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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Well they have to translate the text dialogue for localized versions. I expect the PAL version have a choice of english, german and french (possibly italian and spanish as well). Without a doubt they rush the game, I suspect they intended to release the Xbox version around November with the PC version being one/two months after it.
  2. It have elements of RPGs, there is a clear skill system being used for example. Then again so does many games now, GTA:SA for example ... RPGs elements is the current fad on game development.
  3. I play The Sims, not oddly enough it happens to be the most selling game in history with being in the top 10 for years. The Sims sell because of the amount custom content avaible and the fact you dont have a exact goal, you can do what you please and as some people play the social aspect of the game others do the building aspect of the game. And even if "real life" RPGs might be a problem there the fact "fantasy" is as a easy way out as "save the world" plots, making a RPG set in the real world main problem would be the realistic damage system (the old "one shoot, one kill" issue), the overall lack of special powers (magic, psionics, etc ...) and as in fantasy they can get away with inconsistences they could not in a system that is supposed to take place on the real world. That is why "real world" tends to be used for adventure games were such elementes are not (much) used, the old "Police Quest" series is example of a good game set in the real world.
  4. I play stategy games. And sorry but I seen a lot of good CRPGs that have nothing with saving the world, such as PST. The "save the world" is the easy way to make a "epic game" and its overused on RPGs, many stategy games tend to be historical recreation of battles anyway ...
  5. SW:KotOR was a good game, I have no problems in saying it was a good opening of Star Wars CRPGs line. However it also had flaws and SW:KoTOR2:TSL just looked a glorified expansion pack, in fact the cash in on the name alone (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a very dumb title) with the ads displaying "Game of the Year" in large letters with the words "sequal to the" in small letters (I pick it up a lot in GameFAQs) already shown it was aimed at a quick cash sequel. I am not going to go over mechanics, lets just say force "powers" as mana powered spell is something that never goes with the Star Wars setting, there are better ways to implement a force system that what BioWare did and whay OE was forced to continue. Then there is the story ... I dont know about the rest of you guys but trying to capture the Original Triology only happens when setting the game on that time period and looks out of place when trying to go around destroying the Republic and the Jedi Order. As we already seen that in SW:KotOR. We know that the Jedi Order survives until the Jedi Purge, we also know the Republic stand for over 10,000 years ... I cannot take serious a storyline were the Republic is near destroyed and the Jedi almost gone when they taken up Kun 50 years from that time and beat the crap out of then, not to say they taken the entire Sith Empire, survived and then go around completly and utterly destroy it and then the rements of a fleet can bring then down ... sorry even Palpatine recognized the only way was to subvert the Republic system, anything else would be beaten by the Republic or the Jedi, its no wonder they always beaten the things when thrown at then. And then we have the what I call "fan fiction writting", the fact they put the previous game characters in "cameos" ... I know who is a "admiral" now (with is stupid BTW, a pilot would be a General) and who is Mandalore. I am sorry but I played FF X-2 and that is more that enough punishment from "direct sequels".
  6. I am reading the spoilers, I have little faith in this game and what is going to make it or not depends on exactly is the storyline and frankly I read things that pushed me into "dont pick it".
  7. In case anyone wonder, Elric beat Mandalore and made the Mandarorians enter Kun side in that war. There was not much left of then after that war was over and I remind that it was a War that was about 50 years before the "Mandalorian Wars". I am sorry but I cannot see a race that had their backside given to then by the Republic would be 50 years later be able to sucesefull invade Republic Star Systems ... I can guess why BioWare did but it does not make it more "right".
  8. LucasArts sould be the ones to complain about but hey, they allowed the Mandalorian Wars taking place after Exar Kun War in the first place so that alone says something over LucasArts caring about "continuity" ... I guess they care about it as much as they do QA.
  9. I am more conserned about the level of fanatism around gaming.
  10. No, consoles are good but when you have about a year to develop a game using a pre-existing engine and god know what ... I am hardly suprised. As a Xbox owner after the review gone into the "technical" aspect I realize its best to wait for the PC version.
  11. Problem in KotOR was we are playing someone errant boy. There was one instance in the game were we could had a hidden agenda, Korriban since its were the game actually given Revan a display of power and allow him to act behind and manipulate others. The rest is errant boy missions with the chance of being a bully ... Some are saying Bastila turning come out of the blue ... well its not, if you read the dialogue Bastila display arrogance to a point its damn obvious she will be turned.
