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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. I never made a secret that I play Hentai games and Snow Drop being one of my favorites.
  2. Except Final Fantasy is not a series on the sense each title is connected to the other, they dont even share the same game world. (Notable exceptions are FF X-2 and FF XII that is going to be set in FF tactics world but that was after ten titles being) Problem with KotOR II is they decided to pick up on KotOR story arc and create (at least) a triology out of it with makes it completly diferent from the Final Fantasy line.
  3. I am going to say just this. George Lucas does not gives a damn about EU, he autorizes its existence but he does not even check things over that end. Also he is kinda busy with Ep. III right now ... We all know KotOR III was in pre-production on LucasArts when it got cancelled.
  4. That is because that Larry title is incredible bad, it might have some nice jokes in it but the gameplay type decision makes it impossible to listen to the dialogue that was always one of the funniest parts of Larry titles. It could been a fun game but with those game mechanics ... nope.
  5. Yes but winnable, in fact I end up with a strategy that allow me to kill him in a few round without cheap tricks (A.K.A. traps) around that level with smart use of spells. I dont think its a question of battles being easy or hard but of playing smart and games today tend to just rely on swarm tactics and boss that downright cheat.
  6. I doubt, looking at were Jade Empire was anounced its a clear bet on Microsoft to enter the huge japanese market. Of course that does not mean anything, BioWare is a known western developer and I doubt its much know in japan, also Jade Empire from what I seen of Jade Empire its lacks the JRPGs elements and tries to do somethings that might be viewed as a insult ... perhaps to cover losses its made a PC version (were most BioWare market is still located) but I would not count much on it, Microsoft have money to burn and I dont know exactly what kind of contract does BioWare have with then.
  7. There are two "winning" endings for almost all girls (except the two girls that show up last), a good ending and a not so good ending. What I meant is that I got the not so good ending with the maid the first time I completed the scenario, all the other endings I got were the good endings (including the maid).
  8. My only fear is that KotOR "success" will spawn a clones and drive RPGs into more and more into brainless "click-and-watch" combat sequences. Then again we already going down that path without those games ...
  9. The Sims 2 Secret Wives Club Tokimeki Check in Tsuki Do you like Horny Bunnies 2 Icewind Dale 2 Sid Meyers Pirates Sacred Vampire - Bloodlines Nocturnal Illusions Snow Drop Gothic 2
  10. I own a Xbox and some time ago I heard that I could buy Fable NA version and run it on my PAL Xbox. It seens that Xbox titles are just region locked as DVDs. The localization of games is just a big fraud.
  11. I bet you do ... SEC was to be the Xenosaga publisher and then things go wierd with SEC saying its was in their release list and Namco saying there would be no PAL release. And so we got a non PAL release. Then again its might not be a bad thing, Xenosaga I (and Xenogear) might be great games but Xenosaga II reviews are well when PSM gives a 6/10 ... its like OXM giving a 7/10, something stinks. As for me both Monolith Soft and Namco can kiss my ass, its not like Namco likes to publish games for Pal anyway so I can avoid the few Namco titles that are actual put out for PAL. You know one of the things I would love to do is develop a great RPG for PS2 and then make it with the same elements found in JRPGs, allow it to be hyped in japan (doing interviews and all that crap) and then release it in PAL first and then NA. Just to see of they god damn like to be left out as we PAL players ...
  12. I have to comment of this ... Damn, that Elven Armor in DLA page looks crap, makes my ****ty retexturing of that incomplete mesh for Morrowind look a work of art. Also it looks they want to charge (via the DD system) money for the model that happens to be based on someelse IP, someone remind me to contact WotC (or who have the DL license) over it so they can send their reguards.
  13. Ha ha ha ... Suikoden IV was planed as a PAL release since its comming out about 1 month after the NA version. Xenosaga was released almost 2 years ago in NA, chances its going to see a Pal release are of a snowball in hell.
  14. Ah Volourn is talking crap again ... BioWare own online survey pointed out that the large majority played NwN for its single player and BioWare reputation was build on the Baldur
  15. Yes, also you need to piss off the Lady once so she mazes you.
  16. You know Visc ... for someone that dislike NwN you sure keep spending money into getting BioWare NwN stuff ...
  17. True, the only game with extensive modding that keeps selling is The Sims but not only its a offline game but EA ships out a expansion with new base objects, interactions and things that are impossible to be done by modders every six months so they keep selling the game. I have no doubt that BioWare tried to copy The Sims model in NwN but failed.
