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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Only thing that NwN brought that was "new" was the DM mode. NwN was simply a 3D MUD or strip down MMORPG, it was not Ultima Online in relation to inovation in RPGs (even if UO was simply a MUD evolution). Everything that NwN had already existed in other RPGs, the fact BioWare made a "user friendly module creator" does not change the fact such tools existed before, either created by 3rd parties or by the developer itself.
  2. By now BioWare build its reputation enough to create fanboys and haters but I thin with the sad state of RPGs they are not at the same league as Blizzard or Squarenix. I think a lot remain open to BioWare games since they did made Baldur
  3. It would be more teaching someone to be a Jedi and not telling about the Jedi code. The "light side" is almost as a big nonsense about the dark side (not the dakr side dangers) and we sould keep it out of this. That is the issue, the Sith act the way they act because they think they have the right because they are stronger, a Sith that does not think that way is not a Sith, like a Jedi that does not follow the Jedi code is not a Jedi. As I said it before, a Sith is fully expected to be replaced at the moment that s/he shows weakness because its part of the core of their reasoning, if they are not strong enough to remain in their position they sould be replaced. Revan's goal (whatever it might been) does not change the fact that as a Sith he had no right to be Dark Lord of the Sith if /she was not strong enough to maintain the title. One could argue that Malak did not played by the rules but that is the problem of the Sith "Laws of the Jungle" system since it simply allows to grasp power.
  4. Those actors are not bad, there is something wrong with the prequels that makes the act so badly (likely Lucas directing). Jar-Jar was Lucas trying to put the comedy in Star Wars that we had with R2-D2 and 3CPO and failed badly for a lot of people. That is the problem with the prequels, I can recognize what Lucas is trying to do and it simply does not work, I think that the OT worked because there were other people involved that were able to say Lucas "no" and improve the movies.
  5. Sith fully expected to be replaced at some point, Palpatine knew that Vader would try to replace him given the chance. They value that because deep down Sith ideas are the law of the jungle were the strong sould rule over the weak. As for Malak tactics ... well he displayed none but then again he did not really needed then since he had a infinite suppy of ships and droids, he did what Palpatine will do millenia later with simply rulling the Galaxy with sheer numbers of ships and troops. The problem in this game is these "Sith" are not really Sith, using the Dark Side does not make anyone a Sith and same goes with using Sith knowledge, just because they use it does not mean they are Sith, they need to follow the Sith ideas and none of these do ... one wants to get rid of the Force, another wants to kill all live and the last just hangs around just because.
  6. No, there is will always be Dead or Alive Extreame Beach Voleyball
  7. From comments I read this game looks more and more a Standart BioWare Mainstream Roleplaying Game. I am not afraid to say that Jade Empire did not had some influence over I buying a Xbox last year but still I was not that interessed on it back then and so far reviews I read made me more inclined to get DoA U then this.
  8. For god sake ... Malachor V is a TSL creation, its NEVER mentioned in KotOR and Canderous never said exactly were Revan killed Mandalore. Again the war ended with Revan killing Mandalore and since Revan never set a foot in Malachor V as far we know (Kreia is -again- wrong, the Republic knew exactly were Korriban was located because it happened to be the place the Republic found the Sith Empire and so would Revan).
  9. I give low points for the insane barrel loot ... I found a +1 rapier on one.
  10. I actually do. There is nothing to say that HK-47 was send by a Mandalorian officer to kill a pretender, expecialy since BioWare had no reason to make such storyline in the first place(overall complicated subplots that serve no purpose is not one of BioWare flaws).
  11. It does not really matter, the Mandalorian Wars ended with the death of Mandalore and Revan was the one that killed him so Malachor was not were the war ended, it was someplace else.
  12. Yes, the OC is not worth even 50/100 let alone 75% ... unless you mean 75% barrel searching time.
  13. The only way to beat the Mandalorians was to beat Mandalore himsef. In KotOR the game pretty much says Revan beat Mandalore (the leader) in Mandalore (the planet) and so ending the war. TSL adds confusion by saying the war ended at Malachor (with is false, it ended when Reaven killed Mandalore) and goes around implying that Revan did send that Republic fleet to get destroyed. Problem is who says that is HK-47 that by his own words ends up not even being build at that time, also that contradicts KotOR since HK-47 was send into Mandalorian space, captured and then send by his new Mandalorian master to kill Mandalore and since Revan taken Mandalore mask and given it to Canderous that can only mean HK-47 was build during the Mandalorian Wars.
