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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Well Lucas is not making d20 rulebooks, many things fall when trying to convert then into mechanics for a RPG. And Yoda abilities are most a secret, he is 900 years old and knows a lot about the force (he is given level 20 BTW) and the d20 system is modular by design, adding force powers is not that hard because they dont work as shown in Jedi Knight or SW:KotOR games. The problem of making the character hit maximun level is a diferent aspect, if we take FF games for example you can reach lv99 but likely you will not reach that level in the end if you dont go out of your way to level up, there would be no need to make Malak lv20 at all since as a lv 15 he would be powerful enough to challange player if they were around lv 11-13, problem is that BioWare simply created a force system that rewarded leveling up and that was a error, we gained far too many levels too fast (heck Taris started with us being lv2 and ended with us being lv 8/9) due to design decisions, I dont like the Odessy engine because its very limited, we cannot even mouse click on the ground to move. If Vampire:Bloodlines works as advertised it would been best to license the Source engine.
  2. Yes. And again we have the BAB penalty, its still -4, with serves as a example why the need to use a feat to learn how to proper use a weapon. As for "as if they have the same weight", well first they are diferent weapons who have diferent weights but to save time, resources and space the animation for melee weapons is the same, I dont think there is much of a need to change animations since in the movies they are using then as they would a regualr prop sword, if you have issues with that ... well, swordfighting in movies tend to be unrealistic (from "Baseball bat" to "it weights nothing").
  3. Not to say about there is no multiplayer code, lets add a extra year of development for this feature alone.
  4. As it was pointed out years ago a "dark" lightsaber woule emit no light because its BLACK, it would be absorving light and it would operate completly diferent that a lightsaber does.
  5. And I am amazed you defending a complete wrong idea. Goths dress the way they do just like punks dress the way they do, its their way of dressing and not some kind of "afirmative action for diferent lifestyles". You keep talking about "the normal way of life" .... guess what? The 1970's hippies were wearing a suit in 1980's, goths will change their clothing for more "normal" when they go out in public and dress in goth clothing when they go in private with other goths.
  6. Wrong anwer, thank you for playing. This is, of course, total BS. "Normal" people are individuals with their own goals, true that as sociaty is right now there is not much of a choice but its something Goths also have to do, when we die we became a statistic unless we did something that goes down in history.
  7. No, I given that up ... well until I go into "I told you so" when game is released. Game developers are like children, they have to be lectured from time to time or they go and do silly things.
  8. I argued about in one case they are saying this game have epic levels and then saying this game ending allows for a sequel. My argument was in the lines of in the case of a direct sequel epic levels are unsuitable and in the case we dont come close to epic levels for a direct sequel there is no point in talking about epic levels and in the case of not being a direct sequel why the hell they bring that up in the first place. We are getting information of the game but not the context of that information and that is helping us to know what the game will be like.
  9. Because its the d20 system, it was designed for 20 levels. The moment you add more that 20 levels things start to fall apart, the epic levels work diferent that lv1-20 because the system WILL fail if they maintained the progression. One of the Star Wars d20 designers said a lv20 diplomat could by a skill check make the Empire surrender just as a indication of how the d20 system works and why they did not made epic levels for the Star Wars line, the system simply breaks under then and the universe consistence fall apart. Besides you dont get it ... if Revan could kill rancors with 3 strikes of his lightsaber what could possibly challange him after Malak ... very few things and that is why a game were we could import a save game and continue to play would completly break apart after minutes of playing because nobody would belive a character that could jiggle starships using the force and "charged up rancors" would be the basic grunts. That is were my comments about Palpatine and Yoda come, because they are under the "charged up rancors" type of challange and they sould be, after all Luke could not beat one in open combat and was forced to kill him using a (effective) trick or are you saying I have to forget everything I know the moment I start playing a game? Note that I was from the start AGAINST using the d20 system as shown in SW:KotOR (expecialy the force power system) since I know iit well enough to realize "level up every hour" simply does not work well with it.
  10. Yes or you think a sequel were you continue to play a character that is over 20 levels at start is worth playing? It would look like a god damn arms race and take any credibility out of the story when rancor class enemies would be common grunts at start. Its silly, the universe cannot support such characters, I managed to pry someone information out of BioWare tight mouth were they basic said they designed SW:KotOR to reach maximun power at the end, I can understand such reasoning (however I disagree with implement it) and its the main reason SW:KotOR could not have a direct sequel, because it was not designed to be that way. At the end Revan could beat Yoda and Palpatine, he was supposed to be that badass at the end. If SW:TSL allows a direct sequel naturaly it have to follow BG1 design, allow party to only reach mid levels so the next game starts as mid and allow progression to late mid - early high levels (depending on if such game intends to have a direct sequel or not), its not too hard and can actually makes us play the game instead of play to level.
