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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. You already know the origin of the Reapers and the Citadel, who controls them, etc., why give a **** about some bugs they made/repurposed as maintenance men? What's so special about "keeper #20"? How do you know it's not doing what every keeper does? And again, you already know what's in charge. What would dissuade you from thinking Keeper #20 isn't the real mastermind behind everything? Three surveillance clips each for Keepers #1-#236759? It was never advertised as "The Keepers DLC - The true puppeteers finally revealed!" I literally cannot comprehend how you can think this is worse than RGB IT WAS ALL A FAIRYTALE THE END And, for the record, I was thoroughly disappointed by the DLC and really wish I hadn't wasted any money on it.
  2. Wow, they need to hire a non-**** graphic design team. Also, they ruined Heroes of Might and Magic (well, NWC actually started the decline with IV, but V was frenchie garbage that didn't have anything to do with M&M,) so this can't bode any better. It'll probably just be a Skyrim clone since M&M had a first-person perspective. So? Ubisoft ****ed up Heroes when NWC already nailed down the whole formula near-perfectly with III, why would you think their performance would suddenly do a 180 from their established track record with Heroes V & VI? Dark Messiah was little more than a slightly improved version of Arx Fatalis. Dishonored is a drastic improvement over Dark Messiah. Don't even pretend they're unrelated, it's exactly the same fundamental game design/combat mechanics in all three, DM just had better UI design and an absurdly kick-focused design ethic, Dishonored is the only one to actually make the formula work well.
  3. On all the sites I frequented when the two games were released, it was about 70% Witcher fans hurling vitriol at the then-unreleased DA2 and about a 50/50 split between Biodrones claiming DA2 would be the best RPG ever and fans of DAO who were outraged by the sequel's promised changes. Anyway, about to try "KING'S BOUNTY CROSSWORLDS GOTY." No familiarity with the title, but it was $2.00 and had better review scores than most of the other games in the sale. Now downloading Alan Wake (which flew under my radar completely until about a year ago, since it didn't hit PC until 2 years after its original ecksbawcks release.) Agx you need to be patient and continue to play Witcher 1, it does get better. If there is anything that confuses you about the plot please ask, you have always been very helpful with sharing insight in other games so don't be embarrassed. Have you had a threesome with the Vampiresses yet? You'll enjoy that Now you're just insulting me.
  4. I agree except for the animals thing. Animals aren't self-aware creatures capable of rational, logical thought. In general they tend to avoid groups of humans to begin with. Some pack animals might be hostile even to a group of well-armed humans, but that's out of fight-or-flight instinct. In the case of wolves, wolves would probably just avoid them. A bear might go for it, if it's a big male looking to defend his territory/fatten up for winter, or a defensive mother bear. You (i.e. a highwayman in the world of P:E,) can't see (so far as we know,) someone's "level." A high-level party deliberately equipped with crappy gear would still be perceived as being weak, easy prey by a logically-thinking bandit leader.
  5. Of course, the Argentine's are basically saying that the vote doesn't matter, and regardless of how the islanders feel, the islands should still be given to Argentina. What might add some interest to the matters is the new Pope, who , while a Cardinal, made quite a few public comments about "British usurpers/invaders" on the islands and was apparently quite vigerous about how the Argentine soldiers who died during the Falkland War need to be remembered, honoured, and (depending on how you take his tone of delivery) possibly given vengeance. While I'm all for honouring fallen soldiers who did their duty, I tend to think you give up the ability to claim vengeance when you actually are the ones who invaded in the first place.... Still, as a lawyer friend of mine noted: "It is essential to Argentina's argument that it rejects (a) the right to self-determination, (b) domiciled jurisdiction and © any statute of limitations. If these three principles are accepted Argentina has no claim. If they are rejected Argentina has no right to exist!" Argentinians have never occupied the Falklands, and never made any formal claim to sovereignty that was more legitimate than those of the other colonial powers that had claimed it (the French were the first, building a colony on one, the British built a colony of their own on another before both were forced out by the Spanish.) The islands were uninhabited when discovered by Europeans (the Earliest known record of them is from a Dutch explorer,) and subsequently changed hands between colonial powers numerous times. The British claim to sovereignty over the islands dates back to 1690, long before Argentina existed as a state. Regardless of which, it was uninhabited and thus there is no indigenous claim to the islands (even then, the majority/dominant population in most major latin American countries are of mostly European descent and still actively discriminate against pure native americans in their own countries.) But they were all European colonies. Argentina's only tenuous claim is that a post-Bolivarian state which would later become part of Argentina suffered a shipwreck on one of the islands, and a letter from the captain of the wrecked ship is what Argentinians claim as proof of their ownership of the islands.
  6. Well, we don't know how much Obsidian actually earned from NV, and the metacritic thing was just a bonus. Obsidian got what they were promised, whatever that was, and it is known that NV opened a lot of doors/led to a lot more opportunities for the company. And pretty much every public face at Obsidian has said they'd love to work on another Fallout game if Bethesda came to them about it. They obviously benefited much more both financially and in terms of publicity from NV than from, say, Dungeon Siege III or KotOR II. From both a business and a creative perspective, there's no logical reason for Obsidian to refuse another Fallout project from Bethesda.
