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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Its been around for over 20,000 years.
  2. It costs vitality points so most jedi are not keen in using then often in battle.
  3. That is true, its poorly balanced and it appears to not change for The Munchkin Lords. The moment they said "epic" was the moment I knew every error that BioWare made in SW:KotOR was instead of being corrected made bigger. I hold no faith on this game ...
  4. No but its a broken system already, The Munchkin Lords is simply making the same errors that were done. Remenber that skills were nearly useless in SW:KotOr? Well "more screen time" is not fixing the issue and allowing demolitions to act as security is also not fixing the issue ... blowing up a door is completly diferent that break the lock (for start it would sound a alarm). Moving to "it have no impact" to "it have 100 uses" its not fixing ... its munchkin since its downgrading skills to a unexpecialized role, as they are at it they could just remove skills and handled by atributes acores alone.
  5. SW:KotOR uses a d20 system, it might not be Star Wars d20 but its a d20 system. The fact its a broken system does not change its a d20 system, from what I seen The Munchkin Lords are not really fixing the system but continue to breaking it.
  6. Lightsabers ignore armor, that is SW d20 does not give a AC bonus but damage reduction and also object damage reduction. In terms of damage they deal 2d8 with only the vibroaxe can beat (2d10) but the jedi classes get increase lightsaber damage depending on level and that makes then the most powerful when wielded by a jedi, at 20th level a guardian will deal 6d8 of damage. So lightsabers are more powerful that swords even when wielded by a non jedi due to their ability to ignore damage reduction and in the hands of a jedi can deal more damage that the other meele weapons and even that other type of personal weapons (only a termal detonator 8d6 can beat it).
  7. Someone did not repaired HK-47, he did kill people without being ordered to (when he was owned by the senator). HK-47 like being owned by Revan (before he known who revan was) because HK-47 expected to kill with him as a master, HK-47 is a assasin droid but he also enjoys being one and that is what makes him dark side.
  8. Do a google image search, you find a few (galaxies have then).
  9. I guess he wants a "Squall" but with a open ending system. Never works since there are far too many variables that could be used on character background generation.
  10. No, I am not. BG3 could only be like the "Black Hound" with would be simply using the same title name as BG1 and BG2 (and BG2 is not even set in Baldur
  11. That is another issue but not diferent from the "one-shoot-one-kill". By removing the weapons of the enemies you are simply making the challange non existent, in Jedi Knight series I can push the weapons from the enemy and they simply run around until they grab a weapon and its not so much of a issue on that game because its a FPS. Breaking the other enemy weapon is the same as removing, a lv 20 character unarmed is simply not a challange to armed character. Also as BAB indicates "to hit" there are modifiers, attacking a smaller enemy would add a penalty as attacking a larger enemy would give a bonus. Now since weapons in the d20 system have sizes its a matter of being able to hit it and the ability of the weapon to sustain damage before destruction, the system allow that because its a trade off ... less loot for a easier challance that will net the same XP result. Also it would happen to the character and his NPC party members, its not "fun" when your buddy repeater gun gets cut in half since he have to switch weapon (and in the d20 system nobody have infinite cargo capacity and access to the same inventory) and he just lost part of his resources.
  12. No, one thing I learn from game message boards is NEVER EVER listen to the casual gamer and/or fanboy requests. Everyone have their "great idea" but when making in to the game you find many constraints, be then the engine or the story but as some people know to what can be done and what cannot for the sake of the final product, the rest do not. You have many example by just looking at NwN modules and fan fiction, if they put Bastila on the game it would be simply fan service of the worst kind, Bastila importance was in SW:KotOR and her role ended there, it was a self contained game. I dislike cameos, they are usually stupid things that give the impresion they dont fit in ... like Drizzt in BG series. T3 is the only that can return since he had no role in SW:KotOR (a great oversight) and the one that could survive any of the game ending and one that could explain any character level changes as any of the other can only be reduced to non-joinable NPC status or end up with some lame reasoning on how a 18 level character end up as a lv 6 character.
  13. One hit/one kill is rare in RPGs, first is a very frustating feature since it will apply more to the player characters that the NPCs. The Star Wars movies also tend to show the one shoot/one kill and I doubt people will like that idea much. Instant death and limb loss are bad ideas on RPGs, Fallout system did allow it but they also made sure the player was properly equipted before facing then and limb loss was never permantent.
  14. Item placement is a diferent issue.
  15. But I agree with that statement, unless you were a munchkin lightsabers were overpowerful due to the upgrade funtion. A lot of people will bring the Star Wars d20 to say lightsabers were underpowered in SW:KotOR but easy forget that SW:KotOR uses many diferent rules that Star Wars d20 starting with crystals upgrade system that does not exist in Star Wars d20.
  16. You could in BG1 and B2 (plus their add ons), so that means half of BioWare cRPGs games allowed to kill anyone.
  17. I dont have a ass, unfortunatly.
  18. That sould be OE next project, port DOA volleyball to PC.
  19. Because we are all afraid of you posting your ugly mug as a avatar.
  20. That the reason ... on the other hand we have epic levels in The Munchkin Lords so I will not be suprised if we see ewoks in this game.
  21. I dont like to reply to females, if they decide to make a issue about something I wrote there are always some 13 years old that just reached puberty that start doing a "knight in shinny armor". That was a lesson that ICQ teached me.
  22. The ignore function is not enabled, except the PM block funtion.
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