  11. Quit being a negative nancy. He IS right. Developers today say almost nothing, useful information is most of the time burried under the "marketing" phases that are simply the same damn thing we hear all the time. That is why I only bother to read previews and flip over message boards because developers interviews say little now, we most get meanless "hype" about things. Take this as a example, they say the game will allow for a sequel and yet they say epic levels are in so I wonder what exactly that means, I cannot imagine a sequel of a game were I simply break Star Wars level limits, its absurd to play a game that starts with enemies of Yoda level so direct sequels are out if we reach high levels in this game and if we dont why bother to implement epic levels anyway? Conflicting information or information that does not make sense if we take a deep look at it. Welcome to the gaming world of 2004.
  12. Do the following, get a claymore and try to hit something. Point is they are trained, its not classified as "exotic weapon" for nothing, a lightsaber is a dificult weapon but Solo used it to open a tantan belly so its not so impossible to use. If you want to know in the d20 you have a -4 BAB penalty when trying to use a weapon untrained, so lets take a lightstaff that without the feats would end up with a -6 to BAB (if not in error), soldiers that have the fastest BAB progression could only use one at lv6 without a BAB penalty (of course with a basic BAB of 0 they would not hit many things at that level), the fact fact there is no "self injury" table in d20 is because such tables end up being really stupid at times and its a heroic game after all, we dont see Han cut his arm off because he failed save. As for you point about the Sith, I already pointed out when we start to face enemies with lightsabers we are around lv8-10 and so those Sith could use those weapons and even if they are "clones" (with they are, I seen enough of the files to do much of my eyes) its because BioWare made a powergaming RPG with rather insane leveling up and such enemies even if they are right to those levels appear stupid, its not a rules problem but a game design problem.
  13. He is mistaken the stasis tubes for clones, no wonder since they ALL LOOKED LIKE MY CHARACTER.
  14. I resent that. The movies does not give levels to anyone, some characters are more powerful that others but that is just narrative. As I point out before a lightstaff is not a useful weapon until reaching mid range levels and requires many feats to be blown on it, as it stands its preferable to not use then until BAB start to reach a point were Defence is not going to stop hits, so its unlikely that lv 4 characters are playing around with the double weapons, its not a effective weapon for then at that point. Around mid levels (8-12) its starts to be a option and guess what? Lv 8 characters are powerful, people get the insane idea lv20 characters are the norm ... they are not, most of the universe population does not even reach lv10 let alone lv 20 that IS the level of characters such as Yoda, Palpatine and Marka Ragnos the legends of the universe. The mechanics already made dual wield and double weapons useless for low level characters, sure you can try to use one but without the feats and BAB its not going to do anything. This blind fanatism towards a impression of the universe that happens to be supported by the d20 rules as written is absurd, I pointed again and again the rules make sure any low level character to not even think about using then but that is not enough for some people who appear to only care about then being forbiden with no racional mechanical at all, expect "Maul Sacred Weapon cannot be used expect for lv263 charaters . But then again this is the Internet ... I really sould not expect much ...
  15. Humans are naturaly agressive. Turing us into pussies is going against nature.
  16. And with the US in the security council the palestinians will never get it. Israel is a monster and a monster with nukes, god help us if somone actually scares then enough for then to use.
  17. Oh yes, my favorit book is "Gordon Pym"
  18. The collapse of rome taken centuries, its not like the barbarians shown up in Rome out of the blue. Same goes with all Empires, the British Empire was already in decay before WWI and it effectivly ended after WW II. If we look now the US is in decay since the late 80 but there is no power that can take the US role as a superpower. But eras are not set by rise and falls on empires, the transition from British influnce to USA influence did not changed anything since they were very alike nations and cultures.
  19. http://www.religioustolerance.org/goth.htm If case people failed to notice being "gay" changed his original meaning in the last decades to mean something else as well, being a "Goth" means belong to a certain sub-culture in whole not just like of a certain aspect of it. TrueNeutral is not saying if he takes the whole thing about being a "goth", heck wearing black clothing alone does not make someone a goth.
  20. Early in production as in "it made into dialogue references but the area was never actually made". There is some artwork about it, if something looks like a big refinery its from it. And yes, BioWare notes because they designed the area (its located in hut space, its also a industrial planet with had a combat arena) and it did not existed before.
  21. Its BioWare made and it was cut early in production (that is why we hear about it in the game). Its a big galaxy out there, I seen people asking for Hoth forgeting that place was big icecube until the Rebels set up camp. Personaly I rather OE makes their own work instead of having to ask for someone else notes.
  22. Its not "all of the sudden", it builds up to that point. ... like almost all relations in the game (except the cat/angel that you just need to find her and have the right objects).
  23. Yes, "Fed Ex" is just that ... pick up something to deliver it to someone else. The box delivery is fed ex but the riddle match is not.
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