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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. I would not say that, FF VIII given me problems and had to cheat to beat the game since I could not pass a certain area. However its true that games are becaming easier each day that passes, however Gothic 2 and Farcry were not easy for me. I dont blame consoles for what is happening, I blame the desire to appeal to the "casual gamer" that makes things to easy and/or stupid.
  2. Side quests detract from the game, FF X-2 is crap because the story quests are made insignificant due to the large part of the game content being side quests, it simply gone too far with side quests and mini games. Sure FF X-2 have a nice combat system but its largely made irrelevent by the ease of combat and complete lack of tactical aspect.
  3. Its a planet that first shows in "The courship of princess Leia" novel, its known because of the witches (female force users) but at this time period it would be rather ... how can I put it ... useless to go there because the problems with the witches that show in the novels were recent and so seeing that novel plot being somewhat done over again would be pointless and of course would mess with cannon ... not that games dont have a problem with that but LucasArts try to keep some universe consistence.
  4. Its a pity that Kuat is a core world, it would be nice to travel to one of the major shipyards of the galaxy.
  5. No, its not. In the prequels the Sith are hidding and so adapt a diferent name to make it harder for people to track then, Palpatine and Dooku taken diferent names to throw people offtrack of who the Sith lords were are. Anakin becaming Vader have a strong simbolism behind it but its because Anakin hates who he became and not because of some "sith" pride. Having a "sith" name have no logic since the Sith at that time were acting in open and usually did not to put up a show as Palpatine and Dooku had, in public Palpatine was the Chancellor of the Republic abd in public Dooku was the leader of the Separatist movement that was breaking away because of the Sith infulence on the senate. The Sith route in TSL is likely taking control over the diferent Sith fractions and unite the Sith, no reason of why the main character have to hide his role as unite the Sith under his command.
  6. I voted Onderon because its god damn f***ing stupid we can go to Duxn and cannot go to the damn planet that it happens to orbit. I know KotOR is a inspiration but lets not remake the idiocy of Yavin space station ...
  7. Not really , her archtype was been done many times. I hope this is not another case of "you must take this NPC with you", the old lady as far as I care can sit on Pegasus or whatever until the cows some home, if I play this game there will be no anoying Jedi (even if they are jedi wannabe) or stupid "Sith in making" tagging along.
  8. One big issue I have is there are NO FORCE POWERS, force users simply use the force and no "I cast Force Heal". In other words all force powers sould be avaible, SW:KotOR handled it very poorly since the lure of the darkside for a force user is how simply is to use the force to his own advantage, to use his hate to fuel his own force powers. That is why jedi and force users in general have a problem, they have to think about how to use the force in a situation instead of going over their spellbook.
  9. Thats certainly a rather disturbing image ...
  10. So many things about Bastila ... Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon Let her pale light in to fill up your room You've been living underground Eating from a can You've been running away From what you don't understand... Love She's slippy You're sliding down She'll be there when you hit the ground It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain Let her talk about the things you can't explain To touch is to heal To hurt is to steal If you want to kiss the sky Better learn how to kneel (On your knees boy) She's the wave She turns the tide She sees the man inside the child It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways It's alright, it's alright, it's alright Lift my days, light up my nights One day you will look...back And you'll see...where You were held...how By this love...while You could stand...there You could move on this moment Follow this feeling It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways It's alright, it's alright, it's alright She moves in mysterious ways It's alright, it's alright, it's alright We move through miracle days Spirit moves in mysterious ways She moves with it She moves with it Lift my days, light up my nights
  11. I wish I was a fangirl ... I would have more to play with ...
  12. "Good ones" is a VERY relative term, expecialy Gaider work My comment about fan fiction comes from seeing a FR short story that was going to try to be in Dragon, it was a prime example of what NOT to do., after that I simply scroll down Fan Fiction that ends up posted.
  13. I suppose you are right, I mean after driking a couple of vodka bottles she starts to look good ...
  14. If that is "easy on the eyes" I wonder what "butt ugly" is supposed to look like ...
  15. No, I actually screw up on that one because I wanted to find a image on google and Dark Helmet was not showing anything and Darth Helmet actually did.
  16. But when I was on another forum I actually seen someone post their fan fiction ... ... I still have nightmares ...
  17. I just need to remind people that fan fiction is now considered a terrorist act.
  18. er....ok You done even know what I am talking about ...
  19. There sould be a Darth Helmet stance ...
  20. Girlfriends = overrated.
  21. I think its a good idea but it would be named "know the people responsible for this game, their phone number and their house addess".
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