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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. May Eostre grant all here fitness, fatness and fertility, praise the world reborn.
  2. I have to admit that when this began to preach Scientology dogma I gave a rather large guffaw.
  3. Planescape: Torment managed to implement a walk/run toggle sixteen plus years ago, surely now it should be par for the course?
  4. Doesn't have much with how the world is regarded, the word terra is a feminine noun, so terratus is not a valid form in Latin. The point I was trying to make was that maybe it is a masculine noun in their worlds version of Latin, hence Terratus.
  5. It's probably Alpha Protocol that allows me a fair degree of hope that the "evil" path may be well implemented, Michael Thorton Inc. is probably the most satisfying ending one can achieve. Though I think it's a pity that Mr Avellone is absent as his particular brand of twisted creativity always appeals, though I think Mr Travis Stout was equally far out, has that gentleman left as well? Still Mr Fenstermaker's Beyond the Beef and Vault 11 were both fantastically ambiguous.
  6. Too bad terra is feminine. Do we know that the Earth is regarded as feminine in the world of Tyranny? If so then yes the designers have made a mistake and should have used Terrata, however i'm quite sure the designers are aware of the language they are aping, and have performed a modicum of basic research. If not then i'll be a little disappointed after the sterling work done in Poe on this front. Edit: Extremely pleased to hear about the Bronze/Iron age setting, less pleased to hear about the anime nature of combat, though Homer ocassionally had his heroes performing ridiculous feats of martial aptitude. I'm not sure how these two things will mesh, if we have an extremely well grounded and internally consistent world, and then in combat are using idiotic movesets like in God of War, Devil May Cry and such, then there may arise a dissonance between the two. Poe suffers from this in my opinion, to its detriment.
  7. Well the voice actor is David Warner by the sounds of it, which makes your supposition astute in my estimation.
  8. I have to admit that the only thing I took away from the demonstration following the intro cutscene was that they should have used some players who knew what they were doing, rather than a blindfolded Gibbon. Edit: No offense to Gibbons of course.
  9. Right, well this one called for a quick perusal of my reference literature: As far as I can tell the Latin suffix -tus mimics the English suffix -ed in most ways, so with that in mind Terra as Earth would with the -tus suffix become Earthed, an Earth that is current? For instance a common use that we all know would be Manus, hand, becoming having a hand when made into Manuatus. Perfect Participles, verbs, nouns, and all of the boring stuff i've left out as they serve to confuse more than illuminate i've found, I often get lost myself when using them. Edit: Romanes eunt domus. Edit#2: I really should find something better to do with my time.
  10. Earth that is, would that be the translation in Latin? That would be Terra, as Bartimaeus said. Terratus sounds like something a twelve year old would come up with, thinking it's the coolest thing ever, because he knows a word in Latin. Though, maybe I'm being a little to harsh. I would have thought that the -tus ending would imply a state of being, Terra being simply Earth. Though I must admit my Latin lessons are now four decades or more old and purposely repressed, the teacher was a stern veteran who liked to punish mispronunciation with a rap across the knuckle from his cane, stung somewhat. Edit: I still get itchy fingers when hearing Latin, from BGs garbled spell words to Kains Vae Victus. Edit#2: Then again it might well have a dual meaning and derive from Terror linguistically to reflect the state of the gameworld, though that's probably overthinking it somewhat.
  11. I'm getting terrible flashbacks to Oblivion... Might it be something similar to a Chanter's proclamations in Poe? Words of Power arranged to varying effect.
  12. Earth that is, would that be the translation in Latin?
  13. Teknoman2 said: "the best phrase to know i as many languages as you can is "i dont know" here's some examples (spelling may be wrong is some) non lo so - italian (not sure about this one) no intiendo -spanish ich weis nicht - german wakara nai - japanese je ne sais pas - french" Haven't the foggiest old boy - English. Edit: Sometimes the quoting system on this board is positively frightful, Volourn may have had the right idea all along.
  14. Gawkers rumoured latest owner can afford almost anything. That said a shrewd investor does not back a loss making company for long, unless it is being used for another purpose that is maybe appealing to friends or associates. Edit: I hope Mr Hogan makes a large donation to an anti racism campaign, and of course that Kotaku folds, making an undeniable great day for the incline of journalism.
  15. Started tinkering with Grim Dawn, this is a lot more to my taste than Titan Quest. Trying to create a Witch Hunter type of chap and it's very enjoyable, i'm also interested in the world and narrative surprisingly enough.
  16. Pour Homme, Pour Femme, Pour Braaaiiiiiinnnnssss.
  17. Well there goes the weekend.
  18. Some might say that a game called Tyranny naturally belongs on Steam because of their business practises, I however couldn't possibly comment.
  19. Badges! We don't need no stinking badges!
  20. Well hopefully some thought goes into the common folks situation, station, and predicament rather than the usual handwaving that is all too prevalant throughout CRPGs. It's all very well focusing on the elite, but food needs to be put on the table, taxes paid, trade conducted and all the real work of a civilisation be maintained by the masses as usual. Indeed I think one could make a very decent RPG out of something paralleiling Wat Tyler's revolt, and the changes that occurred after the Black Death ravaged Europe.
  21. Indeed and personally I regard exploring these settings from unusual viewpoints as a desirous thing, the only thing i'd be uncomfortable with is probably the established pederasty of the Spartan state, that would have to be handled extremely delicately and authentically to be done well. However i'd never say such a game should not be made, as i'm not a censorious person, nor do I think it will corrupt the supposedly ignorant masses. If I were too uncomfortable with it i'd simply not buy. However as I stated earlier, playing as strange and foreign, even alien characters is desirous to me personally. I still long to play an Ork RPG, from humble Boy to terrible Warlord, the dialogue itself would probably be enough to grant it a legendary status if it was on a Relic level.
  22. I find playing a longer game simple, I play a couple of hours a night and repeat until complete. However I have found numerous short games satisfying, Fallout for instance, Alpha Protocol, Dungeon Siege 3, the Max Payne shooters, Space Marine etcetera. If a tight budget and timeframe interferes then i'd ideally want the detail and quality prioritised over larger areas replete with trash mobs, copy pasted loot and no real content.
  23. What I think might be interesting to see would be the common folks reaction to the Evil Empire, so they have changed masters from the feudal nobles who worked them to an early grave and used divine right to secure their position, and now they are ruled by a conqueror who waded through rivers of blood (including some of their own no doubt) to claim rulership. Will they see any real difference, will their taxes change, will law and order be maintained, will they be able to make a living, will in the end tugging the forelock and lowering ones eyes to one armoured tyrant be so different from the old armoured tyrants? I would absolutely love to play the role of an administrator who is concerned with such matters, or maybe even risen from the commons and determined to give something back. Never mind the morality of the new lord, what can I do to expedite his rule, stabilise his realm, maintain peace, boost the economy and raise the standard of living for all by the quickest method possible. In other words make the realm strong and wealthy, for the sinews of warfare are wealth, but also benefit everyone at the same time. Edit: The Bastardborn sound quite interesting in the manner of the numerous Fitzwhatevers who were so influential in medieval history, to have a ruling class arise from the Bastardry sounds quite possible, and for them to glory in that name then is not so unusual. I look forward to seeing this implemented.
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