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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Britain has a curry, the USA trumps. Sorry I couldn't help myself.
  2. Its hardly unexpected, when we adopted decimalisation we were promised that prices would not rise, of course they did. When North Sea oil was discovered we were promised the lowest petrol prices in Europe, they became some of the highest. We pay our Road Tax to travel on highways that ruin our cars due to their almost non existent level of maintenance. Nobody really expected the politicians to do what they said, or be able to, these are the usual lies we all expect and no one really takes Farage seriously, he is merely the recipient of protest votes. With his erstwhile objective achieved I wouldn't be surprised to see him and his diminish remarkably swiftly. I have to admit that i'm loving the bitterness displayed by the Remain camp, so many predictions of a resounding victory and the impossibility of the Leave vote triumphing has turned almost all of them into seething bodies of hatred. The villainiation and demonisation of the Leave camp has already started. Its strange how isolated and insulated the capital was from the prevailing mood in the majority of the country, anyone with roots in England outside London could tell that the Leave camp was not to be dismissed.
  3. I wouldn't say just fine, there were serious problems in those days that needed addressing and some would say some still do. However I agree that Britain can forge its own destiny independently, indeed the challenge might be very good for us as a people. An appropriate song for this historic ocassion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv41AgQTlrA
  4. I have to wonder which Archon our Fatebinder will eventually rise to supplant, most probably that Tuerny the Merciless chap.
  5. To be replaced with other corrupt politicians or spineless trade union lackeys, most probably all from the same schools and backgrounds, backed by the same institutions and with the same mandate of perpetuating Parliament rather than serving the people. I'm going to flip a coin. "I am presented with a dilema, let's call it a two sided coin, if the coin falls one way Britain sacrifices itself and thus restores Europe and the status quo. If the coin lands on the reverse Britain refuses the sacrifice and thus dooms Europe and itself to an uncertain future and possible collapse. Either way the game is rigged." "Apparently this is so, but suppose you throw a coin enough times, suppose one day it lands on its edge..."
  6. Have to admit i'm still on the fence, yes I don't trust the unelected officials of Brussels, but on the other hand I most certainly don't trust the elected representatives of Westminster, especially when they have no one looking over their shoulder. Ideally as others have said i'd vote for, "Go back to being a trade block." False binary decisions really rub my rhubarb.
  7. Much like the real Jane Austen, a noted pugilist and libertine.
  8. Perhaps the colony in Greenland might not have failed given such an alternate history, and the USA might have emerged in an entirely different fashion. The United States of Vinland? Edit: Good Lord! Imagine how terrible the pirates and privateers would have been in the Age of Sail if Britain were bolstered by the Dutch and Scandinavians. Canute's claim would have been no boast.
  9. I don't believe that I have uddenly gained in IQ but the riddle boxes in Krondor are being solved with consumate ease, I must just be in the right mindset or upon the same wavelength as the designers. I do like this break from standard gameplay and the chance to flex ones mental muscles, however minutely.
  10. Perhaps, the warlike nature of the Normans certainly points to such an outcome.
  11. Watched a weird old animation called Gandahar, wonder why stuff like this doesn't get made anymore?
  12. I've always wondered what might have been if Canute's line had been stronger or if Harald had won against Harold and William in 1066.
  13. I had the urge for something verbose and epic and so turned to Betrayal at Krondor, fantastic prose highlights and enhances so many aspects of the game, i'm surprised Mr Halford did not climb higher in the video game industry based on this game alone. Point of fact i'd have thought that Obsidian might have hired the gentleman at some point, their games and style seem to mesh quite well, New Vegas almost seems like a futuristic version of BaK at times. Anyway back to Midkemia.
  14. Had to reprimand an employee yesterday for telling a joke based on this tragedy, the gay staff member who overheard him wanted his dismissal but I think that's overreacting. A morbid sense of humour and laughing at tragedy are English (and Jewish) traits, I believe it serves as a coping mechanim and to diminish the atrocity in question.
  15. Since the issue has been raised may I also ask whether not just Grombrindal but other famous characters or the old Regiments of Renown are used? Mengil Manhide's Dark Elves, Bugman's Rangers, Eeza Ugezods lads, Mordini's Doomed Legion etcetera.
  16. I agree mostly, but I would say that a referendum was long overdue and that is part of the problem, when entering the common market we were not told that we would be part of a superstate ruled from Brussels, and if we had been then most probably there would have been a resounding negative vote, even with the poverty of the time. This is of course an evolution and nobodies fault per se, but the electorate should have been consulted far more often in my opinion, as this goes beyond self governance. I also agree with the percieved problems, many of which we will have whether in or out of Europe: Bureaucracy is a constant and even with sweeping reforms Whitehall (and the rest of the Civil Service) remains a bloated beast, we don't (and cannot I suspect) spend enough on border patrols to stop illegal aliens, and employers will always hire those who want to work over the shiftless. As for the Tories this will most probably destroy them for the next election and a few after that, they are already splintering, I just hope that UKIP remains a joke and protest vote, and does not gain any measure of power. Then again usually the electorate are smart enough to only grant UKIP votes when the result will not guarantee them any measure of influence, which is heartening. Edit: An unexplored benefit of European integration that I think should be raised more often is the lack of aggression and warfare which was fairly much a constant every few decades before the Union. Of course no one can say that this is caused by the Union, but this was certainly one of its aims, and to that extent it has succeeded to the benefit of probably the world at large.
