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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Forgotten Realms, same place were BG, IWD and NwN takes place.
  2. EC is the inicials of a FR novel writter.
  3. At least they got a next generation aircraft (Rafale) well before EF 2000 come out and I still dont see F 22 going into production ...
  4. I hate milk ... milk is for EC fanboys.
  5. Actually no, we play as a former left handed character that was corrected so he uses his right hand and because of that he goes back to lv 1 to learn everything again by using the right hand.
  6. The Luftwaffe had two primary fighters, the BF 109 and the BF 110. The BF 109 lacked ranged and was restricted to combats over the channal as for the BF 110 it was simply outperformed by the spits. The Luftwaffe tried to beat the RAF with a very large operation (that was literraly throwing everything they got) and almost won but then a bomber acciently attack London and in retaliation the english bomb Berlin and Hitler altered operations towards the attacks against London. And BTW if you want to talk about the French military I going to throw the numbers of wounded and injured of the allined and axis forces until the armistice: French: Dead: 92 000 Injured: 250 000 Dutch: Dead: 2890 Injured: 6889 Belgian: Dead: 7500 Injured: 15 850 British: Dead: 3457 Injured: 13 602 German: Dead: 27 074 Injured: 111 034
  7. That is because the pacific theater was a side show. As for Europe ... well Nazi germany lacked two things, long range bombers and a surface fleet, Hitler did not invaded England not because of him being afraid of Stalin but because the RAF won the battle, what would happen if the germans tried a landing would be they would have NO fighter escort (only thing that had enough range was BF 110) and little support from surface ships. Hitler was not that stupid to send his divisions to their deaths, the german invasion was doom to failure as long the RAF was in control over the sky and as long the Home Fleet was there, he could not strike at both so he tried the second best thing, cut England from the rest of the world and stave it ... then he did the stupid thing of going after the Soviet Union.
  8. Thats buts***. First Obi was a padawan, not a knight and second Maul rarely faced both at once, when he did he did the smart thing and run away.
  9. I think more people will have a issue with your sexual preferences that you being a left handed person Alexia. A century ago you be in trouble for both, left handed people were "corrected" by being forced to use the right hand and what would happen if certain sexual preferences would come out in public would be far worst.
  10. And I think you dont think enough before you post. Being "insane" is simply slag for what we consider people not being responsible for their actions, many people have some abnormal ractions but in no way its diferent from the 7% of the world population that uses their left hand instead of the right hand. This a good site with a article about it: http://www.forensicnursemag.com/articles/351lifedeath.html
  11. Everyone is insane if we consider anyone with some mental condicion to be one, vampirism does not makes someone insane ... excentric perhaps but not insane.
  12. Actually they do, its a medical mental condition. The only thing that happened on that scene is how detailed you want the ruleset to be, the more detailed it is the more complex it became and so more time is required to run certain parts and naturaly the more easy is to break down in some aspect of the rules. As for game mechanics ... well lv1 is not required to start a adventure, many modules are in fact designed for characters above lv1 and are not the continuation of previous module(s). What does matter is giving complete control to the player over the character, both in development and background since the DM already have too much control over the aspects of the game and players sould never be reduced to "rolling dice". A bad aspect of SW:KoTOR was that it removed a big part of control of the player about the character ... I think most people did not cared because of how Revan was displayed as a super character.
  13. Can you beat it as a non Jedi? It have no replayability, you are playing the same thing over and over again ... true you can in some places take a diferent option that ultimatly is not relevent to how the game progresses. I can finish the dark side path by just reloading a saved game in the Temple Summit. No replayability ...
  14. Yes because we love playing those 20 hours games with no replayability ... Not at the price they are selling then son ... not at the price they are selling then ...
  15. Shallow is the word you are looking. People that play RPGs know how to play RPGs, trying to make people that play FPS to start playing RPGs is not done by dumb down RPGs so it look and plays like a FPS. I dont expect driving games to play like GTA:VC, if GT becames like GTA in terms of car handling it will be a loss to GT fans.
