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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Well, I stress "Enclave" and not "Order". To be sure, such people are fiercely independent but I think it would make sense to have some sort of gathering point for such Jedi. It would also open up some non-linear side plots, etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To be sure such people are idiots, there are two sides, the light side and the dark side. There is no "grey" side and playing around with the Dark Side means it takes control over the person doing it, its not possible to go around exploring it and not fall in it. That is how the Sith Organization come into existence in the first place, Jedi found and explored the Dark Side. I pretty much tired of seeing the Force being reinvented by every autor that goes into Star Wars, in the end its pretty simple (Light and Dark side) and people that holds diferent opinions are just wrong, at best they remain in the Light side and at worst they fall into the Dark Side. And you cannot argue with that, Lucas created the Force and that is how he says it works, EU autors can make characters with diferent opinions but they are wrong ... Is it too much to ask that for ONCE someone make a actual dispiction of the Force as we see in the movies?
  2. Yes, the really stupid ones ... if anything this game just proves people sugestions tend to be rather idiotic pointless things that add nothing at best and screw up the game at worst. I hope that finaly sink in on someone people working at OE, I expected FAR more from former BIS staff ... this game looks like is a god damn mod made by mushkins with no sense of the Stars Wars universe.
  3. Well in her defence she is just elected royalty ...
  4. Well he did not knew what the line was, only when watching the movie he knew. But its not the worst line I seen on the OT movies, there is a lot of bad dialogue but acting was better that in the prequels, just watch Portman that just stands there delivering her lines and then compare her with other movies. If its not the actor then its the director ...
  5. Too bad the actual line is "no, I am your father". I have no idea were "Luke, I am your father" line comes from but it certainly not from the movie.
  6. No. Only Sith besides Palpatine that made a dent on the Jedi Order was Kun and despite his success he never brought the Order down. There was a battle that almost destroyed the Jedi but then again it destroyed all Sith except Darth Bane. So there is no base to the Jedi Order being almost gone, the movie strongly give the impression the Jedi Order is as old as the Republic and neither EVER ceased to exist at one point in history until The Empire. Well we all know Rookie One did not destroyed the (first) Death Star, Luke Skywalker did. The "Tales of the Jedi" comics are the definite source over that era, only the movies and the movies novelization can override then. Also what is "right?" on it comes to the Valley of the Sith Lords? JK:A or SW:KotOR. Since after all JK:A display a diferent look of the Valley that SW:KotOR and LucasArts autorized both products ... that alone sould say something about LucasArts fact checking. (JK:A is the one that uses the TotJ comics as basis so its the right one.)
  7. Sorry but no. The Jedi Order never ceased until Palpatine make the Jedi Hunt, they had their rought times but never to the point were it disbanded. Then again the Jedi Order changed over the centuries, I cannot stress this enough that what KotOR game display of the Jedi Order is wrong looking at the Tales of the Jedi comics.
  8. Funny tread ... When it was anounced the game would have "epic" levels I was against it knowing enough of Star Wars d20 and the d20 system in general to realize it would break down the system, its not going to work well over lv20 without some radical changes to progression over that level. Its not the enemies that have to be harder but the game does not hands out XP like candy and go into such insane power levels, that way enemies dont have to be able to shoot lighting out of the ass capable of destroying planets to be something that does not die in 4 rounds. Unfortunatly that does not go well to people unable to see beyond the "level up" button and its clear OE and LucasArts was more concerned to meet all those sugestions done after KotOR by people that have no idea of why they would not be a good idea that make a balanced combat system or game. Perhaps next time someone decides to make a game that works instead of trying to "please" the casual gamers that much have a character that deals half a billion in damage just by staring ...
  9. A lot of us were here before the anoucement of what this game was going to be. I rarely post, I could deconstruct the game when I get it but honestly I dont see myself get it now ... I have my doubts when it was anounced with all that talk about what was on the game and since its release I read enough to make a educated judgement. I hold out for PC release to see if OE and LucasArts decided to actually finish the game (looking at several posts its clear they send it out the door unfinished) but I not holding my breath over it.
  10. As I tried to explain there is a book dealing with deities but its aimed at "pantheon building" that anything else. FR have its own deity book (that pretty much uses the other book rules) but because FR have a more active pantheon it have some unique rules over how things work diferently from the above book, some really give us a "WTF" moment. You need to keep in mind that such books are DM books only, they have no use for players outside some feats, spells, classes and equipment. In the deity book there is a mechanic to allow a character to became a proxy (I think that is the right name) but those are just the most powrful agents of the gods, problem with FR is that there are expecific rules that govern deities that make many things not possible. In other settings its easier to became a god because there are no expecific setting rules about then and they have a more loose pantheon as in FR its overcrowed with deities (even after the clean up).
  11. Just like Fable ... Ok, bad example since Fable have less technical problems.
  12. First there are no rules over godhood, its not like there is a "step-by-step" instructions on how to do it. Then there is a book that goes into the mechanics of divine powers but lacks the instructions for converting a player character into a deity and even deconstructing the gods stats in that book leads to a dead end since there is no actual method on why those gods have certain stats. In Forgotten Realms all gods have to be aproved by Ao the overgod, in other settings there is no such limitations, it goes down to the DM going out of his way to allow it and I serious doubt any good DM is going to allow a character to became a god and allow such character to remain in play, its a way to retire a character but its not a common one. As for CRPGs ... I never seen IWD series allowing the characters becaming gods in the end, the only game that hints to something like that is BG2:ToB expansion with is as based on FR as it is in DL (yes, THAT bad).