  14. New blood joins this earth, And quickly he's subdued. Through constant pain; disgrace, The young boy learns their rules. With time the child draws in, This whipping boy done wrong. Deprived of all his thoughts, The young man struggles on, and on he's known. A vow unto his own, That never from this day, His will they'll take away. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never be, Never see, Won't see what might have been. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven. They dedicate their lives, To running all of his. He tries to please them all, This bitter man he is. Throughout his life the same, He's battled constantly, This fight he cannot win. A tired man they see no longer cares. The old man then prepares, To die regretfully. That old man here is me. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never be, Never see, Won't see what might have been. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never be, Never see, Won't see what might have been. What I've felt, What I've known, Never shined through in what I've shown. Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven. Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven. You labeled me, I'll label you. So I dub the unforgiven. Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven. You labeled me, I'll label you. So I dub the unforgiven.
  15. Perhaps the "r" is a typo and those robes were part of the "Qqueer eye for the strait Jedi" robe collection ...
  16. I doubt that ... I Emailed LucasArts over The Sith Lords and their replay was "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords? we dont recall publishing a game with such a name ...".
  17. Volurn is slipping back into Volourn bizarro world again ..
  18. Yes, those are known as "the haters" but the only diference of the fanboys is how they dont like something because it was made by a company or its part of a series. All reviews are at some area biased, its impossible to not be biased since a lot goes down to the reviewer opinion. I prefere the context as well, in fact I always go read the review that gives the lowest score since it will either be brutal honest about the game weakness and the problems it have or it will be a "I hate this game" rant that I can skip and read another review.
  19. GameFAQs have forums. Right now the Jade Empire forum posts are more about bashing the GameSpot review (and its autor) that anything else ... the amount of fanboyish there can be amusing. You know ... what scares me the most is the degree of fanatism going on in gaming, people that defend a game they have yet to even play just because its made/published by some company or is the next in a series. After all GameSpot review is a 8.4 ... when did a 8 out of 10 became a bad score?
  20. He just needs to copy/paste from gameFAQs forums ...
  21. Talking over the console specs are pretty obvious as well. The Xbox is more powerful that the PS2 and GameCube, the GameCube os more powerful the Xbox. Both the Xbox and PS2 have multiplayer capablities. I dont think anyone can disagree with that. But there is not that much visual diference, its not like the diference of PS1 to PS2 graphics, sure they can run a little better or have some extra visual effects but its not the diference of N-Gage to GameBoy. As I said that is pretty obvious but the problem remains that hardware alone does not sell consoles. If it did then Sega would still be making then and N-Gage would had finished off Nintendo. The diference of the Xbox to the PS2 in relation to how it looks is not of Shenmue II and DoA3.
  22. I am going to make a point in this. If I am looking for sheer power then I go to the PC that is going to be better on how it looks and sounds due to the higher advances in technology. If I am for gameplay then there are issues, some games simply play better in some plataforms with controls being a issue and naturaly there is a cost to the PC superior graphics that not everyone is capable of taking to their maximun effect. I never plated a simultaneous Xbox/PS2 release but I played the first Splinter Cell in the PS2 that was released after the Xbox and I remenber one thing, it had FMV unlike the Xbox version that lacked then so as for story telling there was a advantage in the PS2 version the Xbox lacked. Problem with convince me is that I look at the XBox and see nothing I want to play ... I dont play sports or racing games, I consider FPS something the PC will always be better at, same with RTS and in RPG case ... there is no much choice in the Xbox. What I want I can already get in the PS2, I am sure the Xbox version of MGS3 will be "better" but I already played and finished it, also I prefere the PS2 controler over the Xbox controler. I dislike the "Xbox is more powerful" selling point because its not the hardware that sells the consoles, its the software. A good example of that is that if that was true then we sould see more Gamecube titles as we do not, even RE is comming back to the PS2 due to the Gamecube not being that popular. Also the DS sould not stand a chance against the PSP and right now the DS is leading and with new titles as the PSP have a lot of dificulties on launch (and still have then). I dont have to argue with anything more that sales figures, the PS2 is more that 50% of the console market, the users have pointed that its not the hardware or the price that sells a console, its the software and even after all this time the Xbox have yet to catch up to the PS2 in relation to market. Since I used MW CS I can explain a bit. MW "world" is composed by cells, the game only loads the cell we are on and MW does not have a large field of view. In Fable case I cannot understand very well the issues with the tiny areas, I suspect they simply run out of time and ditched the idea (along with the other 75% of Project Ego) so they could complete the game, also there is a lack of power ... if you run uphill in the starting village the ground textures dont load and you will be looking at the ground mesh for a few time as the game is still trying to loading it.
  23. Mercenaries is a PS2 title, I played the PS2 demo. The only game I seen that lag on the PS2 was GTA:SA, ZoE2 comes close but its a PAL format problem. The Xbox is not much better that the PS2 in relation of what it can do, Fable and KotOR(s) tiny areas are a example of the Xbox lack of power. With lead us to titles, Fable is smaller that FF X despite being run on a more "powerful" system and being younger that FF X so it does not matter how powerful something is, its what is done with it.
  24. Ninja Gaiden and Halo 2 I recognize but that is pretty much about it. I do play DOAEBV that is a exclusive but I dont see much of a Xbox exclusive lineup.
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