  18. No. My point is the toolset is not the "eight wonder of the world", it have flaws ... serious flaws and for many things it does not funtion well. Also BioWare also have a team of staff that worked on the game, proffesional programs (Max Studio for example), voice talent and so are far more equipted to make modules that most people are ... if I had access to such tools and have a working team (one that does not go AWOL 3 months after) with BioWare resources then I might produce a module that rivaled the NWN OC but then comes the limitations ... Examples ... I cannot add spells or classes, also there is no possible flying, swimming or climbing, there is no world map. In some cases I could implement walkaround solutions but then I would be fighting the game limitations instead of using the game to create my adventure. Besides I dont have to prove anything, I got NwN to play its single player varient and not to get a "game builder" software ... and the single player game I get was a wierd mix of Diablo with D&D. Typing this brings back memories ... I said those things AGAIN and AGAIN in NWN forums years ago but nobody cared, I guess most people there were either sucking up to BioWare or could not see the game pass the tools. I dont buy software development tools for entertaiment, I buy games and when I mod is because I damn well want to ... I dont anything to prove to anyone, even less the company that made the game and fact is I dont like what I got with NWN but god forbids I bring that up in BioWare forums since they RPG gaming gods or something and know better ... As for OE using it ... I dont think so since they pointed out only a few things (like scripts) can be salvaged from NwN1 to NwN2 so its not just "upgraded graphics" that would be a suicide move with TES4 being so close to NWN2 release date.
  19. Then Atari is being really stupid. NwN was designed as a moddable game, like The Sims but unlike The Sims the modding failed to support the game sales. Its not the "NwN CC" that are going to make NwN 2 a sales success, BioWare already come to the conclusion that the NwN model is impratical and abandoned it in "Dragon Age". What I feel is happening is that Atari so far had one sucesseful game (NwN) of all released D&D titles (and only 2 were actual RPGs) and since NwN was their only D&D online game they must be thinking it was the online ability that made the sales as in fact what did was the many BG players that picked up NwN based on BioWare track record.
  20. Actually I tried to make a module using the old Ravenloft mod as a base but the titlesets were no good for Ravenloft castle and I never really get a hand on the toolset. From what I seen the toolset was good to make dungeon crawls, I made some mods for Morrowind and even if the CS was far more intimidating at first it was also far more funtional and powerful (I could make Ravenloft castle on that one) and after a few trial-and-error I got the hang of most of it. I am not defending Visc actions but truth be told the Aurora Toolset was not as funtional or powerful as we could hope and that was due to BioWare design decision on how the construct the game engine and the toolset.
  21. There many diferences, she was forced into being what she is and during Broodwar she starts to show doubts and raise questions over her own actions. Kerrigan is diferent that a infested human and appears to start question Zerg instricts and commands . As for Arthas ... he looks like Anakin Skywalker and just because you are not seeing as Vader in RtoJ does not mean they go down that path with him. Its not exactly better in StarCraft, they done it several times with the only alliance is the (some) human/protass aliance ... they even screw up the Zerg in Broodwar by making Korrigan ally with the Protass/Humans just to stab then in the back. I would not be suprised if in StarCraft 2 they comtely destroy Korrigan Zerg in favor of the new Zerg/protass hybrid since looking at it there is not really room for Kerrigan Zerg with the new Zerg/Protoss enemy.
  22. I agree, besides Kerrigan is not full Zerg yet ... she still have some humanity left and that is starting to show up during the expansion. Arcturus is responsible for turning Sarah into the Queen of Blaces and I am not going to ever forget that, any chance I have to end his patetic live is a chance I am going to take ... expect in the case I can return Sarah back to herself.
  23. I cannot wait for StarCraft 2 ... I have unfinished buiness with Arcturus Mengsk for what he did with Sarah Kerrigan.
  24. Well I put this, from what I read KotOR II is not much Star Wars. Canon debates aside the issue is that Star Wars follows a very simple formula, its possible to play around with that to a point were it stops being Star Wars and starts being something else. BioWare did use very simple things in their game that are consistent with Star Wars themes as OE gone down a route that by exploring some aspects of the Star Wars universe they have gone too far. To tell the truth I rather not see KotOR III because the team that works in that game will face a dificult choice ... either abandon TLS so they can make their own story or they are forced to follow a storyline that they did not create since doing both will be asking for trouble.
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