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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. First I have to point we only have the Tales of the Jedi comic line on that time period and they adress a few years. First lightsaber technology is Jedi in origin and developed after the regenegade Jedi left and create the Sith, the Sith used swords and later lightsabers (from the Jedi design, they did not come up with then) Also around the Great Hyperspace War Lightsaber technology still required the lightsaber hilt to be connected by a cord to a separated power source so things like a lightstaff were too dificult to create due to the current technology. Later we have Kun that creates a lightstaff on a time were lightsabers have their powersource in the hilt, now Exar Kun started as a Jedi and not as a Sith so his lightstaff design comes from his own mind and not from some kind of "Sith Lore" since, naturaly,a Lightstaff was impossible to create during the Sith Empire age because of technology was not being advanced enough. Not oddly enough after Kun time the comics shifts to Ulic death (that was not due to natural causes) and then to the Jedi vs Sith comics that takes place about 1000 years before the prequels and then nothing until the prequels. So we have Kun and then a 2986 years span were we know nothing about, we then have about 1000 years were we AGAIN know nothing about. THAT what I would like to people THINK about it, the fact we have a 3000 years hole were nothing was written about.
  2. True, I remenber Lucas asking for someone making a scary thing and he did and Lucas saying it was too scary, Maul image concept is the second choice. I guess the reason Maul have a staff is because he was going to fight two people at the same time and the staff allowed more impressive fighting on a 2-1 that if he used a regular blade.
  3. Well sort of, Kun was a jedi and he restarted the Sith, many Sith were likely former Jedi at some point. Problem is training, with the Sith Empire gone the organization had no much of training facilities or even knowledge, Kun and many Sith were teached by Sith Ghosts who are pretty much the only who can teach the Sith ways and as we see with Kun they are very picky and make sure candidates have crossed into the dark side of the force.
  4. And and sniggy, Exar Kun was given his Staff before Lucas made Ep. I ... so it did not feel special, just that Lucas obsession with fannel driven him completly insane.
  5. In case YOU dont understand you are using SW:KotOR as bases from saying dual wield and staff users are too comon and I simply pointed out under the ruleset that SW:KotOR uses there was no mechanical reason why NOT to have enemies at those levels dual wield or use staff, to make a artifical restriction is and always been bad design. The ruleset on SW:TSL is the same, fact they go "epic" (or not, I hope that does not became part of the game even if the resident Diablows munchkins like the idea its in no way meaning its good) does not mean the rule system is going to change. So here I have the dual wield feat family that I cannot use because someone decided lightstaff and dual wield was "special" because of Maul ... That is your argument, its not based on rules, its not based on the universe (Maul used a staff and Anakin dual wield and NEITHER were anything more that aprencides at that point) , its not based on game balance ... its based on a tiny bit of text on a weapon description that was nothing but a warning saying "dont try to use this without having maxed the dual wield family".
  6. A Sith is a Sith. A Sith is organization with its own rules, traditions, technology and force skills. The Sith are not much diferent of the Jedi in that reguards. A dark jedi is a Jedi that fallen into the darkside and left the jedi order, he is NOT a Sith unless he joins the Sith. And last we have the darksiders that are people that recived no jedi or sith training but use the dark side of the force, they are many times called dark jedi but they are not since they never were part of the Jedi Order, naturaly when they join the Sith they will became a Sith.
  7. Problem its makes no sense to do it after certain levels start to roll in. Having a low level enemy dual wield is a problem because he is no way able to hit anything but around lv6 they are more that capable to do so and there is no reason why not. Lets see, when facing the Sith Governor in Taris we sould be around lv 7-8 so he about lv 10-12 sinces its one vs three, after Dantooine we are what? 10th level. Half way of the total levels so why sould the Sith we face have to be "low levels"? They are not, they are lv10 enemies and quite capable of using any style avaible because they high enough in levels. Naturaly if we faced force users at lv1-6 they would not dual wield or use double weapons because they are not efective at that point but that is pretty much a given.
  8. Its not a prestigue weapon, its a weapon. A prestigue blade is a Sith Blade with are more for show that pratical use (but they can be for pratical use), Ragnos scepter was actualy a Sith blade. Also Maul is nothing more that a aprendice so it shows the "Sith Lightsaber" is not prestigue at all if a aprendice can use it and lets not forget Maul was simply a aprendice, the rule-of-two made sure they would only be one Sith Lord and his only aprendice. I was more concerned that every Sith was basic the same with ninor (most cosmetic) diferences, there was no much of "combined arms" tactic in KotOR, they used the same force powers and the same feats.
  9. Artifical restrictions suck. The rules already made lightstaff and dual wield hard to hit anything at low levels without spending the needed feats, there is no reason of why a lv1 character cannot try to use a lightstaff, being able to hit anything with it is a diferent matter. What is your point? That you dont like seeing dual wield enemies or lightstaff enemies ... because that appears to be the case.