  17. There is quite an...interested outlook in some Commonwealth countries I am informed, who see an exit from Europe as a chance to gain more favourable trade deals and closer market ties with other European countries who are still willing to trade with the UK and its partners. Closer integration with the commonwealth might very well be a viable alternative to Europe, or even more valuable, but there is always quite a risk inherent in dealing with some member states. I wouldn't be surprised if her Majesty and her wastrel brood begin reaffirming old ties and visiting the old colonies, though of course this anti immigration rhetoric would have to be eased. Which could be rather ironic in the circumstances.
  18. Just watched the first two episodes of a show called "Powers" about superheroes with a twist, the protagonist is a superhuman with his powers stripped from him and now working as a policeman monitoring the other superhumans. Its quite good so far, has a very good cast, and features none of the usual squeeing and predictability that has become endemic in television. For once I was not able to tell what would happen from scene to scene, and the protagonist (who I think is the chap from district 9) is pleasingly grim and conflicted. The theme of loss and a new broader perspective arising from that reminds me somewhat of the Exile in TSL.
  19. I agree that they would willingly do (and did) a favour for Gandalf, however would they do something that their master (Manwe was it?) wanted the free folk to accomplish on their own? I very much got the feeling that the destruction of the Ring was a task that the Valar wanted the people to accomplish independently, perhaps as a reckoning for the pride of Numenor and Saurons turning of that people, redemption? Though with a little help from the five Wizards of course. I always wondered whether Tolkien had a seperate line for the five Wizards in his Ring poem originally: Five Wizards to wander the wilds of Middle Earth or somesuch.
  20. There is a theory that Gandalf was headed to the eagles when they got stopped by Sauron and forced to pass through Moria. Gandalf died, and no one else said "Hey!! Let's go to the eagles!" Because they were being persued by Orcs, and the Elves were closer. The eagles' home is located on the other side of the mountains. Still the Elves should've sent them to the eagles. Anyway... Would Gandalf, even as the white, be able to "command" the Eagles to do anything? As I remember from the Silmarillion the creatures were the favoured creations and servants of one of the high Valar, and acted according to his and maybe Illuvatar's commands, not those of a Maiar, even one serving his masters agendas. I may be misremembering however, it's been a while.
  21. I predict that it will be a fair while (if ever) before the fields of Valve are sown with salt.
  22. From the director of "Mad Max" comes the latest and greatest action hero "Miffed Sadie."
  23. Good Lord were you chaps right about season 4 of Babylon 5, those two massive arcs squeezed into that one season felt rushed and really quite disjointed. In truth its sapped my desire to watch season 5 somewhat. Oddly enough i've been playing Sacred Gold on and off for quite a while and stumbled upon an easter egg recently, a hidden Shadow ship that proceeded to zap me with its purple laser. The room before has "If you go to Zhadun you will die" spelled out in large letters on the floor as well.
  24. Thaos Ix Arcanon I/Ovara? The old Ultima translation skills returning.
  25. Theory of the week. It is a time of rampant apathy in the Universal Heirarchy, Raiders from the Spoon Nebula have penetrated into the very heart of the Heirarchy and discovered some excellent dining establishments, a number of comfortable and affordable hotels and a vast variety of leisure facilities. Armed with this knowledge they delay their urgent mission to deliver the Poe novella manuscript from the editors of Zlaartl VI to a remote planet called Mud, and settle down for some well earned R&R, after two weeks of which they send for their families and make a vacation out of it. Meanwhile on the barren sands of Splectrum the nubile young princess Pomegranite reclines on a beach towel and has her friend Lhuk rub copious amounts of oil into her soft skin, while ocassionally admonishing his clumsy efforts, and wondering why he grips his Photon Falchion so determinedly. Unbeknowst to the attractive couple (but knownst to us,) these are the twin children of Plop Zarniblet, scourge of twelve sectors, leader of the Heirarchical Myrmidons, and a practicioner of the ancient religion known as Methodism! Can the Raiders be roused from their naps before dinnertime? Will Lhuk and Pomegranite commit a mortal sin? Will Lhuk break his Falchion? Will Plop build his ultimate weapon of destruction the Zarniblet casino, restaurant and automated photon phalanx interceptor emporium? Stay tuned for next weeks exciting episode, same time, same place, be there or be an equal sided quadrilateral.
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