  7. On all the sites I frequented when the two games were released, it was about 70% Witcher fans hurling vitriol at the then-unreleased DA2 and about a 50/50 split between Biodrones claiming DA2 would be the best RPG ever and fans of DAO who were outraged by the sequel's promised changes. Anyway, about to try "KING'S BOUNTY CROSSWORLDS GOTY." No familiarity with the title, but it was $2.00 and had better review scores than most of the other games in the sale. Now downloading Alan Wake (which flew under my radar completely until about a year ago, since it didn't hit PC until 2 years after its original ecksbawcks release.)
  8. Source? Can you provide the actual legislation which enacts this? And I'm quite certain anyone can come up with a list of extravagant, expensive indulgences taken by any president. Since ad hominems and strawmen are the rule here, if (I won't accept the word of an angry... I'm guessing conservative, sans evidence,) Obama did cut financial aid for veterans, he'd still be a world better than what GOP God-King Ronald Reagan did to veterans. And the mentally ill. Besides, it's thanks to Bush's P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act that the president has the ostensible power to drone as he pleases.
  9. Started The Witcher last night. It's alright, I guess. I really don't see why it has such a rabid fanboy base. The combat so far has been rather dull and repetetive (maybe this will change with more levelling, but as it stands it's almost like a real-time with pause dumbed-down version of Mario RPG's timed attack system,) the story isn't particularly engrossing and the male-gaze perspective is just obscene. I'll keep playing it until the other 4 GOG.com 80% off games finish downloading, or until it actually becomes really interesting. The fact that the first three sidequests available are generic MMO fetch quests is not a good sign. When Witcher fanboys started their vitriol campaign against Dragon Age 2, I was ambivalent because the more someone feels the need to denigrate others/another product, it shows they're afraid of it. Thus far, DA2 is still looking to come out on top of The Witcher, despite its massive, myriad flaws. Not a good sign, either.
  10. Psshhhhh, inXile. Pssshhhh. They don't have MCA. Besides, elements and magic are more in the realm of the gameplay mechanics/design, it's true that the writers will have input on that area, but it's still up to the higher level game designers to actually determine the mechanics and what ultimately comes out of their ideas on magic or elements. It's being helmed by Sawyer so I don't see any problems in that realm of design. Avellone, so far as I know, is just working on writing. So far as I know. Also, I needed to say this: OP, the idea of real-world chemical elements in a fantasy magic game about souls is just absurd. Absolutely ludicrous. Absoludicrous (© Seanbaby.) There's no "magic" in physics and cosmology unless you're using figurative speech about a personal interest and fascination.
  11. Interesting but that still leaves me concerned, the real magic is in the books. They are far superior to the TV series, and the series is excellent. This is true, but I'm not so sure about the "magic" of Tyrion's purple, mushroom shaped ****.
  12. It is most likely, he is after all quite a corpulent gentleman. It is most likely, he is after all quite a corpulent gentleman. Mmm, good points raised. Okay this worries me immensely. Get writing George, get writing !! What I was going to say before others intervened was "Have you seen him? He's morbidly obese." He's also 64 years old. If he stays true to form, it'll be 10 years before he's finished those last two books.
  13. The "alternatives" you listed aren't "elements." And in the classical sense, ice (a phase of water, recognized even by ancients, Latin has a word, CONGELATIO, which means "freezing" or "to freeze," for instance,) and lightning aren't elements. Lightning isn't an element in reality, obviously. It's a phenomenon brought about by one of the four fundamental forces of the universe in the Standard Model: electromagnetism, gravity, the strong atomic force and the weak atomic force. And of course, there are no elementary forces in RPGs. What I'm tired of is a nonsensical set of "elements" in which one or more "element" isn't an element. In the Western (Hellenic) tradition, the elements are air, water, fire and earth. In Chinese tradition it's fire, water, earth, wood and iron/metal. In Japan it's air, water, fire, earth and void. In Hinduism, it's air, water, fire, earth and akasha, which translates to "aether." At any rate, back to my first point: none of your poll "alternatives" are elements. They're concepts and actions, not component materials. An element is a fundamental component material of the cosmos, not an action or a concept or a technique. Shapeshifting is not an element. Telekinesis is not an element. How can a world be made of shapeshifting?
  14. I'd still like there to be a choice of backgrounds like in Arcanum or Dragon Age Origins (obviously you're not playing this background in P:E,) and I still think that a character's background should be a stronger determiner of base stats & skills than race.
  15. The best part is the way he thinks Obsidian will use this.
  16. So, the British don't know the distinction between race and nationality? Good to know. Ironic considering these are a people virulently hateful toward redheads (who are white honkies just like them.) It's not racism. This is a white person calling a person of one national origin that of another national origin, the people are both white, white Australians and white Kiwis are descended from the same Anglo stock. There's no racial differentiation here.
