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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Welcome to the twilight zone ... [music plays]
  2. Ships that small could not cloack 3000 years after this game takes place.
  3. Yo, where can I find your real picture? You can find better mastrubation material with a google search with safe mode on ...
  4. Its on their internet cache. I visited the link and guess what? [shira voice] I know everything. [/shira voice]
  5. That is because its on internet cache folder ... damn women ...
  6. I like her more that I ever liked Heldge ... god how I hate that f***ing bastard.
  7. Giving? No, Revan started his own used starship stand ... you need 19 999.99 credits to buy the Ebon Hawk.
  8. [Dr. Evil] Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggght ... [/Dr Evil]
  9. So why are you disclosing that kind of information?
  10. You just need to put breast, waist and whatever is the last one size and you are all set to go online dating.
  11. Depends on height if you are overweight or not.
  12. I have a dirty mouth. Anyone have a issue with it?
  13. Its too late to back on topic son ... We can blame THAT on the feminist.
  14. They are trying a sneak attack on me ... It sould work if I actually give a f*** about it and I dont.
  15. Neither is Alexia acording to her own post ...
  16. After reading this perhaps genocide is not such a bad thing after all ...
  17. Well they could but depening of many factors. If the US was able with nuclear weapons to make Japan surrender without having to land in Japan so could Hitler, he had the V rocket research that sould have given him ICBM tecnology, of course that depening on the war not starting in 1939 but later, such as 1945-7. I do not think the US are so brave to after having 3 or 4 major cities leveled up they sould not surrender, a thing about the US is they never actually had to fight in their own homes . And even if they did stand to the end it would be the end, with Hitler in control over europe he could simply create a fleet to take over what was left. Of course there are many "if" and that is the problem with history, we need to remenber Roosevelt had a 3rd term because of war, if there was no war who would be in the White House? Same with England and France ... heck Stalin was doing a fine job of destroying the Soviet Army before Hitler invaded.
  18. Japan did not had gas chambers, they did worst but they were not going after people because of their etnic groups but for other reasons. Its unlike the Nazis that created a whole system to dispose of non arians, its perhaps the how the system was effiencient and inhuman that is so scary. Japan reason to enter the war were similar to the reasons german entered WW I, they wanted their influence over the pacific, resources, markets and colonies. And Servant of Eru you are very wrong on (at least) one thing ... Germany, England and the US had fighter jets around the end of the war and at least germany had a jet fighter proptotype before the war started, reason germany take so long to field their jet fighter (Me 262) was because hitler wanted it to be a dive bomber as well,. A big issue with the Me 262 was it was very vunerable during landing and it was very easy to be shoot down by more convencional airplanes. Also here is a little trivia, the japonese actualy had Me 262 at the end of the war since a U boat managed to deliver the plans and parts (the U boat that was to deliver the rest was sunk) and they were able to create a few but they were put in tunnels to be used during the invasion ... the nukes come and they were never used.
  19. So what? It was a side show, Africa was also a side show and many people died there ... does not change the fact it was not a much relevent theater of operations at some point. At one point Japan could no longer launch attacks, Midway was a turning point in the Pacific theater but it was a decisive factor in the war, the european theater was more unclear because Nazi germany had many resources avaible and was experiment on some advanced weapons. Japan could not produce nuclear weapons, Germany could and worst was that germany had the V project moving along and it was their develivry system ... perhaps instead of Hiroshima and Nagazaki we would instead had London and New York? You are the one delusional, war requires the sacrifice of what we call humanity by the people that wage it, its a dirty and immoral and people are reduced to statistics and suffering is simply ignore. Japan did a lot of horrible thing but dont you EVER compare Japan Emperial System to the Nazis, the Nazis were the closest thing to evil we have ever faced and I hope we never face such idiology ever again.
  20. All games are a niche games. I dont play driving sims because I dont like then, same with sport sims ... people always will prefere a type of game and not like others. The "casual gammer" is a idiotic industry myth, "it" does not exist.
  21. I dont think so. The books I base is historie controvers
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