the benefit of the doubt, as do we all.
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