  16. That bad design, there are a lot of skills in the d20 that are rarely used until we reach a certain point. Take a look at "knowledge:religion" skill that comes up once in a blue moon, until they get to be lv20+ were it becames part of the epic spellcasting system. We have skills in PnP that can be used or not, swim is one of those things that might show up or not. And last we have class skill progression, classes with high BAB and HP progression tend to get low skill progression, many times they take cross class skills because they simply end up with skill points they cannot assign to their class skill and classes with low BAB and HP tend to have a large number of class skills and skill points since their survival and contibution to the party is by their skills, as a fighter type can cleave his way the skill type can talk his way. The idea all skills have to be equal useful leads to stupid situations, it simply does not happen that way. Also its no excuse to BioWare lame skill system modification that turn Int in a dump system., they f***ed up badly even if they dont admit it. A lot of things could be made in, there is a gamble skill and we have Parzak, there is a Pilot skill and we have Swoop bikes , there is a Disguise Skill and we have disguises. Astrogate could be used to bypass Sith fighter attacks. Knowledge and Aparise could be used to indentigy items, Search could been used to find mines (Search is renamed on the game). Sense motive could be used to find out if someone was lying, Spot and Listen could be used to detect hiding enemies (Hide in SW:KotOR was a god damn joke). Craft could be used to create and upgrade items. What do we rule out Jump, Climbing and Swimming because the damn game engine is crap, there is no vertical axis.
  17. Tyranus is Dooku and Dooku is the one behind the separatist movment that is breaking away because of the Sith influence in the senate. What Dooku says to Obi is the same he said to the separatist movement, they are not following Darth Tyranus to rule the galaxy, they are following Dooku because the Republic is being controled by a Sith. Sifodius was not a Sith, he was a menber of the Jedi council that died and Palpatine use his name to order the creation of the Clone Army as ordered by the Jedi, he could not order it as Cancellor or as Sidious because he wants to blame the Jedi down the line (besides other reasons, the senate would remove him from his position if he order the creation of a army) and the reason of why Dooku hired Jango under the Tyranus name is because he wanted the Republic attack the separatists because Tyranus is a Sith. There is a massive deception being done around the creation of the Separatist movment, the Clone Army and the Clone War, a lot of things we see in Ep II will only make sense in Ep III. As for Palpatine ... Palpatine does not care about the Sith and Palpatine power is still under the idea that he saved the galaxy from the folly of the republic and the jedi, Lucas is doing right because Palpatine never shows his force abilities for a good reason, the image Palpatine projects is of a tired old man that controls the Empire for the good of all, not of a Sith that wants to make the Galaxy follow Sith principles ... as a matter of fact nothing says that Palpatines cares about the Sith idiology and simply uses Sith knowledge to his own objectives, he destroy the Jedi but nothing says its because of Sith hate over the Jedi but because the Jedi would be a torn over his domination of the galaxy.
  18. Its no reason, they munchkinized the skill system because persuade skill really does not exist in the d20 system , we have "diplomacy", "intimidate" and "bluff". One of the BioWare designers is a munchkin, he wanted the best of worlds when comes to talking to NPCs and so we end with the munhkin "persuade" skill. They could have limited the number of skills points each class gains per level and instead they changed how skills points are gained, they round then down and made Int a dump stat since the almighty "persuade" skill is the only that matters and you gain at least one skill point per level, every other skill can simply be "level" by items with is another munchkin aspect of the game that is simply not present in the d20 rules, I know some items do give a very small skill boost but nothing close to the insanity of SW:KotOR items. The system is fine as it is, in case of fewer skill simply cut classes skill point gain per level. BioWare just did a s***ty solution. I did ... Bob reply was they worked very close with Wizards of the Cost and a lot of meaningless crap that appears to be a copy/paste job to anwer NwN questions since in no way is Wizards of the Cost represented in SW:KotOR game, there is no WotC logo or reference to then at all anyware in the game or the manual and the Star Wars d20 system is theirs, LucasArts does not own the mechanics part of that system ... just the setting.
