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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. I think people that just got a Xbox sould not complain about loading times ... a Xbox is not a PC. Problem is when design quests and dont take that in account, as pointed out before the Arena is anoying because every single fight requires moving areas twice.
  2. Its TBA in NA, next month is europe.
  3. Well I dont play sports games ... even football games (like FIFA).
  4. Does that means if you get the job I can blame you about The Sims 2 Nightlife bugs?
  5. Dont be a ignorant. TSL is NOT Live enabled, it cannot connect to Live network and so it cannot be patched even if Microsoft allowed it and they dont, Live service CANNOT be used to patch games.
  6. I meant GeForce 3. As for my PS2 claims .. I do mean when the PS2 was put on sale.
  7. Really? Explain to me how I managed to play Parasitive Eve 2. FF IX and Silent Hill on my PS2 since those are PS1 game. Of course not, one reads mini disks and the other cartridges, it was impossible due to diferent storage. If Revolution adapts the DVD format its not going to be backwards compatible with the GameCube. It sould be yes. The GameCube had weak sales, in part that can be blamed by the fact people could not pick up N64 games and play then in the GameCube. Of course there are other reasons, Nintendo reputation of being a "kid console", the fact most people have moved to the PS2, lack of 3rd party publisher titles, showing up so late ... Only in MS does not turn mad. Look, right now MS is not making any money with the Xbox sales, they being sold at a loss but they get money from other sources ... such as Jade Empire sales (since they are the publisher). What matters with backwards compatibility is most games being developed right now are still for the Xbox and not for the Xbox 360, when the Xbox 360 goes on the market there will be still be a year of Xbox title releases since companies are not going to stop production of their Xbox games and switch then for Xbox 360. Same happens with PS2 with the only GameCube remaining unknown because we know little of Revolution. The point of having backward compatibility is the buyer having more choise since launch titles tend to be weak. The PS2 was most powerful that most PCs when released and remained that way for quite some time (about a year if not in error), even the Xbox that was a strip down PC was more powerful that PCs until NVidia released the GeForce. Both the PS3 and XBox 360 will be most powerful that the PC on release, then when the technology becames avaible for PC the PC will outperform then since the PC have a modular design and its software can be changed with ease. The console strenght is that is a "start-and-play" system ... we simply turn it on, open the disk tray, put the disk, close the tray and play. No installing, no driver conflicts, no worries about having the wrong version of DirectX ...
  8. Consoles are being sold at a loss since CG price lowered to the 99 range. Backward compatibility is required because launch titles are rarely companies flag titles, having a existing game library to fall back will boost sales.
  9. Lightsaber combat is screwed in those games, far too letal and more a matter of luck instead of skill. The problem with the d20 system they put in KotOR(s) games is its a "bare bones" system that is not balanced very well ...
  10. First I dont think so, there are rumors over it but nothing confirmed. I can say on a production scale its best to standart, if they go with "3 types" its likely its the same consoles but with extra accesories. Then again when they spend millions to come up with "Xbox 360" ... so they might go making 3 diferent consoles that will raise production costs (even if its only at assembly). I think wireless is kinda stupid, cords might be "old age" but at least you dont have to worry about if something is blocking the beam or if its dirty ... and it raises production costs. Yes, I spoted then when I go looking for then. I cannot say ... its possible that XBox 360 lacks a build in moden and acts like the PS2 were you have to buy it (would drive costs lower and quite frankly with Live NOT being supported in some countries its a good idea since its a pointless feature for many buyers), could also be a expansion bay (like the PS2 have for the HD and moden) for future crap. Well we will know soon enough in MTV ...
  11. After looking at those pictures ... I have to say they are fake. The controler pictures are pretty much the S controler except there are two buttons missing, the black and white button (I have to say the ones around the big circle must be the start and pause buttons) and a lot of Xbox games do use those buttons. I really cannot se MS coming up with a worst controler that the S controler since (again) they have two less buttons and I see no indication of a second set of triggers (like the PS2 controler have). As for the console pictures ... It appears there is only one controler port that is more that odd, also the two other ports say "memory" with indicates they are to be used by memory cards and if the Xbox 360 uses then ... well that means no HD.
