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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I would like to see weapons wielded somewhat realistically in the context of the fantasy setting, with distinct advantages and disadvantages. If I was a two handed weapon warrior, I think I'd be at a disadvantage when fighting someone with a faster, more maneuverable weapon. I wouldn't go in and parry/block/avoid each blow that was dealt, I'd probably just wind up and start swinging, using distance and the greater momentum of the bigger sword to accelerate subsequent swings to my advantage. The weapon would create deadly arcs roughly 180 degrees in front of me, so anything caught in the area would suffer damage. It would also be hardly to flank due to the range of the weapon. It would be good against multiple, lightly armored opponents. For one handers with shields, I would imagine playing defensively, hiding my movements behind the shield for the perfect moment to strike. I would try to use to the shield to smash or disorient the opponent and follow up with a critical hit to a sensitive area. This would be better at engaging tougher enemies and provide better defense against archers, compared to the two-handed style. I don't have any real sword knowledge, but that's what is in my head.
  2. I prefer BG1 style. I never found the areas all that low density. I haven't played the game in years but I still remember a lot of the encounters that made the map for me. I think each map had some kind of encounter And more. It made each map special and made me look forward to uncovering the next map. I was a little disappointed this was not in BG2. I would like to see a mix, sure, but definitely something slanted towards BG1.
  3. I would enjoy a fantasy world without vampires or werewolves for once. Unless you can make them legitimately scary I guess. But that never happens because there's always some spell or item that destroys them utterly and its only a matter of time before your party starts chunking them into little pieces in routine combat encounters.
  4. Is that the vault where My favorite location in the entire game.
  5. If there are dragons, they should be really hard to kill. I want to see physics really make an impact on combat overall. If a warrior gets a nice two handed sword blow in, the force and momentum from the impact should send lighter opponents flying, regardless of HP or stamina levels. If a much larger creature, such as a dragon, hits you with its massive tail or claw, you should be in serious trouble. They should be approached with caution and probably not approached at all if you want to stay alive.
  6. Intelligent Warrior for me. I usually stick to this type of character on my first game. Then I usually try a sneaky rogue then a wizard. Not sure what race yet.
  7. If it is a gelatinous cube, I want the option of it storing my weapons and shooting them out into my open hand at opportune moments. Gelatinous R2D2 basically.
  8. I'm sure they were all prepared for immature comments that would inevitably be thrown around. It was a public stream after all. I doubt anyone at Obsidian is emotionally scarred from what a few anonymous people had to say over the internet.
  9. I have faith the dungeon will be interesting and engaging enough to keep my interest and make me curious as to whats down in that final level. Maybe they can make a few levels with no combat at all, but something you have to solve with just your non-combat skills.
  10. Definitely not. Probably normal mode for me as I learn the gameplay mechanics, then progressively harder on repeat playthroughs. I don't know if I'll ever try iron man mode. I'd probably find it too frustrating.
  11. I'm really looking forward to this megadungeon. It sounds almost as big as the original Diablo!
  12. I love you too bro. That last stretch of pledges was pretty epic. Congrats Obsidian!
  13. Does MCA not like Arcanum or just never got around to playing it?
  14. I pledged $165 digital tier. I really wish I could have pledged $250, but being a relatively poor student with too many bills, I opted for the lower one. But congrats to Obsidian. I'm glad the Kickstarter ended in such a spectacular rush of pledges. Wish you guys the best and can't wait for the game. I watched the stream near the end and man, I'd love to get some drinks with MCA. He is a fun drinker.
  15. I was hoping for something like Humanoid said. I tried playing 1st person party RPGs back in the day like Might and Magic and Wizardry, but I something about it just didn't click for me. I'm not sure what it was.
  16. ME3 was a great game. I enjoyed it until the lackluster ending sequence.
  17. What class and difficulty level are you playing on for DA2? My first play-through I was a warrior on insane because I wanted friendly fire. I enjoyed it, though eventually grew tired of the tedious combat and identical dungeons. I played through a second time with a rogue on normal and I found I enjoyed it more because combat became simple and I could get to the better story portions.
  18. Not really. I already have all three for PC and most of the DLC, which were all pretty good for ME2. I'm not sure about ME3 DLC since I didn't see the point of purchasing them because it didn't have affect the disappointing ending. If they re-did ME1 so it had ME2 or 3 gameplay, I would definitely consider it. I do enjoy the combat in ME2 and ME3, especially the Vanguard class, which I think is the most versatile.
  19. My take is no chance in hell with a healthy dose of I sure as hell hope not. I immediately thought of Skyrim and its myriad shouts. I could enjoy that. Probably something longer than 3 syllable shouts though.
  20. I'll get BG:EE if a lot of existing mods are compatible. As of now, I'm satisfied with BG, Tutu and all the other mods that make a great trilogy even better. I still install BG with the original 5 disc CD set and BG2 with the 4 disc CD set. I carry around all my IE games in a special blue carrying case that is only for IE games. Can't seem to let go of that nostalgia.
  21. Just finished Deus Ex Human Revolution. Played a stealthy hacker who wasn't out to kill anyone. Overall great game with a lot of ways to approach things. I thought it was stupid that all these buildings had super big ventilation shafts that lead from the bathroom to secured office spaces but didn't detract from my enjoyment too much. Next up, Alan Wake. Slowly working my way through my Steam catalog.
  22. Power without ideal is not true justice?
  23. I'm mostly indifferent regarding post ending gameplay. I would like to see some post endgame interaction though. I loved the option to talk to your companions after the main conflict in PS:T and I liked what they did in DA:O, where your companions and other important NPCs congratulate you on your triumph and you get to talk to them one more time before the game ends. I would not like to see the main antagonist die then immediately got to cutscene then end credits. Please make a satisfying ending/epilogue.
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