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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Saving vacation time is also a bit of a faff, normally you're forced to take 4 weeks vacation every year, 5 days can be saved, but if you like, well, me, tend to go on sickleave for months on end and don't get a chance to use your vacation time it all rolls over to the next year. Hence why I still have so many days. In the beginning of the year I had 49 days vacation to use, 25 days for this year and 24 saved days. We also have things like parental leave ofcourse. The only reason I can think of why I'd get a kid to be honest. I think something in my genes mekes me completely unable to do something like that, if you pay me a fair wage to do something you get 100% from me all that time, I can't chill at work.
  2. 32, so only one more day. It also varies between unions and collective labour agreements. The best case would be to work for the state that has a collective agreement with the ST union, then you'd have 35 vacation days from when you turn 40. If I, as a postnord worker, were to join the ST union (I'm in a union called SEKO right now) I'd still only have 25 vacation days though, even though ST covers postnord workers, but they have a different collective agreement with postnord than other state agencies. It's a bit convoluted You don't get vacation days around holidays, you're just off work, and depending on what kind of employment you have it's either paid or not. So you'd have 32 vacation days, and holidays you'd generally be off work. So the typical whatever christian holiday stuff you're generally off work, then we have midsummer, and the national day, june 6th.
  3. Done with the first 6 hours of work for the day in the first 30 minutes, now to wait for **** to go to hell. *Stares at images of Icelandic volcanic landscape*
  4. I don't know about Denmark, but many unions have increasing number of vacation days with age aswell. As an example, If you're a 40yo municipal worker you have 31 vacation days each year.
  5. There's alot of earthquakes around Fagradalsflall and Mt. Keilir in iceland, some around the town of Grindavik aswell, so it's looking like there might be an eruption soon. So I'm going to be keeping my eye on a popout livestream all day
  6. Haha! No, not yet, I've got him in numbers, easily, but that damn pike is going to be hard to beat I for some reason, probably a difference in how we bait the hook with the worms, keep getting many fishies, quickly, but I don't get any of the big ones. Oh, and I have 17 more vacation days that I can use
  7. So I went back to work after 5 weeks of vacation, a breeze of a day with just 5 hours overtime Great start
  8. Slightly related to the one above
  9. I'd really love me some actual new GTA, not looking forward to them milking the online part for a decade, and not interested in giving the ****s at Take 2 any money.
  10. Their claim sounds way too much like some sort of bull****, it makes it sound like you would be able to maybe rent a "private" server but not have access to the settings, alternatively that they'd remove the settings. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not looking forward to solo-grinding down bosses in 30+ minute fights. I am not one bit surprised about this, that would be the goal for tencent afterall. And it's hidden behind Crom-coins aswell, to fleece people a little bit more.
  11. You'd have earned those pieces through the battlepass, so you'd be safe, but if you'd missed some of the other matching parts in the battlepass and it rotates, well you'll never get it. And it's very unlikely that anything on a private server, if they'll even exist properly, will count towards a battlepass since you can change all the settings to your liking which would work badly with a grind oriented battlepass. This'd also apply to mods I suppose.
  12. Reminds me of driving my moped to school in the winter and hitting a patch of black-ice about 10 yards before the motorway intersection. I puckered up a bit, and there were alot of screaming tyres from the commuting cars that saw me. I managed to stop about 2 metres before the motorway actually started thankfully.
  13. Once, when I was nine, I drove my friends motorcross bike straight into their camper trailer due to a broken gearbox (Had to start on second gear, and quite alot of revs since it was a 125cc two-stroke) The dent in it from my head persisted for quite alot of years
  14. I love Dimash' take on that song Also, Space Truckers is without doubt the best space comedy
  15. Sure, but isn't it also alot more expensive? I'm thinking that might be relevant since it has alot snappier recoil than a nine you'll probably need more time on the range to compensate
  16. Damn, I'm getting flashbacks to that vid of a guy with a G18 with a **** front grip putting bullets in his hand after the grip broke
  17. Out of curiosity, why a 10mm? Went fishing again with my friend today, morning trip. I was angling and my friend was using a spinner. The lucky bastard caught a 2kg pike. Not gonna lie, I'm jealous as ****.
  18. I couldn't have said it better myself
  19. If this is the case, y'all better put atleast 40 into Toughness from the start Do you have a source that I can read?
  20. Just common european perch, and one roach, there are pike in the lake, but I'm not fishing by those areas since I don't have a metal end for the line (It's called tafs in Swedish, don't know how to translate it) image link Looks neat, but it wouldn't have worked to save the fish in this case, the hook had pierced the stomach and judging from the smell even the gallbladder, he must've been really hungry. It looks alot less fiddly than my little pliers though, so I'm going to see if they are sold anywhere here.
  21. I love her little purity seal I'm a little bit dissapointed that they have a Space Marine from the Space Wolf chapter, one from Storm Wardens would've been neat since they based in the neighbouring Calixi sector. I wonder what ruleset they are going to use, if they are going to adapt Fantasy Flight games tabletop rules or if they are going to use their own
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