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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I would say that some of the most awesome moments we'ev had has been because of such clashes of wills and ambition, so I am generally hoping that Owlcat really doesn't shy away from actually playing things "straight" and having the other members actually be characters of their own will and motivation. I honestly hate playing always playing the Rogue Trader because I have to be the arbiter between different players and noone else seems to manage it with any grace nor iron fist. My favourite group has my previously described Rogue Trader who was actually straight laced purist Creedo Omnissaiah, an Astropath that has a hobby of enslaving Daemons, an Navigator that wants to end the Winterscale dynasty(And was close to assassinate him while I was meeting with him /fume ) and also sort of deals with daemons, my Seneschal First officer that turned mutant at a party and later led an insurrection against me with my characters brother and was offed, my Enginseer Prime that kept trying to implement xenotech into my ship against my will before he got killed in a boarding action, my master-at-arms that got a bit rustled by a warp-passage and decided to lead a rebellion against me (Not killed because he was obviously temporarily not sound of mind). The missionary was extremely unlucky with his dice rolls, he wasn't going to try my Rogue Trader but the crew thought so. It's the Rogue Trader player that has to keep the group working despite their differences, with some help from the GM. Missionaries are also great Master of Whispers I should add, they're quite socially capable and a great asset Thats one way to play them, sure, but it's quite possible to play with antagonistic groups aswell, done right it is great fun Leading a group of backstabbing bastards to glory is quite rewarding
  2. To be fair, I can't see anything either, though I do block alot of **** aswell. But generally alot of stuff is actually blocked from this side of the pond because of our GDPR laws and similar. Y'all yanks don't like to mess with that
  3. To be fair, I'm cranky about it looking to be immensly tanky because they are revamping the tabletop rules into entirely their own thing, and I hate it. A character taking 4 shots from a plasma pistol is just silly. "I did not jettison the missionary through the torpedo tubes because he accused me of letting the crew worship me as Him upon the Throne, he was just filled with such eagerness and righteous fervor that he climbed onto the front of the boarding torpedo instead of into it because he said the Emperor would protect him against the Void so he could be the first to slay some foul Xenos." Though the crew very much did worship my Rogue Trader as the Emperor, building a shrine up to the bridge where my character sat connected to his archaeotech mind impulse control chair, because of the missionary constantly failing his social tests with the crew enough times that they started thinking my Rogue Trader that has always managed to save the crew personally, in the nick of time and miraculously survive sacrificing himself time and time again thanks to being more cybernetic than human, and a badass, really was the Emperor. My character was completely clueless to what they were doing though because he was raised on a Forge world and didn't have any idea how the emperor was worshipped. Nor did he ever find out that the crew strapped the missionary onto the torpedo because he was going to have my Rogue Trader tried as a heretic. Good times That said, it was actually the only time a Rogue Trader group had any real problem with a missionary, the other times they had been generally well regarded, I think you've just had bad luck
  4. It'd be heresy if they didn't. That said, already looking pretty heretical to me.
  5. First, levels should be called "rank" atleast to pay homage to the OG game. I'm not liking what seems like the wound("HP") count, the most I've seen in a real game was 28, at the highest possible rank. It makes me think things are going to be spongy. It's hard to say though since we know nothing about the gear, but if they bother with even a small fraction of what is actually available to use, and if they stay relatively close to what damages are in the base game, it's going to be tanky as ****. Though I do like the veil idea. Edit; Seems he has a couple of more videos I really dislike how they've "adapted" the rules from the tabletop. I dislike Action Points, their armor absorption system seems overly convoluted compared to tabletop and they seem to have dropped the base d10 system for weapon damage. It's a shame, the ttrpg system was pretty well balanced though punishing if you did things like stand in the open.
  6. I've got about 10C indoors, the only heat I'm using at the moment is me and my computer
  7. Theoretically possible, but they'd be in their 50's at the very least. Also; I don't think an actual "Arctic Ranger" would call themselves that, that what we call civilian hunters. I reckon it's the same situation as with Marines/Soldiers/Sailors. Atleast it was when I spoke to one when I was young.
  8. I'm honestly surprised someone claimed to be an "Arctic Ranger" from Sweden. They haven't been around since 2000.
  9. I know I've posted it before, but I think it's time again, isn't it?
  10. I wouldn't mind being an alpha/beta tester, but I'm not doing no work for free, much less paying for the "privilege".
  11. Depends, I got my tetanus shot for free when I sliced up my hand, but shingles vaccine costs 135-165 dollars. Sauce. Well technically I paid 10$ for my tetanus shot, but it was an all inclusive kind of deal
  12. Same ********ery going on here, the current government wants to get rid of rent control and so does the owners of apartments. We had a small crisis a while ago when the Swedish Left party and Greens threatened to force the government out if they tried to get rid of rent control. It's funny though that the owners of rental properties are complaining that they can't build new buildings if you have rent control, but somehow they keep making billions of profits each and every year... Not to mention the fact that new apartments aren't really rent controlled.
  13. Oh, I've got to try all the other treatments first, also I'd never set my foot in Turkey, because they'd likely arrest me for being a terrorist since I've lost count of the amount of times I've protested in support for kurds. That said, if nothing really works I can get "climate treatment" in Teneriffa or Gran Canaria for 10€/day. I'd die from heatstroke, but atleast the psoriasis wouldn't bother me
  14. Yeah, it's about 50% more expensive and the amount I'm using up is kind of ludicrous so I can't really afford that, but if I don't get good results with Karbamid Evolan I'll ask the doctor for a prescription of what you recommended there. With all the other stuffs I'm using It'd be hard to afford it. I'm going to try and use my sauna this weekend, last time I used it it really helped with the eczema for some reason.
  15. That it does, I was prescribed Karbamid Evolan as a moisturizer, I'll keep that recommendation in mind though I generally speaking have to use whats prescribed to me, then I can hand the receipts in to my boss and get the money back, and it'll total up for free medicine aswell.
  16. nVidias masterplan is working then
  17. Oh, I already have a fungal infection, seborrhoeic dermatitis so I'm already using an anti-fungal agent. But yeah, not scratching is an... effort lets say, especially the legs are awful since the fabric of ones pants tend to touch the areas, and so it starts
  18. Insomnium are ****ing amazing!
  19. Not yet, thankfully, but I do have it on hands and feet. It's still early though. My mother and grandmother has regular arthritis, so if nothing else I'll probably get that.
  20. Thank you Oh yeah, salicylic acids to make the skin slough off and then some corticosteroids and some moisturizers ontop of that. Takes hours. And stinks, the salicylic acid is full of wool grease and it smells of it I think. I'm pretty certain that Zooraptor would go crazy if he got near me.
  21. To be fair, before 2016 I hadn't been to the doctor since 1995 when I was ten, though that was a 6 week stay at hospital. Now it's one ****ing thing after another, got diagnosed with psoriasis a month or so ago, basically full body. -.-
  22. Heh, you're lucky, if I were to make one post for each of my journal pages I'd need two topics*, and that's for the past 6 years XD
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