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Everything posted by Drakron
Actually I am wrong, it was taken off the air after a year from backlash http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/lesbianact...enDeGeneres.htm
You sould really not assume I am a atheist ... or that I am not.
No. What happens how is that if a series character turns gay/lesbian then it cannot change his/her sexual preference (Willow in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) so what the media is saying is ... "When you turn gay, you dont turn back". On a personal note, I do find that very irresponsible.
Human justice is flawed, divine justice is not.
Reguardless FaramirK its always going to be something you never experience. Its not a argument I like to use but its very good argument ... its very easy to pass judgement over others over things we will never experience.
I agree to a point, I never liked how anoying it was to switch styles since we were restricted to the d-pad for hotkeys and the keyboard might help that.
Yes but if you end in E3 with a poster and a "making of ..." video of a released game in a loop chances is they are going to write worst things. I dont think many will care if a company does not show up for E3 if they have projects in the works.
FF XI never caught that much, in a way I am suprised with Square since they were quite vocal against Microsoft closed network system (in reference to Xbox live) but then again I am not since with the market is full of MMORPGs and I dont think FF XI even caught that much, its also over one year old and so its unlikely to attract many new players so porting the PC version to the Xbox might given it some breath. As for my other comentaries ... 1) The PS2 network is a IP one with is preferable, also it have USB ports for mouse and keyboard with makes it a better choice over the Xbox ... not as good as the PC and the PS2 was certainly not designed for online play, but it was designed to allow hardware changes down the line (with happened with the HD and modem) as the Xbox lacked such design (lacking even USB ports). 2) "True Fantasy Online" was a MMORPG that MS (japan branch) was making for the Xbox, it got cancelled about a year ago. It gone around the same time Mythica was cancelled and Asheron's Call(s) were sold back to the developers. 3) MMORPGs have simply saturated the market and are a dificult gender to invest. Look right now a MMORPG life span is about 6 months before the player exodus take place, it also require continued investement (servers and staff) that end up draining company resources for a game that is unlikely to support itself. Look at WoW that have its exodus starting, look at the disaster that was The Sims Online. You sould ask yourself this. You think "the fans" will play for long on a game that is exactly like Galaxies besides diferent models? Because honestly they cannot change from that model much, they cannot allow you to start in a Jedi class or they can allow anything but a RT system. You think you are going to see any changes? You think they can put the same of details on NPCs as they did on the games? You think the dialogue is going to be any diferent? You think its even going to have a story? No, its a MMORPG and so you end up with a static world, with bland NPCs and with no story ...
True but we dont know how Sony will price the PS3, its a rumor and likely they are going to sell it in PAL and NTSC regions around same price as the Xbox 360 since they already know what happened when a console is considerable cheaper that another (PS2 price cut at XBox release).
"Taking a break from the mass swarm of humanity at E3, I went to visit the BioWare booth in the South Hall and got to spend some time with Tom Ohle, BioWare's public relation specialist. While BioWare isn't showing or announcing anything new, I did get a sneak peek at a new premium module in the works for NWN. I can't talk too much about it except that it will feature new content like tilesets and creatures as well be the longest premium module they've done. We'll be featuring an interview on it when it gets closer to release. Feel free to probe the BioWare staff on the official forums and hopefully they'll give up some information. Also at the BioWare booth was the Dragon Age logo which is very close to what it will be. As the next major PC project they're working on and the spiritual successor of NWN, it's a massive project that I'm really looking forward to. On a related topic, we didn't transfer the Dragon Age section from the old site due to technical reasons, but it will definitely get its own website once official information starts flowing and we have some artwork we can use in the site design." That was Volourn posted. Now, I have to say I am hardly suprised since with JE being completed a couple of months ago I really dont expect then from relasing anything new this soon. However this is a trend I do not like, BioWare basicly have N-O-T-H-I-N-G to show up in E3 since the reporter says nothing about new Dragon Age trainers being in E3 so why are BioWare there? Why are any compamy without anything new to report at E3. Because E3 is a media event ... games and software developers are more and more being driven by advertisement (and hype) and so must be present at the media event of the year ... E3. I am not trying to be argumentative over BioWare only, we already seen this being pulled by other companies (how many times was "Duke Nuken Fourever" in E3?) and its something I do not like, we already seen that a entire PLANET was pulled out of SW:KotOR2:TSL because there was the need to showcase a demo at E3 and with the tight timeframe needed to complete the game ... it got cut.
