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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Its not, buts its OK since anytime someone attacks other people grammer its a indication of something. I only have problems with barely readable posts since in order to understand then I have to translate english gibberish into english first and its simply more effort that I am willing to spend so I just ignore the post. I already made my position on mini games known.
  2. There is a nice PM system in place, if you want to message someone in private you could use it or at least you could have started a tread in the off topic area and directed people to it.
  3. At least he does dont go around leaving personal notes all over the forum ... With is my point ... people can like, hate and be indeferent to the game and aspects of it but as long they stay within the topic discustion and within the froums description its fine with me. PS. Nice going into attacking grammer, it one thing that really shows what kind of person you are ... not that I could not tell from your user name choice.
  4. I wonder were the mods end up ... were they killed by a disgrunted forum user?
  6. Pot. Kettle. Black. However its nice you cannot counter argument what I previous said, so you attack the part were I said it suck playing another person character concept and like it or not that is what you were playing in SW:KotOR convinient forgeting you are doing the same thing. Character generation on SW:KotOR served no purpose besides setting a few dialogue changes with is worst that in games such as Final Fantasy were there is none because we are playing a pre-made character, they can focus on character development that even if its just like "playing a story" its not "playing a story that you have the chance to select two paths" and that is what SW:KotOR given at the expense of deeper storyline and character interaction or freedom to select your own path. Fact I finished SW:KotOR is by itself a feat, I no longer finish many games because I eventually grow bored with then at some point (I never finished Gothic 2 despite I praise many aspects of it) but SW:KotOR have little replayability because in the end nothing is set until the Temple Summit were its simply a matter of saving the game at that point, beat the game, reload and take the other option.
  7. First there is no Jedi vs Sith, I hope people will understand what I mean now ... The Sith is not composed of only force users, there were millions that followed the Sith idiology without having any force sensatibity. The Jedi are a part of the Republic, most people cannot indentify with "people in robes wielding glowing rods that cast magic spells", same reason of why the Rebels movement is NOT about the Jedi previlages and idiology but restoring the Republic values, the Jedi are the guardians of the Republic but that is their extent of participation on the Republic. The core is still the Republic vs the Sith. Trying to use the word "Knights" to defend all games of the line "Knights" as Jedi is trying to defend the impossible, its in no way required to be all about Jedi and even less about the Sith. Hades is right in the point its sucks having to play a character the developers come up and decided what of two paths can the character take ... at least in FF games at least they dont pretend to have character generation and thows us something we know goes a predesigned path, at least I know what I am being given. I finished SW:KotOR once ... I replayed FF X twice.
  8. Hades is right, it anoys me to no end some people are blinded to the fact we CAN have a Star Wars game without it resolving about Sith Vs Jedi ... as a matter of fact the OT was Rebels Vs Empire, the Force is part of the story and not the story itself. Same goes with SW:KotOR, it was Sith vs Republic and NOT Sith vs Jedi ... too bad people ignore it or simply dont see it. You can easly have a Star Wars game that does not resolves over the force and the fact many were done futher points that. Problem with current Star Wars games is that the "Jedi Sim" became far too much popular, years ago playing as a Jedi was something new as now its simply common. Hades alse points that SW:KotOR story COULD be done without forcing the Jedi path, we had Bastila as a option if it was so needed a force user to attack Malak but I guess people also rather ignore that little fact. Stop being such close minded fools that dont acept anything except Jedi vs Sith and play anything but a Jedi.
  9. People sould stop going to TheFarce.net to get reliable news ... I seen all that crap MONTHS ago, one thing I do remenber is some time ago is in the DVDs Han will shoot first. The fact some people have too many time in their hands and access to photoshop does not make something a fact ...
  10. I just want to point out that is completly and utterly wrong, even if the two faced British wanted to given that portuguese colony to the germans that did not happened, as a matter of fact part of the reason Portugal entered the WW I was because they were afraid to lose their african colonies. The germans had Namibia,Togo, Cameroon and a part of Tanzania.
  11. Translation: Drakron is 100% right about what he says and the Xbox sucks.
  12. No. Lucas only put that scne to show how the Jedi were locating possible force users, people that have a strong force potencial have higher counts. That's it, people just read too much into that scene for their own good.
  13. Well some of us have to prove there is inteligent life on Earth.
  14. Xbox maganizes just like to lie/overhype their games because they have a s***ty 3rd rate scaled down computer that pretends to be a "console".
  15. I shall explain. How characters looks is determined by a apperances.2da file, in it there are several rows. Now Calo Nord looks like that because all of the entries in his entry row are the same, when the armor is equipted on a party member the row the armor looks have a diferent entry that one in Calo, in other works it loads a diferent mesh. As I remenber there are only about 8 entries for armor and that means there is only 8 meshes for armor, NPCs can "cheat" because they row does not need to use the same entries as the others.
  16. Disrupters disrupt the molecural links, its like being hit by a "star trek phaser set to kill". I think disrupters bypass DR, in "BioWare d20" they bypass shields.
  17. Its clear the sexual tension with Maria and Revan they are trying to hide with this flame war. You both sould come out and say what you really feel about each other.
  18. True, it had a bug on the Xbox version. Also I will not be talking about "BioWare d20 revised, the powegamerr munchkin edition" but the Star Wars d20 system and what feats to take away the penalites are. Ambidexterity - Requires 15 Dex Two weapons fighting - Improved two weapons fighting - requires ambidexterity and two weapons fighting Now there is a nice table, in it at most you get a -2 penalty with those 3 feats, at worst (no feats) the penalties are -4/-8 and that if you have the lightsaber profience, if you dont they would end up as -8/-12 for the lightstaff, quite diferent from the at worst -4 of a regular lightsaber and that one only requires the feat "Exotic weapon profience: Lightsaber" to overcome that -4. I am not going to defend BioWare powergaming implementation of the d20 system, only as written in Star Wars d20 you can never hit as well with a lightstaff as you could with a lightsaber and you have to pay the price of high dex and 3 feats to only have a -2 penalty and you simply gain one extra attack. Of course at high levels that -2 is almost nothing to some classes but really, first its at "high level" and we have to survive to reach then, second you be spending feats to reduce penalties that could be used on other things (such as force feats) and those feats will simply not have much of a impact until BAB starts to offset Defence ("Armor Class" if you like) that would started two levels before if you did not go the dual wield/lightstaff path and third the only classes that can afford such path is the Guardian or the Soldier, the others simply have too low BAB progression and lack to bonus feats to risk it.
  19. Agree, besides its the Rim ... look at how only Anakin found out about Qui Gon being a jedi in Ep. 1 because of seeing his LIGHTSABER, not because of his dress code. Jedi wear robes but they dont indicate anything, lightsabers on the other hand do but what is the point?
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