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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I play games so late after release now that I'm not even sure if I played any games released in 2012. Diablo 3 was fun for a while, but it doesn't have the same fun factor for me as Diablo 2. Or more likely, I've aged and it has less appeal. I had a lot of fun with ME3, but it loses points because of the lackluster ending. The most exciting thing gaming wise that has happened to me this year is Project Eternity.
  2. I don't get it. Can't they just rip the cinematics from the original game? Sounds like something an enterprising modder will do within a week of release. Though if it were that easy, I guess there wouldn't be this point of contention. I personally don't care and would probably prefer the hand painted ones.
  3. Yeah, Shankle is a beast. I hope to see him in the Olympics once. Hope he is recovering from his injury.
  4. I think you took that post a little bit too seriously. That Donny Shankle T-shirt is pretty cool. I want one.
  5. I enjoy working out because i enjoy it. it might have been about looks and women at some point but right now its like meditation. it gets me calm at the end of the day and i come home relaxed and destressed.
  6. Stiff legged deadlift or Romanian deadlifts + women is even better. I try not to stare, but it doesn't help that women who are doing those exercises usually have very tight buns and are also in yoga pants.
  7. A girl working out with weights seriously is the hottest thing ever.
  8. I like a good mix of meat and other stuff on my pizza. I prefer deep dish to thin crust. I usually get onions, green peppers, black olives, pepperoni, sausage, bacon and roasted garlic. The place I go to gives me honey to put on the crust. Ok, after reading Cant's description and thinking about pizza, I'm hungry.
  9. I spend about two hours total going to the gym, working out, coming back and showering. I have one within walking distance from where I live that is open 24 hours, so it is very convenient. I split my exercise into strength and endurance. For strength I have a three day split going with an alternating push/pull. On push days I do back squat, overhead press, standing calf raises and bench press in that order. On pull days, I do Olympic lifts working up to my max in clean and jerk and snatch first, then I do front squats followed by some accessory work for my back and glutes like rows, lat pulls, reverse hypers etc. I'll throw in one set of heavy deadlifts for 5 reps after my O-lifts. On weekday mornings when I don't lift, I ride my bike on a 12 mile trail with a massive hill at the end. I have a Raleigh Revenio 3.0 which I think is a great starter bike and it only cost me $800 at REI. I have a biking buddy that I ride with who I also lift with. I pretty much hate running but love the feel of speed when biking. On weekdays I'll usually go on longer rides all over the city or I'll work on my O-lift forms with light weight practicing my form for about 100 reps total. I think the two complement each other well. After cycling, my legs feel incredibly invigorated and I think it loosens them up because I always squat better the next day after a long ride. Anywho, I've been lifting seriously for about a year. It's really enjoyable and I find that most of the pain I had in my right shoulder and hip have totally disappeared, I eat better because it directly improves my lifting and I sleep better.
  10. I like SCS as well and while you shouldn't be able to kite one or two enemies away in plain sight from the main group, you should be able to engage, lure, divide and ultimately conquer a entire group of enemies that 1) outnumber you and 2) are more powerful than you. Of course the AI should be advanced enough that if the group has a competent leader, he will recognize a baiting tactic, call in any over eager minions, organize the group in a tight formation and together to hunt your party down. Your party should have the option to figure out who the leader is, recognize if he is a simple brute or a seasoned veteran of many engagements, then have some skills or tactics available to incapacitate or assassinate him, causing general chaos within the group. Or you know, just throw a fireball right into the middle of the crowd and charge in with your fighters while your opponents run around panicking. Yes, there should be a good morale system, more advanced than what we see in Infinity Engine games with the yellow circles.
  11. I haven't played that many jrpgs apart from the final fantasy series and other square games, but nowadays I do have a hard time taking them seriously just because of the art design. I guess in the SNES era, the graphics were abstract enough that I could imagine what each character looked like in my head to my own liking, but nowadays I can't seem to get past that, much to my dismay as I'm sure I'm missing some good games and good villains.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxhqVrbixZc
  13. I vaguely remember a NES game that had a similar style to this. I remember playing through it with a friend every Friday after school. We had pizza and puzzled our way through the game. I remember there was a Sphinx with riddles. Those were good times. I can't remember if it was Shadowgate though?
  14. Not playing anything at the moment. I'm thinking of starting an IWD game with a Multi-class Fighter Thief and a multi-class mage cleric. Both half-elven. Otherwise, I should probably get back to Alan Wake. I'm at the very beginning but the controls feel wonky and I keep walking off ledges to my death, much to my annoyance. Off cliffs I can understand, but once I fell off a low bridge into some water that was right below and it was instant death. That's when I stopped playing. I'll give LA Noire a try.
  15. I like the idea of having impossible fights, but I think they should stick with plausible cutscenes for those. Like in BG1 when you're a level 1 character and you meet Sarevok and company, the game doesn't let you control your character since you probably don't have a chance of winning anyway. Same in BG2 in the promenade, Irenicus would pretty much destroy if you had control of your character at that point in time and decided to attack. If the devs let you have control of the party after a fight begins, then that should be the cue that the fight, while it could be impossibly hard, is still beatable with the right strategy. If it cues to cut scene, then I know it's not a fight meant to be won.
  16. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  17. What game is that? It looks interesting. You play as an Orc?
  18. Batista the wrestler instead of Bastila the Jedi would have fun.
  19. Only if they have an option where a team of teenagers and a talking dog pull up in a carriage and eventually expose your nefarious schemes.
  20. Ultimate evil playthrough is making mortgage backed securities, making them pervasive throughout the economy of PE and then watching the whole thing crash and burn.
  21. On second thought, please let me recreate Bombur in PE. That would be pretty awesome.
  22. Irenicus was the type of villain that I loved to hate. He was extremely petty and self-centered, but also talented and powerful. His voice actor was only part of the reason I found him compelling. He had goals for power, but also showed regret, especially when talking to Ellesime. He knows he has come too far and in his mind he is past redemption, so the only way he can find any comfort is through absolute power. I liked him. For PE, I would rather see a villain that was not petty, did not have evil, chaotic motives just to have them and throughout the game, develop a grudging respect for the PC. Someone like Cardinal Richelieu from the Three Musketeers novel would be cool.
  23. I would not be opposed to a fat mage that rides around in a flying carpet shooting fireballs everywhere.
  24. I wouldn't mind being a fat and strong character, kinda like the 105+ kg weight lifters in the Olympics. Being just fat wouldn't work for an adventurer. You'd just get winded and hold everyone up. All the NPCs look fit and ready to go. The PC should too.
  25. Please make single player K3.
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