  19. Except some people (like me) do not wish to send personal information. If OE display my real name without concent (and they will never get it) you can bet I will do something about it, I like my privacy as it is.
  20. Malak was trying to find Bastila and so was hearing reports, its not without reason that he sends Darth Bradon that can attack us on Korriban. He would know, things like that are not just be present on a memo and Malak would get a report. Lets not forget Malak knew about Revan since Calo reported how he looked, a standart background check on the new academy leader sould tip off Malak.
  21. Actually most people dont see the forest because of the tree. RPG mechanics simply determin outcome of some actions, I do not need to convice my DM during roleplay as my character could convice a NPC with his skill ... of course I could figure out a solution outside my characters skills but that depends on a lot of factors, if my characters knows the password because a NPC told him there would be no need to use any of his skills to pass the guards. he says the password and he is simply allowed in. Many people forget that and rollplay but then we have the extreme roleplayers that belive the end of all things is done by roleplaying, again if the guards are told how my character looks like and do not allow him entrt knowing the password does no good since he needs to pass the guards some other way or bluff his way in. The class system is another thing people confuse, its simply a framework for character skills advancement it sould never define the character (however there are some classes that do, people sould be aware of it) because classess systems not only end up being unbalanced in some way (inevitable to all system but classess system are far more open to abuse and min-max) but also require a lot more learning from the player part with is not very nice to starting players. The d20 system is not perfect but its modular design is atractive, there are only a few things that sould not be changed (such as doing what BioWare did with the Int stat and skill modifiers, its a perfect example of how to break the system) without having to redesign most of the system. Problem with the d20 system is that BioWare abused him.
  22. Edit: not directed to Hades post but the one before it. But he is right, the HP system comes from D&D and d20 modular system can complety remove it and still be d20. Star Wars d20 uses many diferent rules variations over D&D 3rd edition, for example in the revised Star Wars d20 rules they changed armor so it gives DR instead of Defence and all classes gain Defence as they level up so armor is still useful but characters can go without it and dont have to be forced to wear it to cover defence gaps. SW:KotOR is a HORRIBLE example of the d20 rules, it was munchkinized and powergamerized by BioWare, if you have problems with it go to BioWare and not Wizards of the Cost, god knows I do have a problem with their revised D&D rules but I am not going to blame then for what BioWare did. Point is you can make one of the best system in the world (I am not claiming that d20 system is one) but its very easy to destroy that system, claiming that WotC is at fault with the d20 system as designed because Bioware gone in and altered is wrong and that is what you are doing. Hades_One is right.
  23. Are you nuts? Malak is scared stiff out of Revan return since it undermines his autority as the Dark Lord of the Sith, of course he will always takes notice of who is running the Sith Academy, it would be the same as Bush not caring who is the president of the Supreme Court.
  24. Its beyond me why people wanted a desk job ... AGAIN, no matter what that is Malak Sith academy and he would know of any changes in the place, having Revan (knowing or unknowing of his indentidy) running the place would the same as Revan taken control over a Sith Fleet. He could not allow it, in case people FAILED TO NOTICE that Malak is the Dark Lord of the Sith and it does not matter if someone takes out the academy leader, Malak have the final word of who runs it (and that is why you can come and go if you side with the master since the fact he changed sides does not get noticed since he is in charge by Malak order and he is not advertising the matter ... until you beat Malak that is) since HE AND HE ALONE COMMANDS ALL OF THE SITH.
  25. Well you have casual gamers everywere, in fact we could say consoles were affected by casual gamers due to the XBox vs PS2 price wars that made then afordable, most people would rather spend more money in a PC that buy a (then) expensive home entertaiment system. It was the PC that started the whole "casual gamer" syndrome in the industry.
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