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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Just because some information in there is correct does not mean all information is correct.
  2. Ah but that just shows something, its was human creation since it was based on the sociaty standarts and values of the time of the writting. And that leads to question if such can be taken as "word of god" or simply "stuff we made up".
  3. Well this might shead some light. http://www.religiousstudies.uncc.edu/jdtab...phus-jesus.html
  4. Perhaps because its close to the source material?
  5. I played Crimson Skies and each plane was diferent ... hardly a suprise since it was based on the board game. Unless you are talking of the Xbox game that I never played, I would not be suprised since MS games turned MechWarrior into arcade after they got FASA.
  6. The Last Unicorn ... and a lot of Hans Christian Anderson tales.
  7. It does not change the fact that was done by design, just because mods can change it does not mean it was made that way originaly.
  8. The thing that killed Freelancer for me was the rather idiotic idea behind having all ships with the same speed ... and the controls (more at home in a FPS that flight sim). Privatter was designed after Wing Commander (shares the same universe) and like Wing Commander is a bit "arcade" but by being simple anmd allowing us to trade without being bothered (too much) by 100 enemies it worked pretty well ... besides the random mission generator despite not being much complex it did the job.
  9. Privatter was much much better.
  10. McFly. Its a reference to Back to the Future.
  11. Well acording to gameFAQs info its still the same, the only thing that changed was the publisher name that became Square Enix as it was Enix.
  12. They merged with Enix. Square could not make a D&D game since its simply not their style.
  13. My PS2 is not modded, I just need that CD and a memory card.
  14. The only problem with the PS2 and DVDs is that you got to use the PS2 controler unless you buy the remote, of course the Xbox forces you to get the remote in order to play. I played many DVDs on my PS2 and I love my "region free CD" that allows me to play DVDs from all regions ... come quite in handy with my "Oh my goddess" OV DVDs ...
  15. Do you want a list? First, it allows pirated games to be played. Second, it allows cheating in online games. Third, it changes the Xbox in a way they cannot fix any damage without spending time to track down exactly what was done.
  16. I have no idea but I would not try unless you are prepared to buy another since it will void the warranty. The HDD was designed for storing save games and to cache games, I doubt you end up needing a bigger one.
  17. In order to do that you need to install the game into the hard drive and the only way to do that is having a modded Xbox. Since my Xbox is not modded I cannot say how to do it, you sould know that having a modded Xbox it prevents Live from working and it also, naturaly, voids the warranty.
  18. Star Wars d20 works fine, it does the job. Watering down just creates problems, take a look at power attack. In Star Wars d20 that is a pre-requisite to the cleave feat, the cleave feat allows in the case you kill a enemy to make a attack on another enemy close by, its a good feat. Of course in Star Wars d20 you dont get the "spell" force powers, things are handled completly diferent and you dont get a mana bar either, force takes vitality points
  19. The problem is Star Wars d20 that feat does nothing on itself besides allowing to select some classes, its also only avaible at character generation and no class gives that feat. In "KotOR" d20 they made all feats do something, problem is that some d20 feats are not very good and they serve most to unlock other feats that are very useful. The problem in doing a game based in d20 is that you simply cannot rip it apart to please the "casual gamers", its simply going to break down the system to pointless. Look at KotOR(s), none of the attack feats were any good since they were irrelevent in combat.
  20. I see Kreia as a Palpatine clone except lacking his charm, intelligence and skill.
  21. Err, no. Those two masters just play there every year, they dont live there and the gang is a gang. The ogre is from a nearby farm. Another thing is the town is supposed to be under the emperor protection and so it sould rely on the empire military for defence. Problem is when the people that are supposed to defend us turn again us, that was what happened in that town since the dam was build. Their place is not go around training, the world cannot be composed of fighters ... there is a need of other people with diferent skills.
  22. Come on, Lotus Assassins are trained soldiers as Tien's Landing population is most of fishermen, dockworkers and merchents. I dont see the Dam being open or closed as a "unfair advantage" to either side, the Lotus Assassins open it because they wanted to search the old Tien's Landing ruins ... a means to a end, the fact it was hurting the town was simply a consequence of that action.
  23. Volourn does, JE is his first Xbox games. This is a bit wierd but Xbox games tend to have longer loading times that PS2 games, not always (DoAXBV have short loading times) but in some cases ..
  24. Tricky but no. CF is also about deserving power, BW can only battle the Revanger because other allowed him to takes his place. CF is not about power, its also earning power.
  25. As for Open Palm/Closed Fist ... Well the diference is (as the game points over and over if we ask about it) Open Palm is helping people so everyone beneficts as Closed Fist is making people strong so they dont need help. The problem is its easy to make "closed fist" bully and even easier for people read closed fist replies as bully.
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