  17. While, I'm not letting Colin off the hook, even after the "apology", I'm going to put more of the blame on J.R.R. Tolkien for bringing them to the forefront semi-pseudo-recent-ish-esque. I'd like to also blame whatever Germanic tribe thought them up in the first place, but I'm not sure exactly where to point the finger. On a more positive note, this also means Ziets. ZIIIIETS! But the original concept of elves (and the romanticization of elves started in the 19th century,) was little fiends that stole your children in the night, not absurdly attractive people with pointy ears who live in harmony with nature and shoot arrows/cast spells better than the dirty, inferior humans. A. They couldn't afford it. B. He has more important obligations. C. HBO has a lot more money than inXile. D. A big "**** YOU!" on behalf of all the fans of A Song of Ice and Fire for suggesting GRRM should be distracted from finishing the last two books before he dies of a heart attack.
  18. That's why a lot of games have a "lock-on" feature. Anyway, TF2. They just dropped a boatload of promo items earlier, some retroactive (even one unreleased from the first item promotion, the Sam & Max promo,) and now everybody's jealous because I have Wheatley. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/f/fb/Wheatley_player_death01.wav http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/f/f0/Wheatley_player_death13.wav http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/5/5c/Wheatley_sapper_hacked20.wav
  19. We've been over this before, P:E has been stated on multiple occasions to be a combat-centric game. You're almost certainly not going to get what you want, OP.
  20. There's some "buy one of these 5 games and get 80% off all of them" sale on GOG so I went ahead and dropped $20 for some. Probably won't be done downloading for several days. Currently 60mb out of 8.4gb on The Witcher:EE. Yeah, I haven't played it, wasn't willing to pay more than $2.00 for it.
  21. Did you really like the flat land, somewhat random scattering of locations, nonsense like building a settlement around a nuke and corridor city DC? When I came to New Vegas, I felt as if I was back in New Reno, only less rotten. When I came to Rivet City, I felt nothing. Big empty. I simply didn't get any "falloutey" feeling from Fallout 3... or at least not any amount to speak of. I did have a lot of fun with Rock-It Launcher though. Except NV was flatter than F3. I wasn't talking about Bethesda's ****ty writing (why do you think I said it should be designed and written by Obsidian?) I was talking about their level design. Exploring in NV consists primarily of wandering around outside, in a terrain flatter by far than F3s (seriously, that's your big argument against F3's world design, "it's flat"?) the only difference is that there's a wall of mountains surrounding the NV area and a wall of mountains dividing it down the center. I already said F3's writing was ****, I say that every time I make a post about F3. That's tangential to the fact that F3's world was simply more fun to explore for exploration's sake than NV. I never said anything good about any of F3's towns/settlements, and I won't. You're just sticking words in my proverbial mouth for the sake of your strawman. Who at Obsidian worked on Tactics? Fallout Tactics was a bad Fallout game and they shouldn't be allowed to make more Fallout games. ...and made with the Onyx engine with isometric perspective and turnbased combat. Wouldn't that be a blast.... That would be the true ideal, but it's not realistically likely to happen. Bethesda being Bethesda and all. Unless they jump on the transaction-based model and put out a smartphone/tablet Fallout game. Which wouldn't be a step in the right direction. But Bethesda is stuck in their ways, they're still comfortable clinging to Todd's precious, precious Xbox.
  22. Sega is not at fault here if Gearbox lied and broke contract to to their own crap for 12 years. What contract? What lie? 12 years ago Sega was still manufacturing Dreamcasts. Sega and Gearbox made the Aliens agreement in 2008.
  23. If you play co-op you tend to get better loot. And use gold keys (the loot from that chest is always purple or e-tech.) There are a lot of missions that net you unique weapons as rewards, the slot machines are a reasonably good opportunity for loot if you've got the money for it ("twink" items from a higher level character to a lower level character, that low level character can sell them and use the slots for a much lower cost.) If you have the money, consider dropping tens of thousands of dollars in Moxxi's tip jar for her Good and Bad Touches. They're always high-end for their level range and even beyond. Another factor is to keep variety in mind. You probably wouldn't associate Maya with shotguns or sniper rifles, but phaselocking a tough enemy makes short work at close range with a shotgun or at long range with a sniper (a head that doesn't move is pretty easy to hit.) And if you're using Axton, you're really using a character designed around/focused on the use of the turret. The same goes for Gaige and Deathtrap, it's more about synergy between the character and their respective gizmos. It also helps to choose the right skills (i.e. weapon-related buffs.) In general, I've had the experience of not having "THE gun," but that's a big part of the motivation to get loot.
  24. There isn't really any consistency in what my favorite games are. They're diverse. Team Fortress 2 is just plain old fun. Fallout and Fallout 2, I enjoy the character creation, trying different builds, and the SPECIAL and combat systems. The Super Robot Wars series for its over-the-top style combined with an unusual variation on typical turn-based tactics games and intricate, almost excessively complex meta-lore spanning multiple games which are unrelated at face value. Exploration and combat in the revamped Fallout games. The meticulously crafted experience for the Half-Life games.
  25. Overdone, in my opinion. It's too much of a staple/token in RPGs. They're almost always functionally identical to your typical dungeon but with "CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY" art assets, floating platforms in a void, creepy faces on walls/acting as doors, etc. Possibly a teleporter maze, as well.
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