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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. No, they are NOT. Classes represent skill, a scoundrel can easly be a criminal, a smuggler or a bounty hunter, same goes with the other core classes (even the noble) since your background can be hundred of diferent things, even the non heroic classes. That is the error people continue to make, a solider can be either part of the republic, a mercenary or a dualist ... why people continue to make such error is beyond me, expecialy since the d20 system creators said exactly what I just said ...
  2. No, that you ... Confused again? P.S. You are not a BioWare staff member either ...
  3. So what? Building something is diferent that repairing something, even if the name is "craft" its simply indicates the skill on building something. And it certainly does not make the Repair skill weaker, it simply makes having two skills that are used for diferent things as they sould instead of using the "powergaming" logic of lumping skills for the maxium result. Correctly implemented I sould have been able to heal people and repair droids via dialogue in SWKotOR.
  4. Unfortunalty the idea is destroyed with the fact we KNOW the "final boss" fight (likely against Revan) will be a one-on-one and the advanatges of a protocol droid are destroyed when convertation ends up being based on main character stats/skills (unless they program to take NPCs into acount but if they do it its simply best just making a droid NPC for that purpose). The idea od making droids is not half bad, problem is to prevent it to be used as XP farm (like in SWKotOR) and naturaly of walking around with a personal army of battle droids. Even if this are from the same people that made Fallout/Fallout 2 were end bosses could be taken out (or helped taken out) by non combat options the fact is Jedi=one-on-one dual with a Sith have not always been present with the movies but also with the games.
  5. Like pretty much most of Bioware work to me ...
  6. Repair? That stupid, Repair indicated the ability to repair something, not build something and SWKotOR was THE WORST example of how implement skills on a game. To build something it sould require a "Craft" skill, even building lightsabers sould require "Craft:Lightsaber" skill.
  7. Belivable romances are dificult to implement, the best I seen was Rinoa-Squall in FF VIII. No kiss (well not until after the credits roll) on that one.
  8. Freelancer sucked son, it was a slap on the face of all us old Privatter players.
  9. That is, unfortunatly, the developers problem. Class sould never be "the" character, its simply the character "skills" but for some stupid reason that is beyond me almost all CRPGs that have classes fallen into that stupidity. Best way to solve was having a "background" choice were we selected what the character job as and it being used. Race is not as a big problem but sould be adressed, if I am playing a Twi
  10. OK let me explain, Star Wars DS endings are not exactly the official and just a kind of "alternative" ending since Star Wars theme tends to be good vs evil.
  11. The DS ending does not work, it was pretty much like the DS ending of Jedi Knight.
  12. Besides "Marko Ragnos" type of errors there is no things were SWKotOR goes against Star Wars, keep in mind Malak simply had the rim and the Republic strenght is on the core worlds.
  13. I am as open minded as everyone else. At one point people belived the Earth was flat. I read enough, the basic (Last Jedi, Jedi Civil War, no Jedi Order, Republic falling) is the same as the OT and even if SWKotOR did used the OT themes they make a new story with then, this "story" is such a rip-off of the OT that anyone can see it. Also ignorance is something I dont have, I do know enough about Star Wars to wonder how the f*** this passed LucasArts control. I said DECENT and a lot it was because RAVEN DID THEIR BACKGROUND CHECK, everything they used actually worked with Star Wars (they got Marka Ragnos name right, unlike a certain canadian developer) as stuff like that was already shown in books and comics. Also Jedi Academy was a FPS like the rest of the Jedi Knight series, I was not expecting a RPG ... I see a problem with that story line, I have no problem with saying that. If I see they use the same s***ty force power system you can be sure that I will complain about it. Because they are fanboys and so stupid people. I own FF VIII, IX and X but I pass FF X-2 for several reasons (one being the black borders of s***ty PAL conversion) and even if it really did not stop EA and Squarenix from making money it was one less buyer (and FF X-2 appears to not done well in PAL so I am not a isolated case)
  14. I dont give a f***, I dont have to buy games because it have the Star Wars logo on it. Heck we dont even know if this forum is for SWKotOR 2 or not. It reeks of bad fan fiction, looks like that crap I was subjected on BioWare forum when in a example of sheer stupidity I read fan proposed storylines except some were not as bad as this one. Heck, makes NwN OC story looking good compared. I dont need to step on s*** to know its s*** ... I just need to smell it. Yes, too bad they show the same originality that ... a door. There is no such thing as a perfect game, we have games that stand out in some way but really this looks like Jedi Academy (except Jedi Academy ACTUALLY had a decent story) that is the same old crap. Besides I am doing more that you are, I am pointing out the problems I see and they can take my critics (that are voiced in the worst possible way because that is the only thing that works on message boards) and think about it or not. My real control comes on release, were I buy the blasted thing or not and they want to sell it to me because I am part of their target market, if I dont that means they criticaly failed at some point. P.S. With that kind of attitude you sould post in BioWare forums.