  10. You are wrong, neutral tends to flavor good aligment systems because they are not repressed by then. What you fail to understand is that in Star Wars people would tend to favor the lightside because the alternative is worst for then and so things are just light side or dark side with the "grey" favoring the light side because its unlikely to repress then as the dark side.
  11. The "Sith lightsaber" is two lightsabers hilts fused. A lightstaff on the other hand its not, its a lightsaber with two blade points. Kun lightstaff is not a sith lightsaber, its a lightstaff with some extras (he could shut down a blade size and could control one of the blade lenght) and so far only Maul used a "sith lightsaber", likely because he was a moron that think it was cool to use super glue on a couple of saber hilts to emulate Kun.
  12. We all have those, they are actually symbiotes. Problem with the midichlorians for me is that it makes remenber Aya Brea shower scene ... not its a bad thing but ... Rip off Square is bad.
  13. As well remenber inSW:KotOR we could just just shove Mission out of a airlock or leave Carth in Dantooine so the Sith could use him as target pratice later on. That is one of those things I disliked on SW:KotOR, we were forced to take NPCs at some points and we cannot get rid of then. So in order to spare us from "Carth" NPCs taking space we sould have the ability to remove part menbers permantly from the party inventory screen.
  14. Rakata were a plot device, someone had to build the Star Force. The other races are mostly "eye candy", they serve nothing except "oh alien" (and hearing the same line over and over again until we are driven insane). The Rakata are not much of a part of star wars, we can do away with the aliens races because they are background and serve nothing except eye candy. Rakata and their voices are anoying, at least the other races are capable of human speech and dont force us to listen to the same 5 lines over and over again.
  15. They did not come up, that race the is responcible for the widespread of Hyperdrives technology already existed. They come up with the Star Forge that is just another "superweapon of the week". Malak is "Jonny Quest villain" a 2d character with a evil laughter ... if people saying he is one of the top Sith they are idiots I dont even go about what Revan is ... Rakata are anoying to my eyes, I certainly will NOT play a game with something that gives me a headache, this obssesion with KotOR plot devices is anoying ... what next? A new version of the Star Forge?
  16. Bah, BioWare just used the ancient race that predated the Republic and created the hyperdrives before they all died from a rebellion or something. They are not "cool", they have a backstory because its the only race they give some back story ... they could not mess around with established races since LA is not WotC. I take any of the other less anoying to my eyes races that this one, I am NOT joking about looking at then for extended time given me a headache ... the less I seen of then the better.
  17. Because they are retarded and looking at then actually given me a headache? There is nothing "cool" about the Vorg wannabes ...
  18. And I am saying its not. The Sith left Korriban because it was a s***ty planet and only good for tomb building, the "outcasts" moved the Sith race to places were they actualy see water on the surface instead of sandy volcanic Korriban. The Sith Empire lasted over 1000 years and even at its start was more technological advanced that we currently are and at the end they all died in the great hyperspace war, the fact Korriban is still standing just shows that the Sith did not cared for that world besides being its tomb world and the Republic also did not care to bomb the crap out of it because there was nothing there. The Sith race is DEAD, they fought to the last in the Great Hyperspace War and their mutations got killed by Kun 40 years before SW:KotOR takes place. What you are claiming is there are Sith living on Korriban (a former Sith World) for the last 1000 years and nobody found then? Having the Sith race on a game is like Fett ... pure fan servce.
  19. The Ewoks are a primative race, like the Sith were. The Wookies however are not, they have their own technology but due to their homeword and culture they appear to be primative ... likely they were at some point but bowcasters require industrialization but the wookies appear to be smarter that humans and dont turn their world into a smog poluted husk for the heck of it. Korriban was the Sith Empire tomb world,it was the orginal Sith homeworld (or not) but at the end of the Sith Empire it was just their tomb world, the Sith Capital World was not Korriban. That is why Korriban is a dead wasteland, anything there was long moved during the Sith Empire days and the only thing left is the Sith Lords Tombs that alone are full of Sith lore enough for Palpatine millenia after the end of the Sith Empire to gain Sith knowledge.
  20. They are mutations, Shadow experimented on then. And Shadow did not bring then there for the heck of it, it was the crew of his battleship that was the only to survive the battle with the Republic Fleet (because he used the rest of his fleet to cover his retreat)
  21. We know because it was Checkov the Enterprise weapons officer, Sulu was the navigator.
  22. You know after reading this mod description SW:TLS does not look half as bad ...
  23. Well many people had to use "cheese" tactics against Malak becuase in some ways Malak is powerful enough to destroy characters that lack some force powers. That is why "team" is important, problem is doing a effective support character and end up having to have a fight with a enemy and we have nothing that can hit him ...
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