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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Wasn't there a rumour somewhere that New Vegas might be coming to GOG, or do I need to take my medication again? Edit: Great minds and whatnot.
  2. These are the moments that stay with you as a parent i've found, little moments of development that make your heart swell. My own boy had quite crippling claustrophobia when young, and when on a potholing holiday in the Peak District he managed to push himself into squeezing through dark passages and caverns, well I was the one with tears in my eyes. (Which I hid behind a thorough blowing of my nose of course!) His claustrophobia has been greatly diminished ever since, to the point of mere irritation.
  3. Make naval navigation through the channel and North Sea a touch tricky I imagine.
  4. There are grim scenes in the City of London tonight as the English rise up against their European overlords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_xnfQMSzXQ
  5. I also thought that the North might well be permanently removed from southern Westeros by the Children (or Bran) completing their ancient ritual, and the Freys thus having a measure of revenge enacted against them when they died amid their crumbling towers. Shows how far from the authors imaginings I usually am.
  6. Nice to see the noirish aspect of the Witcher acknowledged, very few folk seem to get that Geralt is oft times playing it Bogart to the hilt. Pardon the poor pun.
  7. I always thought from the way that the books were handling the character that Cersei would live a long life, broken, miserable, probably mad and a pariah to every individual in Westeros. I may be mistaken however.
  8. Northern Ireland will most likely eject at some point, however I believe that the Scots and Welsh may well be seeking advantage as they have been doing for some time now. It will certainly be an interesting time for Westminster and require some deft handling that i'm personally unsure we have MPs capable of. Edit: In an ideal scenario this might lead to a reordering of the Union, and some very necessary changes being enacted, but usually politicians react rather than act, so I doubt it.
  9. Oh I was unaware of such a term, i'm a touch out of joint with much modern slang.
  10. It is not in the people of the U.S.A.'s interest for the EU to even exist. Obama and Hillary supporting 'remain' has nothing to do with furthering the interests of the people of the U.S.A., nor is near anything else they ever do or say. But the EU does exist and having an ally within it who is easily influenced to support the USAs position is desirable. Hardly unexpected, the Auld Alliance is still remembered both sides of the borders. There is enough bad blood between the Scots and English (for good reason) that the large proportion of Scots who want closer integration with Europe, as a buffer against Westminster rule, is warranted. With North Sea oil drying up and the Scottish favouring EU integration I think most Englishmen would think it only fair for Scotland to have another referendum, though obviously this would be a deciding vote for a good while.
  11. I have to wonder how many months it's been since I began escorting Gorath to our urgent appointment in Krondor, still I have enjoyed every moment of our trip, even though i'm now probably over levelled and shy of challenge for the forseeable future and chapters.
  12. Seems appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXg6UB9Qk0o
  13. I don't wish to be pedantic but shouldn't your Shardbearer Amber have a visible scar over her heart, especially when exposing so much of her chest. Also where is the boat or ship you refer to in the Aloth and Eder hugging illustration? That said excellent work, one should always have a hobby or two, personally I enjoy beating my family and chess.
  14. In my opinion its because most of our spineless lapdog politicians were useful sock puppets for the USAs interests in Europe, a foothold in the door so to speak and an ally amongst what may be a future enemy.
  15. Are you not partaking of a little equitation before moving on Mr Hurlshot? The wide vistas on display in your photograph seem to call for a little horseback reconnaisance and wandering.
  16. Mr Hitler is on the case with astonishing rapidity as per usual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2D8MB5s8Jg
  17. One has to wonder how such drama queens would handle real tribulation in their lives?
  18. Saw the latest X Man film with Mrs Nonek, the one with the Egyptian god chap, quite a nice action movie, the usual silly simmer fluff but very well executed. I still can't understand why on Earth they replaced Rebecca Romijn with the young charisma vacuum who now plays Mystique.
  19. Personally I always preferred Jerusalem, or maybe something by Vaughan Williams or Elgar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8VH0sbEU20
  20. Agism is very much an acceptable form of discrimination, and mostly overlooked or ignored. Lack of foresight.
  21. The modern English. I'm deeply ashamed for my race.
  22. Made a nice change from the usual squeeing, cheesy idiot banter that we are usually subjected to in my opinion, at least AoD had a little bottom rather than the vapid mediocrity that is oh so popular.
  23. I don't know about the rest of my British brethren but I feel deliciously rebellious and chaotic, one can almost see the attraction of Heresy. Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne. Tea for the teacup. Edit: Let the galaxy European Union burn!
  24. I've finished Blood & Wine: A nice enough ending to the game but nowhere near the level of Heart of Stone, and not really as daring and CDPRish as the rest of the Witcher 3. A little too much catering to the player, rather than the usual catering to the narrative, characters, situation or setting that i've come to expect from the Witcher series.
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