  12. The "quick and easier" path have always been how a Jedi uses the force. BioWare decided to use the "magic" force with mana pool and all as from what we seen in the movies its a question of a Jedi use his skills to use the force to achive a result, be it to jump really high of choke someone. The dark side "powers" always been destructive because its easier to destroy, take Luke when he gone to Jabba palace that simply choke those guards to move in and then mental controled the buttler to get into Jabba chamber. With the system in place in KotOR engine it simply cannot be done that way so such "fall" into the dark side is largely done via dialogue and scripted events ...
  13. Correcting. Lucas owns Hasbro stocks and so WotC got the rights to create the Star Wars d20 system. Star Wars d20 is not part of the Open Gaming License, there are substancial diferences to set it apart. The mechanics of Star Wars d20 are copywrited by WotC, the setting (Star Wars) is not (its licensed). If BioWare used Star Wars d20 system (instead of a modified d20 system) they would have to pay WotC royalities for the system that WotC created. That is why I am pointing out the Star Wars d20 system is diferent that the one used by BioWare and so the PtC created for Star Wars d20 cannot be used for this game because not the system used is diferent for Star Wars d20.
  14. Look "BioWare Star Wars d20" system is much diferent that WotC Star Wars d20 system. OE cannot just rip-off (much) WotC material without having to pay WotC so its not like that is going to be "converted".
  15. This is funny because I own a Xbox. Also here is a tip, going around on a game developer message board saying how you can pirate games is not the smartest idea.
  16. You can ask all you want, however Bethsoft is doing it.
  17. Simple, I belive in overall class balance and not "all classes are equal". No, at most they would have 15 of vitality (HP) with runs out real fast against ranged attackers (at least not against a group), BAB is so low they are not going to be deflecting fire. Except they are, a Consular strenght is their force mastery with is not reduced by a "plot device" as Sentinel strenght is his skills (that cannot be reduced at all) and not his lightsaber skills. They dont get then for free, only thing Guardians have as strenght is lightsaber combat, anything else is at the expense of something (usually a feat). You mean in SW:KotOR? Well first we dont start as a Jedi and second we wake up on a ship with a footlocker with gear set for the class we selected. We have everything we found in the Endar Spire when we "wake up" in Taris ... There are many ways to start a game, script a container to spawn items based on class selection is not that dificult. Only way is "unbalanced" is if the class is unbalanced or the lightsaber is unbalanced. If the Star Wars d20 allows lv1 Jedi walk around with their lightsabers AFTER the revision that means something ... expecialy when it comes from the people that CREATED the damn basic d20 system in the first place.
  18. You know what? It does not, Jedi Counselor is not affected by it because his BAB sucks anyway as the Jedi Sentinel was/(is?) such a broken class that its BAB puts it in the same place as the Counselor, they are simply going to use other fields to be useful (skills and force powers). That leaves the Jedi Guardian that is lightsaber combat specialist and without it ... well, not a good thing, he lacks skills and force mastery to be something. Also I never liked the "you wake up naked on a cell", they tend to be anoying as crap scenarios and I had enough of then, like it or not all Jedi are intended to start with a lightsaber in the d20 system and removing is not going to be a good indication of balanced gameplay, in fact its the oposite.
  19. So not only we get stuck with playing a certain class style bute get a class featured removed for a long time. I am supposed to feel more assured of the rule implementation of SW:KotORII:TSL or something because I certainly dont after reading this ...
  20. "Last of the Jedi" Here you have it folks ... its official that LucasArts dont give a ass to Star Wars intregrity.
  21. Logic contradicts that. There is only two Sith since Lucas come up with that, Vader is Sith as Palpatine is Sith. One is the "Dark Lord of The Sith" and the master as the other could even be a Sith Lord but he is the apprendice and never be the "Dark Lord". Sith Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith are not the same thing.
  22. ... Shock value of being so god damn retarded we cannot belive someone with half a brain cell allowed to be it on the game.
  23. Owning a Xbox is punishment enough.
  24. Why? I mean this is a message board, from day one we talked over a SW:KotOR sequel being "Project X" and gone over the rules as implemented both on the d20 and SW:KotOR and what we see? Expansion pack material. It not like we can make LucasArts to change their minds and allow OE to actually WORK on the RPG system, they want a "RPG lite" that even George Bush can understand.
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