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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. The stats seem very intuitive, something I like, Memory seems like quite a good innovative addition. You really can't fault Larian when it comes to ambition. The only thing I would look for that didn't seem to be on offer was a physical build option, where one could have say slim, normal or muscular body types. Something Morphs?
  2. Oh the novels aren't bad by any means, but they are a different beast and tend to focus on aspects I was less interested in, Ciri for instance. You may well enjoy them, they are still well written and interesting, and at points excellent. I'd still recommend them, and I admit I have a bias for the short story format.
  3. When I was a young man I worked as a Drivers Mate for a few months, the driver of said lorry would regularly steer with his voluminous paunch while eating, smoking, drinking, sticking his head out of the window to roar and gesticulate at other drivers etcetera. Surprisingly he had a clean license and not even a point on it.
  4. Justified is very, very good isn't it? Even the smallest character is well crafted and written, the writing is of stellar quality and there's an essential humanity to the whole program, along with some quite subtle points easily missed if one doesn't watch carefully. I've just watched one about the Marshalls seizing a fraudsters belongings, which includes some forged Hitler artwork, the plot was byzantine and surprising. The high point was probably the cameo of Robert Picardo, as a man obsessed with his fathers guilt and wrongdoings, to the point where he destroyed history (something I can't agree with no matter the source,) and centred his whole life on that task. This of course fed into Raylan's issues with his own father. Nice to see that television of this quality is still being made.
  5. The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny anthologies are (in my opinion) the highlights of Sapkowski's Witcher/Ciri chronicles.
  6. Signed Buffalo Bill. (It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.)
  7. I've no wish to financially support them when they've expressed certain anti consumer views, so I won't. GOG and other modders seemed to be doing a good enough job keeping classics running and relevant before the Beamdog mod became mandatory. If GOG goes back to selling an original version alone i'll buy that. It's really not a big deal however, just a weekends urge stymied.
  8. I've no idea. I just enter my e-mail and password to log on, don't know if I even have a nickname on there. Pity about IWD though, i'd buy the original, jut not the Beamdog modded one. Probably pick up another disc from E-bay or somewhere.
  9. **** it Shady, let's be timecops. You'll be the married guy expecting a kid who plays it by the book and I'll be the loose cannon who does things his own way. Parker, Sands, get your candy asses in my office, an I mean thirty damn minutes ago. YOU HEARIN ME? TEMPUS FUGIT GODDAMN IT! Whole department going to the stone age and I have to be stuck with these two jokers!
  10. Was going to play some Icewind Dale when I realised one of my collectors edition discs is broken/scratched, went on GOG and found they only sell the Beamdog modded version, so insead I loaded up the 2005 Punisher game and began murdering people in grotesque and torturous fashions. Having a ball now, pity about IWD.
  11. Looks a little more stylised than DOW 2, but about on par with the first game, though obviously when the guard are introduced verismilitude rises as they are the "gritty reality" of the 40k universe. I have to admit that one of the thing i'm bothered about is the opening inclusion of the Eldar, they are almost always treated just like every other faction, when in truth they cannot afford the losses other can, and that naturally alters their gambits: They wait, they plot, they manipulate and only deploy when they are certain of victory, out of necessity as much as good strategic sense. The Guard and Orks can swamp their foes, the Astartes can strike swiftly and pull victory out of defeat, but the Eldar should be used more judiciously than in earlier DOWs where one could slaughter thouands, a loss that any Craftworld could not easily endure.
  12. Yuck, I can't help feeling that my PC will be tainted by the foul miasma of consolitis now! How sickening.
  13. Nonek


    Ah to be young, partaking of the Mary Jane and spouting "wisdom."
  14. Mr Ep, not to belittle your idea in anyway or diminish your hopes, but I don't think you're going about this in the correct manner: Anybody can form a plot, write a description of it and have the initial brainstorming, in a creative medium there are probably dozens of workers eager to do so. What would probably stand out is implementation, don't just design something on paper, get a demo of it working in some kind of engine, whether the NWN, Dungeon Siege or GECK it doesn't matter so long as you prove you have the ability, drive and desire to make something in the field you wish to work in. Send the end product to a local developer who is hiring and see if you can arrange an interview, a work trial, criticism or something. A post about a JRPG plot in a WRPG forum is not likely to be noticed, it is more likely to be ignored or ridiculed friend. Still best of British.
