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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Me too ... I wanted a explicit sex scene.
  2. BioWare seperate board system just did one thing, dry up the PC area since the only person from the BioWare staff that posted there from QA and he spend more time making jokes that actually give any info. Sure that Xbox version come first but even during the 6 months that seperated the Xbox release to the PC version release nothing really changed on that aspect, PC version area was simply ignored. Of course the biggest offence was when they pick up a member that posted on the Xbox area and never set foot in the PC version as moderator of both areas, that lack of tact from BioWare web and community team as a slap on the face that I will never forget, after that I stop giving a flying f*** about that place and move on. So I am not too keen of seperate PC and XBox forums ...
  3. He have a point, when we are young we see things diferently. 15 years old think they are matured enough and know everthing but lack the life experiance to really be as mature as they thing they are. The old saying "youth is wasted on the young" have a lot of truth in it ... Saying that SW:KotOR NPCs acted on a realistic manner is only true to people that lack experiance on human behavior, none of the SW:KotOR NPCs have significant depth to be descrived as anything but a archetype, none was in any way realistic.
  4. They have the whole "The Dark Side Sourcebook" in PDF format, I cannot say for the others but really that is breaking copywrite laws. Its no diferent that I rip SW:KotOR cds and put then for a downlaod.
  5. Bastila is shallow, NPCs tend to be a archtypes and do not deviate from that. There was no good characterization of something that is simply a archtype, Bastila was the "the Jedi princess" and show nothing besides that, none of the NPCs shown anything more that what arcgtype they were. Wakka in FF X for example was religious fanatic but the game thrown parts were Wakka acted more that his archtype, there was his behavior towards Rikku and of course the whole Yevon religion being displayed on what it was. Being a archtype is fine but only being a archtype is not fine.
  6. 1.2 millions is a lot, no game have such results in two days. Xbox sold very few in Japan, if I remenber it sold about 100,000 units and since PS2 market is about 70% of the console market I serious doubt the Xbox (that have 15-20% of the market) titles can sell enough to reach any "top 10" numbers compared with PS2 sales.
  7. Try 1.2 million copies that FF X-2 sold in TWO days in Japan.
  8. Because romances are not complex. They use a "fail safe" reply system and lack depth. I seen more complex romances in FF series (such as Wakka/Lulu) that in SW:KotOR that are so obvious and shallow there is no point to do then, 5 seconds after we see the NPC we already know what will happen.
  9. I had more immersion as a Imperial Officer that as yet another Jedi that saves the galaxy (since that is old, reall old). Not that matters since I said TIE Fighter was the best Star Wars Flight Sim with SW:KotOR is not. Besides I had a not more fun with some older games that new ones, Privatter is 10 times better Freelancer despite the great technology cap. I also prefered Strike Commander over those "microsoft flight sims" nightmares that were crapped out under the Jane's name after the USNF.
  10. OH MY GOD GEORGE LUCAS MADE DISCO !!! [/sacarm] I agree, the Sith organization is confusing and the fact Lucas ignored the Sith as descrived on the EU only added to the confusion, its hard to talk of the Sith Empire, the various Sith cults (Kun, etc ...) or post-Bane Sith (the prequels Sith) since they changed over the centuries. However Social Darwinism appears to be the core of their system.
  11. Too bad Lucas made the Galatic Empire and not the Sith ... Getting your facts confused XBoxer?
  12. And since The Munchkin Lords is also a Xbox title ...
  13. The Sith are more a dictatorship that fascism. As you can see the Sith respect power, they dont care about race (Palpatine uses racism but at no point do we see Palpatine as racist) or anything else about someone expect how powerful he is. Its dificult to break down the Sith idiology, the basic concept appears to be "the law of the jungle" were the strong (read powerful) sould rule over the weak. Even if the Sith do share the "leader" leader with fascism many idiologies also uses the leader figure (maoism for exampe) and in the Sith is simply the "Alpha" of pack
  14. Both those games are ancient, TIE Fighter is not even reviewed on GameFAQs (the collectors edition however is). Ask any Star Wars player that played then and you see people will say TIE was the best, it sould be since after it we pretty much only get X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance with the other "flight sims" being more arcade that anything else. Dark Forces was good but I perhaps jump the gun, Dark Forces II (also known as THE Jedi Knight) was better recived but seeing how Jedi Knight had multiplayer, of course it was better that Outcast in terms of duals but there was stuff on the original I liked best, such as the sewer monster that are absent on the later games. They are ancient of the dawn of the CD (original TIE Fighter and it add on was in 3.4 disks) and so its not like you can find reviews or numbers online, they predate the "online".
  15. Last time I check being chaotic stupid is not evil.
  16. This is not nostalgia. Best Star Wars flight sim was TIE Fighter, best Star Wars FPS was Dark Forces. Right now LucasArts is doing "Jedi simulators" because of the people that keep asking to play a Jedi, problem is that as it stands they are simply too many of then. You think that Jedi Starfighter was better that X-Wing Alliance because it had Jedi and force powers? better recived? larger sales? It was the vocal minority that just want jedi simulators, most Star Wars game fans just want a new game, I predict that Republic Commando will sell more that The Munchkin Lords.
  17. Who said Calo knew? Calo reported who helped Bastila escape and descrived Revan to Saul that knew Revan. Notice he also descrived Carth that Saul also knew and there is no indication that Calo sould know who Carth was.
  18. Yes, last thing Malak wanted people to know was that Revan was still alive. That is why Saul did not wanted to talk around the bridge crew.
  19. no game is bug free, but there may never be a game with more bug than kotor, well, except for Robotech Battlecry I see you never played Daggerfall ... It had 15 patches.
  20. Too late for that since in The Munchkin Lords we alreadyare forced to start in a jedi class and there are epic levels.
  21. You mean jiggly boobs ... well the Admiral Dadoona had jiggly hair so its possible. I hope she would be a nice Twi
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