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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Diablo 2 is a action CRPG. Its one, trying to deny it changes nothing. IWD series is very similar to Diablo, there is a dungeon crawl focus on it but still its a CRPG. Heck BG:DA are RPGs and they play just like Diablo, fact someone does not "considers then RPG" does not change the fact they are RPGs, dialogue choices do not make something a RPG or we have to take adventure games as RPGs and we dont. And I am not going to point out the diferences of the several genders, if someone is too ****ing stupid to not know the diference I will not be wasting my time try to educate then.
  2. What choices? There are no choices in SW:KotOR, they all lead to the same result and consequences of actions are simply limited to the planet it takes place at best, killing the fish does not change anything, the Sith dont simply take over the place. SW:KotOR gives the illusion of choice, granted most CRPGs do the same (such as Gothic 2) as other are more honest and dont even bother. Diablo 2 have roleplay and even if that game is a punching bag its still have RPG elements, including roleplaying.
  3. And you get turn on by what is bio-electric discharges in your brain. Things are as real as your brain tells us, there is no diference of playboy maganize and a adult comic, your body simply reacts to what your brain tells you to react.
  4. Yes. Oh wait, that Snake fans ... sorry.
  5. "Princess" significance is still the same of medevil literature, Arwen in LotR (books, not the god damn movies) is a example of that role. Leia is not exactly a ~"princess" on those terms and that is why Leia got pissed every time Han called her a princess since he was using the word as in the sense of being a "Arwen" figure.
  6. Lightshurikens. Combining the uberness of the Ultimate Power !!! with the coolness badass of the Jedi !!! At times like this I can say ... Lucas you are a genius, not only the prequels are masterpieces but also the Xmas special is a great show (alas not from you) compared with what the "fans" come up with ...
  7. And looking at how they are male and how you consider males to be ... I honestly dont get it ... sure I have my hormones in overdrive and quite franky women are a problem to me as I stand right now but really I can enforce self control and no women that insults me based on a gender bias will never be my friend. I really not get it ...
  8. You know for someone who does not like males she certainly enjoys the attention. Just like every women, as long the males are drooling they keep batting eyelids and dropping handkerchiefs ...
  9. On and as I was looking at the book I found there is no Jedi Knight prestigue class, there is a Jedi Knight rule for players that reach level 7. I always screw up about ...
  10. Oh yes, I am looking at the class requirements and it needes to be at lv7 or higher, 6 ranks in See Force plus 20 total ranks in other force skills and take on a padawan or have 13 or more jedi class levels. Jedi Master is lv 10 prestigue class, not a lv 5 prestigue class so naturaly a lv 10+ character can be a Jedi Master. There are no force powers in Star Wars d20 as in SW:KotOR, the force system is skill based.
  11. So? They can butcher the d20 system as BioWare did and end up with same results, just because they can code the progression to over 20 levels does not mean its a good idea or that it will work. In my opinion it will fail, the simple fact that Epic levels in D&D required a whole new book because class progression had to be altered says a lot. I do not belive they can make it work and even if they do its not Star Wars, epic levels simply dont fit on the Star Wars universe (and that is also the opinion of the people that written the Star Wars d20 system) and it will look out of place but ... sadly, many people will just not get that.
  12. Many. In the Star Wars d20 system prestigue classes (and in many other d20 systems) are handled by pre-requirements and usually there is no level requirement .... just skills, feats and in some cases some special requirements (such as being part of some organization). The only one I remenber with level requirement is the Jedi Knight prestigue class that must be taken at level 8 (if not in error) but that only valid to characters with at least one level on a Jedi class.
  13. Hades, I and many people know the d20 quite well and when we say the limit sould be lv 20 it sould since it stats to collapses even before lv 20, after lvl 20 it goes down. There is no "fun" of playing powerful characters because its god damn boring and it adds nothing because the game must throw oppoments of the same power and the risk it becames just a race to power levels, its simpler and easier to simply have slow progression but I am wasting my latin here ... I am making no argument that I did not already made.
  14. So what? If its on the TV or another media does not change the fact insults are insults. As for hurting ... depends on the person, I was very hurt two times during my time posting in the Internet and quite frankly those two situations were something I could do without, I been hurt enough times before that.
  15. Actually if you can dig it up Juhami writter did said it was a romance, not a obvious one (so it could pass under radar) but a romance none the less.
  16. There is NO evidence of cloaking technology in Star Wars universe except during the OT time (Empire). Having cloaking ships is Star Trek and not Star Wars.
  17. No, its not. You are so wrong, germany persued heavy water research during the whole war so I wonder WHY IF NOT FOR A ATOMIC PROJECT. They knew but really being bombed makes projects go slower. As for Dressen DO NOT BE ABSURD, they delibered attacked the civilian population and the objective of that mission was to cause as much civilian dead and damage. As for the Emperor, he surrendered ... the military were running Japan and not him, in fact some officers tried to stop the emperor surrender speech to the nation. As for Hitler and Stalin ... well in order to reach Germany Stalin had to invade Poland with makes things a whole new ball game so Hitler was safe and as for Stalin he ordered his troops to NOT attack the Germans during the inicial german attack because he did not belived that Hitler would attack him. Still does not change the fact I am talking about WW II starting in the mid/late 1940
  18. No, she is not. What is happeing here is the good old fashioned "male talk", this is how guys act and talk when around other guys and if women dont understand ... well its the same with us and "women talk". There is no sexism here, none is talking about women as if they are inferior, lesser or any of that kind of adjectives, at least not serious about it. Alexia on the other hand is sexist, she considers males to be inferior (perhaps why is a lesbian, I dont like to talk about sexual preferences and choices but a traumatic sexual experiance can lead to some choices being made) and so she pretty much insulted us becase she means it.
  19. Well if change "head" with "women" you might got something there ... .....and you wonder why Alexia called men "sexist pigs." No, she is a feminazi ... I dont wonder about her posts since I run into her in BioWare forums ...
  20. Well if change "head" with "women" you might got something there ...
  21. No, its not. The V2 was a early ICBM and it was a question in giving it a bigger range, the US had almost nothing in rocket research and will I remind of who Wernher Maximillian Magnus von Braun was ? As for nukes the US likes to forget there was more that US scientists behind the Manhatten program and the fact Germany was very close to build a reactor near the end, without those scientists and research done outside the US we can wonder if the US would ba able to finish it and let not forget that the war in Europe ended before the Manhatten project was completed. And I dont fail to reacall the criminal action of firebombing of Dresden that was a DELIBERATE ATTACK ON GERMAN CIVILIAN POPULATION, I can point out the attacks on japonese cities were far worst due to the materials involved (wood and paper) and their rather inefective fire brigades. And shut up on the U-Boats, U-Boats commander simply did not wanted to shell US cities and even taken messures to not accidently hit anything except their ragets, there was a nice old game from Sierra called U boat that had interviews with former U boat commanders and one of the interviews the captain said he put the U boat in the light so to NOT hit civillians. That captured U boat was either simply waiting for ships before they could join a convoy or assisting some german spy, pretty standart at that time.
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