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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Same reason I would get a DS over a PSP. The Xbox is nothing over the PS2 for me, only thing I like the Xbox is their hard drive but that is about it (Xbox Live is not even supported in my country, PS2 online on the other hand is ... damn pity that I have yet to see a PS2 HD on sale) and I play more PS2 games that Xbox games. I dont see any decent Xbox exclusives yet, I see a lot of cross platform games that I can get to run better in my PC (that is nothing much) if I cared. Besides I stand over my impressions over the next consoles, the PS3 and Xbox "2" will have a small technology gap since they will be released around the same time and as Sony is moving towards its DVD/MP3 player/God knows what/Console combo the Xbox decided to make a console instead of a stripped down computer with Nintendo appearing to wanting to inovate how games are "played". Honestly I am tired of this "tech race" that simply downplays games to tech demos ... Fable is not better that FF X-2 because of the Xbox "capabilities" (both games stink, even if in diferent ways) and I seen Silent Hill fans saying that SH4 looks better in the PS2 that in the Xbox.
  2. Nokia ... Never heard of N-Gage, also known as the N-Taco?
  3. Yes. I never regret having played it, I find it a very good game.
  4. But that is not what they are doing, they making a PlayStation and not a Xbox. The next Xbox will be more close to the Playstation design that the Xbox design, the PS3 is closer to the PSP design that PS2 design. (And nobody knows what Nintendo is doing) What I see is MS walking down the same path that Sega, they might be powerful and capable but that alone is not going to sell it enough to be self supporting.
  5. George Bush Jr. was elected and re-elected.
  6. I think it it will ... The PS3 will since it gives a jump start to the PS3 in relation to titles since naturaly there will be few launch titles as PS3 launch year will see more PS2 titles that PS3 titles. In a way that was killed Xbox chances, there was simply little choice as the PS2 had a extensive choice and the price slash made the Xbox look like a expensive toy. I am looking at Nintendo for the next console, the PS3 is too much a entertaiment center to be inovative (not that its going to hurt sales) as the next Xbox appears to be following the same ideas behind the PS2, its a console and in my view that is a mistake, MS sould have continued with the idea of the Xbox being a stripped down PC.
  7. Considering there are NO official spec for the next Microsoft console ... not even name.
  8. Having proper QA instead of rushing the game release to meet the holiday season. Mind you there are a lot of problems with "KotOR 2" before that even became a issue, LucasArts simply did to KotOR what Disney does to their movies, basic release cash in a sequel.
  9. It was. It shown that you could put a bug ridden console title and see it win awards and sell cart loads, before it console titles were relative bug free.
  10. I just did. Observations ... Plot is not Silent Hill, its BioHazard. Flashlight is more of a "secondary attack". We play a two people team, its good and bad because the second one never heals. The "diferent skills" of characters end up being more cosmetic that anything else. The game is hard, I got my ass handed to me several times despite packing some heavy fire power (shortguns) and on easy, end boss is crazy powerful (have yet to beat him) ... I dont think I am going to try hard mode (if I manage to beat it).
  11. IWD3 would suck and I dont think there is a need to point out why.
  12. Its a old trick, they register a domain name so they can sell it by far more it costed to register.
  13. Nothing. Buts its kinda of a niche market, I think IWD got some backlash because people were expecting a BG and there is little of BG type of design in IWD.
  14. Welcome to OE rewritting of KotOR story.
  15. Nar Shaddaa in Jedi Knight was the first level so it have no force jumping.
  16. Well those are 50 seconds of my life I never will get it back ...
  17. That is a low blow ... predicatble as hell and unlikely to do any kind of damage since its as predictable as Bush making a reference to god when he makes a speech.
  18. Dont mind Volourn, none of us do. Just remenber he is a big BioWare whore ... not as a big one as Visc ...
  19. Vorg cameo and you are NOT going to see the Vorg before NJO time.
  20. Well I can understand that, I rather have a gun that something that pretty much acts basic like a gun but in a wierd way (like Fatal Frame camera). I never did played Clock Tower, I am more a Silent Hill player (wierd since I never expected to like horror and yet here I am playing Silent Hill 2 at 3 AM with headphones) so I dont know if I am going to like that gameplay much but then again as long I dont have some stupic Fatal Frame camera system to deal with I will have no complains ... I used to run to save ammo anyway.
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