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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Oh dear god ... Now I want him to do a Halo movie.
  2. He cannot ruin Far Cry ... how can anyone do worst that Far Cry intro movie, come up with a more clish
  3. In JK:A case the lightsaber combat becames "button mashing" due to the lack of a "defend" button and the whole combo system being the same as used on fighting sims, in the single player it simply degenerates into "hitting attack and hope it kills the enemy before it kill us". Note that we are talking about the Jedi Knight series because you used it as example of how its elements would improve the KotOR line, if KotOR would use JK combat system it then would use a "button mashing" combat system.
  4. Played JK, JK:O and JK:A I have to agree ... saber duels are a matter of luck in JK:O and JK:A and not skill.
  5. Motor skill and reflexes, mental skills is another subject. With is a good point, if I am roleplaying someone who is agile I sould not be agile and fast on pressing the buttons to use his abilities. I am not looking foward to a future were in you need fast reflexes to play solitarie ...
  6. Check the date on FF VII guides ... thats right, 2005 on what is a PS one game. FF VII is a much loved game, KotOR have a very vocal number of fanboys but they would be bitch slapped by FF fanboys. The fact that KotOR lacks the guides for that kind of thing just shows the game is simply too easy, doing a "no grid/no summons" FF X run would be hard as hell and requires a guide for pointers as what is the point of doing so for KotOR? The enemies level at the same time as the party, there are medpacks and a lot of other stuff lying around making a "no level, no force powers, no lightsaber" run very viable without the need for a expecific guide for it.
  7. Yeah, that'll be a hit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well that is the problem in having a sport that is popular in just a few countries in the world. I do bet it would do somewhat well in Japan and more that baseball and football sport sims do in europe.
  8. Well that is a bad example, Take2 did not get the exclusive rights to baseball ... just some championships. Nothing really stops anyone from making a baseball game with the japanese league (after they get those rights) ...
  9. But its a preview of a game that is several months away from being completed and I doubt its being developed next door to PCGamer offices so they can peek inside and see what is being done. What they know is what is released to the press.
  10. And what do they know? I remenber what magazines said about "Republic, the revolution" ...
  11. I have Gothic 2 but I found the combat section lacking, not only control is not easy but hoards get boring real quick and I get feed up with getting smacked down by Orcs hoards ...
  12. They are japanese ... its a diferent culture there (used panties vending machines), besides they did not come up with "Virtual Valerie" or "Space Vixens" ... I play then for cultural background, the amount of hentai depends on the game itself ... for example Snow Drop shows those scenes but if you decide to take advantage of any girls before the ending, you get the bad ending ... the game objective is not looking at sex scenes but being at the right place at the right time to see the right scenes, make the right dialogue choices and understand what is going on. Also in Snow Drop case its a classic japanese love story, without saying too much its simply a story with adult content but nothing on it is gratutious like in X-Change. Also even if most hentai games use the "select one of 3 choices and advance" that is not always true, "True Love" for example have a RPG system under it and even if its possible to score with all girls (minus one since one option will close another) its impossible without using a guide, also it features a gay ending (not joking, it does). Another game I remenber is DiviDead, more because it scared the living crap out of me (its a game that contains most elements of japanese terror stories, not a surpise it did that to me) that from the hentai ... the images I remenber most of that game is the beheaded dog and parts of the school, I still have it around in some place but it does not work in XP very well and the intro creeps the hell out of me.
  13. Its not up to OE the actual release areas, its up to the publisher that is LucasArts but in europe case its Activision. Why not could be for many reasons but OE is not going to aware of then since they dont handle the distribution aspect of the game. Of course nothing really stops you from buying the game from Amazon or another online shop ...
  14. You mean a crappy prequel were at start we already know what happens and offers no real closure? Anyway ... From what I remenber the Planescape setting was discontinued due to its failure to be self supporting. Also in 3rd editions there were major changes, Forgotten Realms got their own (****ty) planar system and were discontinued from the Great Wheel, also due to several products being set to outside WotC direct control (Ravenloft and DragonLance) they were cut from the Great Wheel and the previous links were removed (DracoLance was the least affected because its a ****ty setting and nobody really wants to go there, as a matter of fact the only DracoLance crosslink I found was in Ravenloft but that is hardly a suprise since it was used as a dumping ground for pretty much every D&D setting) so the idea of a game that spawns several settings would not work.
  15. The seven forms originate from a article, I know of then even before KotOR was made.
  16. Classes thenselves have nothing with roleplaying, I can say this without being the No.1 autority because there are many systems that dont have a class structure (examples Fallout and V:tM) and they still are roleplaying games
  17. Classes have nothing to do with roleplaying itself, they are just a framework for the system to remain balanced. That is expecialy true in Star Wars were in the case of force users someone is simply a Jedi (if part of the Jedi Order), a Sith (if part of the Sith), a force user (if having a force class and/or prestigue class) or a darksider (if uses the dark side).
  18. Wrong. KotOR is about redemption ... Revan have the choice of redemption and the only question is if he takes it or not, in fact the DS aspect ends up not fitting so well because its outside the game theme. I dont know what TSL theme is but from what I gather is also dealing with a personal aspect of main character. Both games appear to be character centered games, its THEIR story, THEIR choice and THEIR future. As for my "go watch the movies" comments ... How stupid can you be if you belive either the Republic or the Jedi Order will EVER be destroyed before the movies take place? Nobody is going to belive the game if they do it, its a damn clear way to show the game have NO connection to the Universe since it going to contradict the future events we all know that is going to happen, if the game tries to do that ... well either the writter is a idiot or thinks the players are idiots (and he would be right in that case for a hell lot of people) since nobody will take that storyline serious.
  19. That is pretty much the dumbest statement I ever seen over the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic line. I know some might think this is some kind of personal attack but truth is I am striken with such a ignorant comment, this person just fails to realize the theme of the game and confuses plot background filler with actual plot. Do me a favor, go watch Ep I, II, IV,V and VI right now and then go watch Ep. III in a few months because I am getting feed up of the non Star Wars KotOR players basic ignorance.
  20. That would make the Korotorians (or whatever) cry and possible kill thenselves ... anyone wants to start a game developer studio with me and make KotOR III?
  21. God give me patience ... Reading this messages makes me covert to any deity that can save me from reading such ... silliness. Now WERE DID I STATED I WANTED TO START AS LV10? Lets ignore the fact BG2 started around lv10, lets also ignore that HotU was a sequel to SoU even in terms of level since that was not what I was saying. What I said was since KotOR ended at lv 20 and TSL ended at lv 30 the part NPCs are too powerful to be used in any sequel, downgrade of level is a stupid anoying thing that always break suspension of belief. KotOR was not designed for a sequel, KotOR II story was designed for a sequel but with the insane power levels of the end its impossible for a sequel to use the same party members without downgrading the game to power levels that COMPLETLY BREAK THE COMBAT SYSTEM, as pointed out the "epic levels" already screwed up TSL balance system. Sounds like Germany 1939-44 ...
  22. BAB progression is the same for all classes so the only advantage of the guardian happens to be one extra feat and since you spend a lot of time without a lightsaber Force Jump is useless.
  23. I blame Mike Gallo for that, its clear he have no idea what a RPG is. Then again OE did gone along with such ideas ...
  24. Inventive? Hardly, it worked in KotOR but pulling the same trick again its not going to work. Yes, there are ways to do KotOR III but you can forget about having the previous party members showing up, if anything TSL just show that epic levels really dont work with the current system. If they pull that again and bring back former party members then its not going to be worth much.
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