  13. Playing a alien race is never easy, it really depends on the race, the setting and the background. Besides I find it worst someone always playing a "Tolkien Elf" and that is as common as "Human Elf". Some people have no idea of how to play evil outside the "chaotic stupid" mentality, there is a reason why evil aligment characters are discouraged in the PnP game ... First its not, DMs that hand XP like candy are not good DMs and I always maintained world consistence, just because a party is 10th level does not mean the world level up as well, the wolves that were there at lv3 remain there at lv10, as I done things the higher characters go the harder is for gain significant XP with makes players go after bigger and more epic goals if they feel like it. FR does have a lot of high level creatures so its easier to reach very high levels since they are present but that happens to all campains and its only there if the DM allows then to be there, despite having more high level creatures they still are dificult to find and not a random encounter. As for becaming a god ... well its pretty hard in FR since there are very restrictive rules for it, its was easier in Planescape that was geared for that kind of play levels (after all its a setting were players can easy find balors areound the corner) but I can understand why people get that impression since FR have many mortals becaming gods. You are so wrong but then again PS:T just gives a small idea of the setting but you are righton one thing, you dont have to worry about the silly druid (even if that example is a complety and utterly example of someone who does not understand how to play a druid) since the wolves tend to be far stronger and more powerful and the "silly druid" god is around to smack people that are trashing their home and the Paladin ... let me put this way, a evil character in a Good aligned plane is not going to survive for much since the whole place is full of good aligned creatures (not to say the plane itself sets things against such characters) that WILL attack someone that is evil, one Paladin (again the example is of someone who cannot play a Paladin right) is the least of the worries if you happen to enter that Paladin god domain.
  14. So we were lied to ... well after "Republic" and "Fable" I trust a developer word almost (less) as much as a politician word.
  15. Yes and no. There is a thing called consistence and source books sould be the official line of future world development, not contradict each other (or even contradict thenselves) since people who pick then up is more because they rather not go much into details (lack of time) and in some cases are even part of the official compains (the "living" campain events) were they dont have even a chance to deviate from the books. That is a (big) issue with FR (I do not wish to go into much detail but let me put this way, as it stands all FR novels are official events and god knows that som autors appear to be writting for Middle Earth) as GH ... well GH was pretty much left alone after the "Living Greyhawk" book.
  16. Sacred is still being patched ... I dont say its bad because most companies would have drop it and use the expansion to be the patch.
  17. Too bad id and other companies have done it for years and right make engines istead of games. Yes, they can have a team making engines for their games (they have several projects running around at the same time) but as RPG are right now they dont have much of a chance to make money in license such engines. RPG companies tend to build their own engines since they tend to create their own systems. Besides what is all this? Why giving BioWare money for then to make just a engine when the developer company can do it, is BioWare such a "giant" of software development we need to see their logo to know the game is not going to crash every 5 minutes? Give me a god damn break ...
  18. BioWare makes engines for their games, looking at the comments about KotOR engine it looks it was meant for that game only, that is why performance is bad (OE lacked the time to optimize it). BioWare is not Valve or id, they dont build engines for licensing then.
  19. Bioware have better things to do that go around making sequels to other people games, the only one they did was MDK2 for Interplay. Their current stategy appears to be setting up their own IP and make a place in Xbox as a RPG house. I serious doubt many companies want to do SW:KotOR III since first sequels are always tricky and second it seens OE decided how SW:KotORIII is going to be anyway so they dont even have the freedom to make their own storyline (unless they are very brave and brush aside TSL storyline). So whats left ... LucasArts itself or OE again.
  20. I am afraid so ... I mourn TIE Fighter, the best Star Wars game ever made.
  21. Its scares me to say but if not for the FF series I would have nothing to looking forward in RPGs. Unfortunatly VtM:B (the last good RPG I played) is a fluke on todays RPGs, either we get Diablo clones or waterdown RPGs.
  22. IWD ... no. IWD 2 ...no. Fallout ... no. Fallout 2 ... no. Only in PS:T ... oh that explains it, they confused The S. Lords with PS:T.
  23. Mara Jade was the "Emperor's Hand". There are many female Jedi on EU, just because you dont see it on the movies it means nothing since at that point we had about 2 Jedi and 2 Sith.
  24. I cannot say about you but I know the d20 system, I played several d20 systems. As any system there are core components that if changed can create a inbalance, the d20 does have a modular design but it does not mean you can change core components. The only real problems I had with KotOR was how they handled skills (expecialy the points gained from Int. ), the rest I only had issues of how they copy/paste the weapons stats from Star Wars d20 and did not rebalance the since Star Wars d20 had some rules that KotOR d20 lacks causing blasters to be weaker that they sould.
  25. Some people do make me wonder and I dont think TSL is that bad, a lot of people already pointed out storylines that dont go anyware and holes on the story.
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