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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Because this is Star Wars? Holy crap girl you are so right.
  2. I disagree 100% with everything you said. First you missed the point of Malak character, second this is a game and I f***ING HATE THEY GOD DAMN HAVE TO PULL SOME CRAP TO EXPAND FIGHTS. Having enemies that CHEAT is bad, I dislike Malak fight because he cheats and BioWare decided to mimic movies with a 1 on 1 fight forgeting CRPGs are a TEAM based game.
  3. I kinda agree, this IS SW:TSL forums and not some mod (if its a GAME using BIOWARE COPYRIGHT MATERIAL I am quite sure they would like to know about it) about SW:KotOR.
  4. Geez ... Remenber Malek little speech before setting those s***ty droids on Revan in the Star Forge?
  5. As for Renegade question. The Fetts are humans using mandalorian stuff (Jango was a orphan raised by the mandalorian supercommandos), there have never been much about mandalorians except I think a Marvel comic shown then as predator looking. As for Kun ... he was in the Tales of the Jedi comics that takes place about 40 years before the game, its shows up the same way WW II and Hitler shows up today.
  6. If not in error its Mandalar the planet name but really nobody (except Fett lovers) given much of a f*** about that place. The worst a game can do is fan service, the Fett fetish is something that sould be avoided.
  7. Lightwhips is a common (bad) idea, first problem is that it, naturaly, would be near impossible to work the same way as a lightsaber and that laserwhip is not the same as a lightwhip. Another thing, EU is fill with crap that sould be avoided.
  8. You asked how ... Light is proton emission, saying a star does not sends out enough protons to be reflected would be saying we cannot see the moon because the moon is visable because of Earth reflects Sol proton emission towards the moon that in its turn reflects then.
  9. Reason is that sitting characters were actually static objects.
  10. Palpatine have no lightsaber because he does not need one, in the movies Palpatine was shown as a weak old man to hide his power, we need to remenber Yoda warning about Palpatine. Giving Palpatine a Lightsaber would be the same as giving one to Yoda, we do see that in Ep. II (and Palpatine will have one in Ep. III) but that pretty much lowers their characters.
  11. West End Star Wars RPG is responsible for many errors, a known one is the screw up with SSDs actual size. So take everything there with some grain of sault, expecialy if WotC Star Wars d20 contradicts then Being able to build a lightsabe is important as shown in the movies (reference: Vader lines on Ep. VI) but that is it, we seen that the Emperor had no visable lightsaber and he was more powerful in using the force that Luke.
  12. Well you accused me of me and Hades_One being the same person, that is what a doppleganger is on Internet lingo, someone that have several accounts and each account appears to be a diferent person. I am not Hades_One, only time I was accused of being some other user was in GameFAQs FF X-2 forums when I got sick of the fangirls attitude of anyone that voiced that the game had problems was sexist and decided to argument that people were right about FF X-2 not having the same appeal of other FF titles, leading some user that could not conter argue my points to say I was a doppleganger. The fact me and Hades_One have similar points of the Jedi focus of SW:TSL does not mean we are the same users, it would be the same saying me and Volourn are the same person because we have posted similar views.
  13. Last (and only) time I was accused of being a doppleganger it was by FF X-2 fangirls ...
  14. It was already said but really, you think that we have sunlight, moonlight and starlight exactly how?
  15. Good point, also if you take SEALs into doing something as SWAT do they will perform poorly since their traning simply does not cover typical SWAT situations. Jedi simply are not military trained, no matter how good you are with the force you cannot survive a durect hit of a turbo blaster and lets not go over how military units are trained in "combined arms" tactics as Jedi are not expected to fight wars. Also people missed Ep. II were Lucas once again shown the Jedi are not able to fight wars, most Jedi that were in the Arena battle were killed by simple battle droids, they LOST. Then we have Yoda, Jedi can be good tactical officers and that was what Revan was, Revan was the commander of the Republic forces that had some force users but I doubt Revan was sending the Jedi that join him on space suits attacking starships ...
  16. Kun killed his master in front of the jedi council. As I said the Jedi Temple of Coruscant is quite old and the Jedi Order originates from Ossus (actually after Yavin 4 had a ... accident, Luke move the Jedi Temple back to Ossus) and they appear to predate the Republic since they already existed when it was founded, Coruscant temple was likely just build because the Jedi Order wamting to help the Republic and they moved there from Ossus after it suffered a acident of its own. The council existed but it was a more loose organization were stuff as taking a aprendice was not required to go over all that red tape to get someone out of the Jedi Temple. Master/Aprencide role can be a burned if the player feels he does not give a damn about doing and stuff like that being forced up on us just make it less a RPG amd more a adventure game/FPS hybrid ...
  17. The Jedi temple on Coruscant is one of the oldest buildings of that planet, it existed BEFORE SW:KotOR takes place. The Jedi Order itself predates the Republic, there is no indication the Jedi Organization changed much over their more of 25.000 years of existence.
  18. You can PM then, if you go to the main page you find a link that says "The moderating team" were you can find all the moderators/administrators.
  19. What? The Jedi Order is as ancient as the Republic itself.
  20. Err Opus there is light in space, also as you can see by the anoying sun glare the SW:KotOR turret battles also taken place in a star system and not deep space.
  21. I dont recall seeing ANY rule that forbids multiclassing, only rule I remenber is that using the Empire Age the only Jedi class choice is the Guardian.
  22. There are some creatures that are force immune or are even able to create a bubble were the force cannot exist. The Vorg predate the Rakatans in terms of design and the vorg concept was pretty much full of it (in the sense they just pull a Borg) and as we can see the Rakatans are affected by force powers as the Vorg are (or were) not, of course BioWare simply taken the logical route of their race simply lost their ability to use the force due to the extensive use of the Star Forge as the Vorg simply end up that way because they made no sense of the Star Wars universe and so they end up doing a coop out with some crap about being "cursed" or some other bulls***. The fact EU is full of crap does not mean OE is forced to make crap as well ...
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