In short: "We have nothing new to report but please register to BioWare forums since we are trying to get the entire world population registered there".
Well looking that MS big plan to beat PS3 sales is Halo 3 release ... I rather wait a year to see a price drop and decent games being published before I start making a decision.
Abortion is a expansive medical intervenction that carries risks. It sould not be a regulat contraception method and I dont think many women will see it that way since not only its expensive, it also carries risks and does not protect against AIDS and other sexual transmited diseases.
Funny enough, me too. And I am european so its looks stupidity knows no national (or continetal) bounds.
Abortion is going to be a tricking issue, there is not even a define stage were we can say a unborn fetus is a human being or just a collection of cells. I leave abortion to each concience, its not my place to say to others what they can or cannot do. And I rather have safe abortion that the kind of crap they subject women because some people (who never will have to make such decision) dont feel "confortable" about it.
Actually its not. One of the cinemas does the same thing and it works pretty well, you just make sure you get there about 5 minutes before the movie start.
Sorry but the d-pad is very important since many games use it as a hot key. Its FINE were it is, I am not looking for controlers with less button since that hurts games that require many keys.
The Xbox was not build for MMORPGs. And MS did more that "toyed", they published Asheron's Call and Asheron's Call II. They dropped Mythica because "after careful evaluation of the MMORPG landscape, MGS has decided to stream-line its portfolio, making fewer investments in this genre", EQ and UO might made a lot of money but we know how MMORPG demographics work. Besides this is not about Microsoft plans, Star Wars is hold by LucasArts and as pointed out they already have a MMORPG based in Star Wars and they are still pushing support into it, offering another title would be the same as Square-Enix releasing FF XIII as MMORPG and continue support for FF XI.
Loading times can be removed. Revolution is trying to change how to play games, notice there is no controler picture and its were Revolution differs from the competition.
You are right ... they could but then there is the issue LucasArts makes software and not hardware, making a program that depends on hardware that does not exist is not a good one. Communication is essencial in a MMORPG, a headset might work on you have a limited amount of people but when you have over 20 peopla all talking at the same time ... And EQOA is a PS2 game and the PS2 have a mouse and keyboard (the PS2 have USB ports as Xbox does not, I guess that is the reason of lack of a mouse and keyboard for the Xbox) and I could point out the diferences of Xbox Live system (that is a closed network managed by MS) and PS2 online system (that is IP based).
Did anyone else just get a KOTOR II survey?
Drakron replied to Sir Cedric's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Search harder. http://www.activision.com/en_US/news_artic...59200ced07.html -
Agrees with Role-player ...
The quest story of Morrowind is the story of the Tribunal. It basic goes like this, the dwarves found the Heart of Luskan (the ... god -even if that is not correct- that was responsible for the creation of the mortal realm) and started to experiment on it, eventually they build a golem (the one you see in Daggerfall) that was to house the heart to create a new god. Well Neravar tried to stop then and in the end the dwarves used the heart and vanished ... then it goes complicated. Nevarar dies (by who its not know) and Dargoth Ur is killed by the Tribunal that use the Heart to became gods ... problem is they have to keep using the heart to maintain their powers. Now Dargoth Ur is not exactly dead and returns, he cuts off the Tribunal from reaching the Heart and starts to build his own golem to house the heart. The main quest is to became the Nevarine (Neravar reborn) and stop Dargoth Ur. Now the expansion packs. Tribunal is simply dealing with the other 2 members of the Tribunal and Bloodmoon is dealing with a Daedra prince.
Yes, hentai games can be pretty decent but they can end up being more "click your way to the ending" that anything else ... We had Larry years ago but it was discontinued and the recent bunch of adult games appears to be in the same way of the recent Larry title, a bunch of mini games and nothing overall special about then. I had some good feelings about The Singles that I expected to be a adult relationship simulator and instead end up as a very scaled down of The Sims, perhaps its expansion might decide to go that path but I have serious doubts about it.
Xbox 360 Revealed!!!! (Xbox 2)
Drakron replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Computer and Console
I could twist this into sooo many naught comments.