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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. A lot of console titles are very short (I heard Halo 2 is about 18 hours long in single plater), the advanatge of renting is testing to see if its a good game or crap.
  2. Well they did WoW and some people claim Diablo is one (true that it looks like one before the hoards of clicking comes into being)
  3. If the current one does not have much traffic you can imagine that a dedicatedl one is going to have even less traffic. The only way this forums would peak in traffic to normal levels would be either a new game or having open modding support for a existing game and since NwN2 is released in 2006 and SW:KotORII is not moddable. I know a solution but you need brass balls for implement it and from what I see OE is a bit lacking on that department ...
  4. So what? I followed the link expecting to see a new forum and instead I was redurected into BioWare forums and make 2 posts. Go look at my posts there to realize they are several months old (about the time I got a Xbox and looked into Jade Empire, lost intrest real fast when seeing their "way of idiocy" aligment system) so I am not a active user, it likely going to be years before you see another post from me there.
  5. I am NOT going to Bioware forums, with things going as there is I start to question if there is a point for the existence of this very forums.
  6. Well I think the scores get inflated with the PS2 vs Xbox vs CG war and plataform dedicated magazines inflate their game scores so they have "better" games. I mean with crap as OXM giving scores its no wonder Xbox games will rank better that they would.
  7. Yes but you know damn well that EA is not the only that makes football (soccer for the americans) games, several games come with editors that allow to change teams and players names, also FIFA does not have all european champisonships.
  8. Perhaps but it does not make GTA:SA better, just having more diferent stuff to do. Let me put this way, I played GTA:VC until I grow bored with it (never finished but actually had fun playing many missions and get around to near the end) as in GTA:SA I got frustated when I was thrown the DDR sequence with is insane high score requirement and then the even more insane racing sequence (that I won because the first car got into a frontal collision with incomming traffic causing a chain crash that given me enough of a lead to win and I am talking about the stupid cross country one with that stupid racing car) and finaly given up when I got to change a limo that is able outrun my car (who I am forced to use during that mission) not to say about the "throw boxes to a moving car" (I beat it ONLY after I got a machine gun since it give me a aiming circle that made things a lot easier). I got GTA:SA because of GTA:VC but I will not get the next GTA because of GTA:SA ...
  9. I played GTA:SA and I got frustated with several missions ... there is a flaw in that game that simply tried to include too many things. (its a dancing sim, a racing sim, a flight sim, a dating sim ...)
  10. I bet Duke Nuken 4 ever is going to be released before that one.
  11. Actually s/he is not, the problem with the Xbox is that most of its good games are also cross plataform and can be played on a PC/PS2/CG. That is the Xbox problem in relation to tiles, lack of exclusives with ends up being hard to justify the cost.
  12. Well it could be worst ... it could have been a Kender instead of a Hobbit.
  13. God if the SW:KotORII model is the future of Star Wars RPG then I rather not have Star RPGs at all. The fact is there is not much riding on this release, they aimed at the xmas sales rush to make as much profit out if it and just drop it, LucasArts is now marketing Mercenaries and then Stars Wars: Republic Commandos. I think the only ones that have things at stake is Activision since they are handing the european release . And as Hades said, its one month away and no system specs with likely means another rushed release since they are still woking on the PC coding and not moved into beta testing of the PC version.
  14. Actually it does not. In Star Wars d20 the only way to advance on a Jedi class is being part of the Jedi Order, if for some reason they are not they can forget about progressing on a Jedi Class, they can however continue advancing on the Force Adept class. Same goes with the Sith prestigue classes, they need to be a Sith to be able to progress in such classes True that are ways around it, finding a Sith Holocrom might allow someone to start in a Sith prestigue class the same way being trained by a Jedi Master allowing someone to take Jedi class levels or even Prestigue classes without having to set foot in a Jedi Temple ot see a Council member. Volourn is much right on this, forcing to having a certain party menber to learn such classes is absurd, as a matter of fact its VERY ODD the only diference of what classes that can be taken happen to be the aligment on the Force with the NPC requirement being exactly the same. As for having "grey" classes ... there are many prestigue classes that have dark side requirements only and one of the classes avaible in Star Wars d20 happens to be Force Adept that have no requirements except the Force Sensitivity feat.
  15. Simple, limited inventory space and weight limits. Those rules are pretty standart on RPGs, unlimited inventory space tends to be standart of adventure games.
  16. Well I belive the early reviews were biased, there is a price of being able to review a game around release day. A lot of the early reviews are made of playing a review copy and the reviews simply think the issues they meet during play will not be in the finished version so they dont mention then. The reviews you are seeing now are from playing the released game and playing it to the end, they end up being more balanced over issues but they end up being a bit too late for the people that rushed and got the game. And yes, RPG Codex is biased but then again everyone opinion is biased.
  17. There is no true majority, the market tendences are always changing. Years ago we had a lot of adventure games, then it moved into RTS type and after it, RPGs. Right now we are in the "hybrid" age, we see FPS with RPG mechanics and DDR sequences in games such as GTA:SA and Sid Meyer Pirates!.
  18. http://www.russobit-m.ru/eng/games/xenus/ http://www.deep-shadows.com/en/faq.html
  19. Random loot is not exactly bad but its something that must be done with care to avoid oddities like thugs dropping things they clearly cannot use. Also enemies would always drop their equipted weapons for consistence sake, if weapons cannot be destroyed in combat they would not just "vanish".
  20. This is a interesting game, its kinda a GTA game set in South America but its free roaming and does not force missions on the player, he can select side if he wants to select side at all.
  21. (S/)He made it up, George Lucas issued a warning years ago to nobody work in the Ep I - Ep. IV timeline since he was going to work with it. So were exactly could someone "work his butt off" to get "everything right" when there is nothing on the subject due to Lucas "hands-off" warning years ago?
  22. D&D system is inflexible for wizards in relation to what spells they can cast, it requires wizards to prepare each day and have scrolls and wands as backup. True it sucks to not have a spell prepared to deal with a certain situation but then again in "3.5" we have that new "damage resistence" materials that must really piss off fighters (not that I know, only experiance I have with 3.5 is ToEE game). I am not saying D&D system is the best but its not the worst, I could come up with a "mana" system tied with a vitality system (like Star Wars d20, I really like their vitality/wound system) but in the end it just more rolls to be made and more things to keep tracking off ... perhaps its not much of a issue with cRPGs since rolls are done in the spot.
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