  15. Power is relative, the only thing the player sould have control over is the main character with the game world being influenced by the main character actions, however such influence must be realitic, you sould not turn Tatooine into a water planet because the player wants it. Also its not possible to have "Bink, the Jedi" turn light or dark as the player feels like, not only it would be a dialogue nightmare but also it would look f***ing stupid (yes some morons would like it but then again some people say a Xbox is more powerful that a PC with says a lot about the human race) since we cannot forget we are stuck as Luke in this "story", like it or not we are playing "Final Fantasy, s*** Lords". ... I wonder how much FF X-2 is going to cost in early 2005 ...
  16. That is a god damn awful story, its a rip-off of the OT and I fully expect we end fighting Reven in the end who also end ups being the main character father. Besides its possible to make a story around a jedi character and not having us playing a jedi character, Han Solo was very much one of the OT main character and not a Jedi, point is I am sick and tired of yet another jedi game that offers N-O-T-H-I-N-G new, it still the same Jedi Knight game I played years ago ... same s***ty force system, same lightsaber combat, same jedi despiction. If they want inovation then god damn it make it LIKE Ep. I/II so we can FINALY see how the Jedi were and not another Luke story cloning that been done to the death. Its better to complain now were something still can be done about it that to complain later were nothing can be done, at least I will have the satisfaction of saying "I told you so".
  17. Dont talk about stuff you dont know about. Star Wars EU was always around the movie timeline, the only thing we have that is well before Ep 1 is Dark Horse "Tales of the Jedi"comics that only go back as far as the Golden Age of the Sith. There have ONLY been a Jedi Civil War since its the only time the Jedi as a organization split into two diferent groups and battled for the idiology of the Jedi Organization, after that event the Jedi Order remained the same and your "mass defections2 simply gone into the enemy side, you cannot have "Jedi civil War" when its Jedi vs Sith since the Sith is its own organization and one of its objectives is the destruction of the Jedi Order and if you do then you must also call the US Indepence War the "British civil war".
  18. You know, this reminds me of "Devil May Cry". DMC2 put in what fan requested and forgot something, people play games usually dont have a clue of what makes it a good game and their "requests" will screw up the game. Problem in writting NPCs is having then with personality that is belivable, take Virconia for example that have a personaly change only after expecific events and circustances take place. Having her becaming LG because the player is a paladin is a example of stupidity. NPCs sould have their own moral standing and stick by it, the effect player actions in the game world sould not affact their morality except make then being displeased towards the main character and only in certain especial events they sould revaluate their moral standing. Anakin did not fallen into the darkside because he had a all night party with Palpatine ...
  19. PS:.T was the Nameless one ... after it a PS:T could not resolve about his imortality because he loses it at PS:T ending. And its not my beloved game, I dont even like it much. Besides if PS:T2 was another incarnation of the Nameless one it would not be a progress, one of the biggest issues about SWKotOR (and recently Star Wars games in general) is the Jedi centric nature were we simply cannot play anything but a Jedi.
  20. The only force user non prestigue class is the Force Adept, they dont get lightsabers (but can use the force to make a unpowered meele weapon to be resistence to then) and some other stuff. They would work on SWkotOR, except it would be pretty much a force class without lightsabers.
  21. Yes and no. The Republic stand for 25 000 years until Palpatine turned into the Galatic Empire, that is stated on Star Wars official site. The Jedi Civil War is also despicted as happening when some Jedi started to explore the dark side and the Jedi Council forbid it, leading to a rebellion that ending with the dark side jedi leaving and finding the Sith race and so creating the Sith Empire. Exar Kun does more damage to the Jedi Order later when he kills his master in front of the Jedi Council and many Jedi follow him but that does not destroy the Order. After Kun we are left with some vague references until the Jedi Army of Light fights the Brotherhood of Darkness (all the diferent Sith organizations) into the great battle that almost destroys the Sith (only Darth Bane escapes) and that is were both the Jedi and Sith organizations are reformed into the we see in the movies, even if that is just EU adapting the "no longer canon" pre Ep I stories that shown the Jedi and Sith diferently that in the movies. In SWKotOR the game states that Malak was stop from reaching the Core Worlds and was all set in the Rim region, there are official Star Wars maps that further point towards to that (since all official Star Wars worlds in SWKotOR are located on the Rim reagion).
  22. OE only game will not be SWKotOR 2 (if it is), besides I post more on other areas and this forums are way better that others.
  23. Leia, because she could feel the darkside pushing her towards the same path as her father. That is just a example, EU is full of former foce users or potencial force users that dont want to use the force despite the fact they could. There are many reasons why someone does not want to use it, perhaps he feels that he will abuse it and turn into the dark side, perhaps he feels made a mistake as a force user and does not wants to risk it anymore, etc ... And taking Jedi levels DOES mean being part of the Jedi Order since that is the only way to advance in the Jedi path (with Jedi Levels are a indication), if not a Jedi they can level on one of the Sith prestigue classes or a generic force user class.
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