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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Sales have surpassed 20 million for the Witcher series apparently, with half of that being from the Wild Hunt alone. Seems like CDPR have entered the big boy leagues. Who'd have thought that nine years ago when that buggy, strange and undeniably ambitious first game debuted?
  2. Oh don't worry Amentep I respect your well reasoned views, and furthermore respect you as a poster and a man of good taste. If mankind did not have differences of opinion it would be a boring species and no mistake.
  3. Horses for courses eh Amentep? Then again I find my sense of humour and character appreciation vary quite a bit from the norm, so it may jut be me. I should hope they recoup their investment though, the amount of advertising I have seen for this film has been staggering, the tube, buses, shops, television, saturation like that must surely pay off.
  4. Which reminds me, I wonder if there will be low intelligence options for dialogue, one of the great features of Arcanum and Fallout. I'll have to ask. Edit: No I don't think there will be, there is seemingly no intelligence stat just speech and charisma, which might seem to have a little overlap unless they are using some of the alternate definitions of charisma. Then again a low speech might indicate "simple" dialogue.
  5. Pardon me while I wipe away a spot of drool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlK3MURumeE
  6. I totally missed the latest adaptation it seems, though the scenery chewing of the Sheriff remains a constant by the sounds of it, Nicholas Grace is brilliantly venomous and snide in the 80s version. Real shame about young Mr Connery being so underwhelming, the acorn fell quite far from the tree there it seems?
  7. Watching Robin of Sherwood, the old '80s HTV series, Clannad soundtrack, great cast, lovely English countryside, not much to be criticised other than some period inaccuracies that are easily overlooked. Wonder if something like this might be made again, with the increasing quality of television and the success of Game of Thrones it seems possible, but I have the nagging suspicion that it would be ruined and made into a blunt tool for some modern message.
  8. Yes. It's an unusual work of prose, disjointed and almost shattered, suiting the subject matter of Wael himself. Its disjointed approach may initially put one off but there is quite a riveting story if one reads on, it's conclusion is not unexpected by any means, but the path it travels to arrive at the denouement is rather twisted and obscure. It certainly made me far more interested in this god, and his or her followers than I was before. An interesting read.
  9. I'll take neither thanks. Edit: It's Rupert Murdoch Mr Hunter, media magnate and yes somebody you'd probably be better off not knowing.
  10. Well this could put the cat amongst the pidgeons in oh so many ways.
  11. Date night, Mrs Nonek decided (i've stopped pretending to have a voice in our discussions) that we would see the new Ghostbusters movie, i'd heard there'd been some noise but haven't really paid attention. Didn't get much of a nap so I watched most of the film, it's not really bad but not good either, obviouly these young ladies faced an uphill struggle in trying to fill the charismatic and comedic boots of the original cast and it shows. Even though the film was chock full of nods to the original movie I just don' think that the creative team "got" Ghostbusters, and some of the nods were cringeworthy such as the cameos. The villain was pointless, he needed to be moved front and centre or become a nebulous threat such as Ghoza, as it is he seemed an adornment. The proton packs were overused, no longer tools weilded by blue collar slobs who just happened to catch ghosts, they became flashy gimmicks and took away from the working man theme that Ghostbusters had. The CGI well it may have been better than the original but i'm already forgetting it, whereas the originals is something thats stuck with me. The cast also just do not gel and are frequently just irritating, the easygoing nature of the four guys you'd like to have a drink with is gone, you'd avoid the modern Ghostbusters and probably go to another pub. That said it's not a bad movie, just mediocre and far below its inspiration, but then again so was the second Ghostbusters film. I'd give it a four and proclaim it watchable but not very enjoyable, a little below Warcraft which would garner a five in my book as being watchable and moderately enjoyable. Mrs Nonek stated that in hindsight she'd have waited for it to come to Netflix, which is probably good advice. Edit: Strangely enough I think that one of the things this modern reimagining lacked was the heart of the first film, there was a childish sweetness to the original Ghostbusters that just isn't found in the remake.
  12. No, though you do pick up a few old clues about him in various places in the Wild Hunt, dating from before the first game.
  13. Oh well thats good to see, previously the cursor keys (my movement keys of choice being left handed) just could not be bound. Edit: Sorry, forgot to say thank you. Edit#2: No still not able to bind cursor keys, wonder if it's my keyboard? Hey ho, walk the dog time anyway.
  14. Dead Space, Dragon Age: Origins ultimate edition and some Simcity game are out on GOG I noticed, though most probably they were all purchased long ago by you worthy consumers. A note of caution on Dead Space for the cack handed like myself, the games keys are not rebindable ingame. I do not know whether GOG have fixed this or if there's a solutiion online.
  15. Despite a youth spent travelling over most of the world, indulging my peccadilloes somewhat, and enjoying myself immensely there is simply no land I can imagine settling in other than my England. I will not say that it is the greatest nation on Earth, that would be untrue, braggardly and immodest. I will not say that its people are in any way special or unique, I have seen too many cultures and races of humanity to not acknowledge that every member of humanity is an individual, while crowds and cliques are almost always terrifyingly similar. It is however home to me, and its green fields, its old hills, its little lanes and overgrown waterways are somehow a part of me. A little soppy I acknowledge, but I would pity any Englishman who felt he had to leave, and I feel the nation would be poorer for it.
  16. I'm sorry but this just came to mind immediately when reading of the newly introduced companion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlFc2TuA_FA
  17. I preferred the Azar Javed fight, with the bonus objective of keeping Berengar alive, as it so obviously was not even thought to be a possibility. Very difficult but very satisfying. Oh and of course the second best was indulging in Bloedzuiger baiting: Get a large pack to stalk you, whittle all of their health down through various means, then see how many you can set up in an explosive chain reaction. I think my best was around eighteen, and a few drowners that intruded on our fun.
  18. Of course there won't be much freedom, it is after all a tyranny! I apologise, I couldn't help myself. If moral ambiguity is implemented in as mature and non judgemental a fashion as say Alpha Protocol then i'll be more than happy personally.
  19. It's in the game directory in the Steam version. But they really should add it to the portal too. Brothers and sisters, I have a dream: That one day all distribution platforms shall be equal, that our digital highways are free of the choking steam that clogs them, that the false idols to Gaben are cast down and shattered, and that we at last stand together as equals, and are not shunned as funny smelling Goglins up to no good. It is a dream I have, a dream to some, A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!
  20. Just for you then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOYBWwmcXeg Sweet dreams.
  21. If I may ask, released where exactly? The backer portal is still reporting that it is unavailable for me, and I was so hoping to curl up by the hearth tonight with a good pipe stuffed full of fine shag, a well decanted Courvoisier and mayhap a spoonful or two of Laudanum to invigorate the spirit.
  22. The tagline of the Alien versus Predator movie seems oddly appropriate.
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