  12. That's pretty wierd, Sony mark their prices and the PS2 price is 149.99 euros for all europe. Perhpas they are pulling a "pack trick" forcing people to buy a 180 euros pack because there is PS2 only being sold (like what happed with me and my Xbox).
  13. You guys sould not give Bethesda such a hard time. Like it or not Morrowind was a TES game, at least they did not changed it for mass appeal even if they broken somethings. Bethesda is not worst that other companies, like it or not Fallout is a niche market and all companies would change the game to fit the current market appeal, it looks right now most people want real time and not a turn based system. Even Fallout 3 of BIS would piss off fans, Fallout 3 sould have been published around the time of NwN.
  14. The Xbox network is a closed netowork so its impossible since everything is cleared by Microsoft. They have standarts for something being "Live" enable, they cannot just writte the code and put it on the game without being cleared by Microsoft. The PS2 network is open because the PS2 lacks a HD and so there is little risk of infection since its not possible to hurt the PS2 OS that way.
  15. Like getting invaded by virus and spyware ...
  16. The Troika defense ... Obsidian did this game, perhpas they were pushed by their publisher to make certain decisions but ultimate they were done by then. Let me see ... Black Isle logo up there? No. Obsidian did not had a reputation, it have one now and its not a good one. Perhaps NwN2 chances their reputation but right now they are a company unable to even provide a patch in good time to fix even half the issues people reported it. Dont bother to invoke The Troika Defense in relation to the patch. Or they are unemployed ... game developers do shift by staff quite fast, some people already quited Obsidian.
  17. You dont know that. Tidus was not exactly the focus of FF X, it might been "his" story but it was Yuna voyage. The PC does not have to be the focus of the game, its possible to make a game that does not focus around the PC with the PC simply being someone what have a impact on the world. Will BioWare do that ? ... dont know but I belive BioWare is going to slip into their usual story system that evolves a "chosen one" since they being doing it since BG. They could try something new, perhaps like the "The Longest Journey" that is the exact opposite of a "chosen one" ... there are room for variation.
  18. You know that there is more to that. PC have advantages in terms of control that consoles dont usually have (mouse and keyboard) and when developing a game the most important is the controls. Recently I played Obscure in PC and the controls were simply designed for consoles and did not feel natural, I already had that same experience with MGS and FF VIII that were console titles ported for PC. Even KotOR(s) controls dont feel very natural when it comes to inventory. BioWare designed JE controls using the Xbox S controler to make then feel natural for the player, if JE was ported for the PC its likely such controls would not be natural. Dragon Age will make full use of PC controls, movement will likely be done by clicking on the ground and there will be many keys being used, the console controls are simply not designed for that kind of things and would require a extensive rework that would move the game from a "port" to a new version.
  19. You know that is the dumbest rumor I ever heared, anyone that belives in it sould do mankind a favor and kill thenselves.
  20. You cannot ask what is the best Star Wars game someone played and then given a short list of games you happened to played plus one. That is not asking for a opinion. Its not being a troll to see TIE Fighter not being on that list since I consider it to be the best Star Wars game ever made. Shadows of the Empire is old game but means a lot since its was pretty much Episode VI 1/2. Also it fails to mention important series as "Rogue" and "Jedi Knight" (that one evolved from Dark Forces) that mark the Star Wars games. If you want to know about people think of Republic Commando just ask.
  21. TIE Fighter is the best Star Wars game ever done, the fact this "poll" is about games released in the last five years simply shows the poll creator lack of knowledge of Star Wars games (Shadows of the Empire sould been included also, along with Dark Forces).
  22. "Chosen one" is the easy way out ... Funny enough some games have reversed it with the main character not being the chosen one. I am not really expecting BioWare to change any time soon, perhaps when the current staff is replaced we start to see diferences but its another thing I dont see being done any time soon. Like it or not BioWare found a system that so far have given then awards and sales, they are not likely go exploring other options. I can understand that, what I dont really like is their attitude ...
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