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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'd generally agree, though I refuse to work on anything newer than a 98 Volvo. The 940 series is practially 80's tech in all the ways that count. In this case though, I could do 99% of the work from his computer and then bringing an USB stick to the garage and injecting it through a service computer. I don't even know what car it is since there aren't any badges on it and some flared bodywork and spoilers. The only impressive thing he's done is make it rear wheel drive, that got me to raise an eyebrow.
  2. Well, he did promise he'd get me something for helping out - he hates working with computers, I'm pretty certain I'm getting paid in smackerels.
  3. I helped a friend out a bit with his car build. It's fairly a fairly modern car, and he's ripped out all the old electronics and is putting some new stuff in. So... I messed with it a bit. I loaded up a new indicator sound effect for him... Yeah. I'm five. His own fault for using computerized indicators instead of proper relays
  4. As a Swede I can confirm that it does sound like Swedish with an exaggerated Japanese accent, the joke is too good. The intro part sounds a bit weird, but after that it really does sound like Swedish, the refrain is especially good compared to the rest
  5. Had about 4 hours of sauna and cold dips in the lake with a couple of mates, it was lovely, but I wish I could've had some drinks.
  6. Well, you gave me a perfect reason to link to more of his content, so well done us I do remember some fond memories of when the nightcore song was first released though, we did that dance on many birthdays and parties, it was quite fun
  7. Caramelldansen is a Swedish treasure, it is glorious and I will defend it until my dying breath. Well. The original, Caramell, not the travesty that is Caramella girls. And to prove my point, that EVERYTHING is better in metal;
  8. Glad to hear from you, stay strong and best of luck
  9. English version of the video;
  10. I did read through 6th edition if I remember correctly, I have read through all the Fantasy Flight pen and paper rule books though None of the campaign books though. But GW killed off that partnership ofcourse, because it was good stuff. As a fan of "if the emperor had a text to speech device" (If you don't know of it, you should look it up, it's... *Chefs kiss* Amazing) and other Warhammer fan works, I am legally obliged to say that GW sucks major ass. Easilly the equal of Disney and Take-Two in their dickishness. Heh, they're worse than Dark Angels, and that's saying alot One thing I really love using Alpha Legion for was as final adversaries in campaigns for Dark Heresy, they fit it to a T with building their cults. Well, White Scars wouldn't deploy heavy support squads either lorewise, gotta go fast! And skimmers, bikes and assault vehicles are too damn fragile nowadays for them to be worth the points
  11. Technically you'd need two of each main gun, and each of the carapace weapons, so you'd end up at 3700$ You can't know if you might want to use twinlinked Volcano cannons or twin linked Plasma Annihilators Not to mention the laser blasters or apocalypse missile pods! In Swedish crowns? About 2 months wages XD Sure, well they'd need the speed since as far as I know they don't field any devastators. Worst part though is that vehicles are ****ed in 9th edition from what I can tell. Bolters can take out a friggin Baneblade, I mean c'mon! Pfft, stealing my troops? Careful that I don't go full Creed on you and infiltrate a Warlord titan behind that inconspicous pile of rubble on your flank XD I'm pretty certain that GW would come down on you hard with accusations of child molestation for that. https://spikeybits.com/2021/05/games-workshop-opens-the-war-against-3d-artists.html
  12. Well, 2700$ is just the bare minimum, body, head, single set of guns for a Warlord Titan. Where did you find the 2500$ version? I remember seeing something like that for a long while ago, but recently the most expensive one I've seen is the 1700$ version for just the body, plus addons. I played a couple of "demos" with a few mates that I played pnp rpgs with, but buying my own miniatures was always financially out of reach. I've always been a sucker for White Scars when it comes to the official chapters, but I've always had a preference for the Storm Wardens from the fantasy flight Deathwatch game. Or Deathwatch themselves I'm listening to the Horus Heresy novels right now actually, listening to the Fulgrim book at the moment
  13. I've always loved Warhammer 40k, but I never got into the miniatures stuff, but then someone told me about Forgeworld having titans in like, giant, scale and I thought to myself; "That! That is something I'd love to paint!", and then I looked up the price. 2700$ for a full kit is a bit much, just a tad. It'd be frikkin' cool though, if I ever won on a lottery that I never play.
  14. I feel I have to redeem my country and post some good Swedish music in this thread to compensate. This is a problem. There is no real good Swedish music that's not metal, with english lyrics, so...
  15. That has to be a Swedish band... *Looks up the band on wikipedia* I'm so sorry...
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. That price difference really annoys me. Just as planned I suppose. They're also flogging 6950s for 15000sek, while 4080s are 16000+.
  18. Volvo4life
  19. I've relayed this history way to many times, I'm kind of sad
  20. Go jul
  21. Hahaha, man, the memories. School discos with forced attendance
  22. It ends up about the same here at my local store for a Powercolor one, the cheapest 4080 is at 200 dollars more
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