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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Yes, there is no quest because it was cut. What we see are what would be the quest.
  2. Yes, very similar ... I hope there was a "school for original ideas" so we could send BioWare staff there, after BG they are simply playing safe and using the same ideas over and over again. Not other companies are better, OE simply adapted PS:T (a much overrated game) into being TLS storyline and we all seen the results ... Troika had many faults but they got a lot of things right ... pity they are dead now.
  3. Yes, people have the bad habbit of saying if we have not played we sould not say anything. But still starting as a martial arts student makes more sense that being in a "adventurer school", I am not going to blame BioWare from being a "one trick pony" in relation to that since so far they only pull that trick once (NwN) before JE.
  4. I dont find Fable "crappy" ... perhaps if people stop looking at Fable and compare it to Project Ego they would have the same opinion ... great game, no ... decent game, yes. And from what he pointed out in the game events summary it looks like Fable in relation to story pacing, you got many side quests until a point (in fable case, The Arena quest) and then it starts to pick up speed until it rushes to the ending that so far is what most people are saying about the same.
  5. The problem of the random loot system is not only everything (with a few exceptions) is random but the list ends up being pretty much the same. What would be done would be seperated drop lists so enemies would random drop item they would use (Sith assasins stealth generations for example) and containers would have logical items for their location (such as the Jedi Enclave having Jedi expecific items) Stores sould have permanent items on their list, some random items sould be fine but having a entire store inventory being random is a little too much. This games appears to be half-assed in everything, random is not a bad idea but as implement is a god damn joke.
  6. I heard one of JE henhman/follower/NPC can regenerate something ... Chi I think.
  7. Reminds me of Fable ... decent pacing until the Arena amd it gone downhill from there.
  8. Morrowind worked as a Elder Scrolls game but what it aimed would not translate well into a Star Wars theme. What Star Wars need is inovative titles within the gender, TSL ultimate failed because the obsession with starting as a Jedi, I think it would be far more interesting if we started the game as a Sith.
  9. BioWare is NOT working on that game, they simply host the forums.
  10. No, you sould ignore Kalfear since he is so wrong at so many levels its not even funny. We all get equally screwed in relation to romances.
  11. D&D did evolved from a tabletop stategy game. I dont think its a "residue" from tabletop gaming, for example I rarely used on my campains, of course we cannot avoid the enemy bases and we have to keep a few places for exploration purposes.
  12. D&D is Dragon and Dungeons but other systems dont head that way, Call of Chutullu is pretty much seeing how far can we play before the character becames mad and so the D&D system does not really fit in it without heavy changes. I thinkKotOR series just shows exactly how a system compley fails to be used in a setting without the right modifications. Dungeons are pretty much go back to Gary days, from what I taken he preferes dungeons crawls.
  13. We have a NPC saying Revan motivations, not Revan that could remenber he left the gas on and gone back to turn it off. TSL is downright bend into fan service ... What I understand is the "true" means "real", the so called Sith we fight in the game are not really Sith, they just use some Sith knowledge and technics but that alone does not makes the Sith. Even if I fear we end up with some lame alien race Sith there are ways that could be done. Freedom Nadd managed to rule a planet and he was a Sith, its possible to make Sith rule planets that are not part of the Republic, either openly or behind the curtain. Still I think when developers have the choice of the hard road only a few can understand and the easy road lame storylines and fan service they will go the easy road ...
  14. Yes and again that is not fact (since we learn from a NPC), KotOR had no intention of giving Revan such motivation in the first place. The "true Sith" is also a bunch of crap, the Sith race is dead from over 1000 years (even TSL loading screens agree with that) and Revan was as Sith as anyone can be after the Great Hyperspace War. Revan "saving the Republic" makes as much sense as Palpatine doing what he did to "save the galaxy" from the Vorg.
  15. Revan was not trying to save the Republic, he was trying to conquer it.
  16. R00fles indid. Gothic 2 explained, there 3 types of magic ... "fire" magic, "water" magic and "dark" magic. Dont remenber dwarves being mentioned in Gothic ... of course after Orc and Dragons ... Bet we will see elves. I am curious about Gothic 3 as well, not much because I dont want to get my hopes up but I like to see how the chosen thing plays out ...
  17. Well I read side quests are only in chapter I,II and III with the rest being just a beat-then-up.
  18. Until that Tolkien Rip-off comes out, then staying true to being BioWare fanboy you have to say its better that JE.
  19. I say what I think its wrong with the game, I dont feel the need to for every bad thing I see on a game I have to say a good thing about it.
  20. Not really, it simply looks harder and truth be told dialogue and quest requires a lot of learning but the rest is not that hard but then again so was Aurora Toolset at the start. And yes there are a few that speaks a lot of the engine and the power of the CS.
  21. I "dare" because SW:KotOR was a Xbox RPG (that are rare), the first Star Wars cRPG and one of the best Star Wars games. And like it or not Baldur
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