  15. Interesting and makes for a more legitimate reasoning but i'd still think that starving, thirsting, being abused and probably killed on a daily basis among the wretched might make a few years in luxury breeding for Mr Joe (and suffering just his beatings) a fairly good prospect of advancement. Edit: Still I think Lexx is right, it works as an action movie despite any flaws, it's gorgeous, jaw dropping and exhilirating.
  16. They must have seen that they are in a den of luxury and stability compared to the outside world, they obviously have contact with the outside (enough so that they can arrange their rescue,) and so must know that though having to please an ugly old man they are in a far, far better position than anybody in the wastes where life is brutal, short and barely sustainable. To risk all of the privilege they have on a rumour, and venture into the wastes with as shady a character as Furiosa, when they surely must know that they'll probably die, be sold or find much worse conditions...well thats stretching their idiocy beyond the limit i'd find acceptable. Mr Joe may not have much, but he has built up something in this desolate land, and this speak of some at least base cunning. He can find, buy or raid for other fertile women, or just wait for them to come to him as he has one of the most precious resources in the wasteland, and even the ugliest and most detestable individuals (Donald Trump for instance) can be assured of affection due to their wealth. Edit: Then again it's probably a subjective thing, I see the wasteland setting as a perfect vehicle for deconstructing modern day morality, showing just how feral, hard and practical mankind can be when they are faced with survival or death. What they will do that they would not before, and what they will sacrifice for a few more drops of water, bites of food or little comforts. Where men like Joe, as vicious and unlikable as they are, are at least building something and trying to hold on to some semblance of society even if one so disfunctional. I thought Dredd explored this wonderfully as you point out, Mama and the Block gangs are a product of Megacity life and inhumanity, but the Judges are just a little better than the alternative which would be almost assured self destruction.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKHihAPr2Rc
  18. I agree that Fury Road is a great example of an action movie, the plot however for me leaves something wanting: For instance why do Mr Joe's brides want to leave the oasis of luxury he has created? Their lives are so much better than almost anyone in the wastes, they have fresh water, books, safety etc and simply have to fornicate with and produce the offspring of an ugly old man to maintain this. In a harsh environment such as the setting presents their urge for "freedom" seems naive and infantile, freedom is all well and good but starvation, dehydration and death surely outweigh it to most reasonable people. Then there is the bathing scene when Max reaches Furiosa's rig, the sheer idiotic wastefulness of the young ladies who are letting water, which is basically more precious liquid gold, spurt out over the desert waste so they can bathe themselves. Why the hell would anyone accept these wasteful idiots into their society, or help them? The young ladies come off as stupid, spoiled, trouble causing and not worth the effort of saving. I could go on into why Mr Joe who seems to actually be crafting a workable (though harsh) society in this wasteland is the next moment portrayed as an idiot who has to abandon all he has crafted over the years for a resource he can replace, but I think I have been harsh enough on a movie I actually liked.
  19. You probably already know this but a word to the wise Mr Dog, choose your tennants carefully! I've been renting out a three bedroom house for the last ten years or so and though making a decent profit...well the work i've had to put into repair after digging out certain tennants, it was expensive, time consuming and a little tiring mentally. I honestly wondered to myself how people could live like that, and why they'd want to? It may seem intrusive and not something one wishes to partake in but you might wish to conduct regular inspections of your property.
  20. Yes we're all absolutely spiffing aren't we?
  21. How does one go about rating the potentially incalculable? No i'm only joshing, be interested to see whether they uphold the obvious quality of Daredevil or plumb the depths of Agents of Shield in these new shows. Though truth told i'm sick of all the superhero stuff.
  22. Indeed the foul deviancy of these degenerates must be rooted out with flame and sword, purge and scourge brethren! Taint not your heart with mercy for this scum, their every moment of life is a bitter poison, they dwell outside the light of the Emperor and only when their ashes are blown on the wind can they achieve salvation and once again behold His perfection. Thought for the day: Cherish pain, embrace the wound and court agony, for only in suffering in His service do we approach redemption!
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsUCRcK7QYc
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