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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm not surprised chiropractors managed to do that, they're pretty good at finding cracks and weaseling in.
  2. It's a protected profession over here, like doctor, is it the same over there? I've had good experiences from my PTs, they helped me out with my back alot, working on problems with my shoulder right now. I'm not overly fond of chiropractors considering their origins, and I've never heard of one actually giving patients permanent solutions but people have to keep coming back. And I don't know of any licenced PTs that have killed or permanently crippled people.
  3. It's their timing and pricing that ****ed them over more than anything. They barely undercut nvidias cards and had less features, so why not spend the extra 100$ and get good ray tracing performance, DLSS and their other features. And they were nowhere to be seen when nvidia released their 30-series cards, since there was nothing to go on, I bought an 600$ 3080, waited for several months for the delivery, and shortly before I took delivery of my card AMD released their products.
  4. Look up Project Mojave, and there's also https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/85307
  5. The massive lobbying on part of the car manufacturers doesn't help either. I saw a video on youtube from either Climate Town or not just bikes talk about how even emergency response units and fire departments are doing their part in working against it too. Fire departments especially are concerningly in love with their ginormous trucks. Good on you One thing that drives me nuts when I watch americans on roads, for instance when watching cleetus mcfarland, is that you all ****ing drive in the leftmost lane ALL the time, with people undertaking and stuff like that. That'd never fly over here. We have some idiots that do the same here, which is why I have an airtank and foghorn to be installed on my car
  6. Yeah, US city design is all kinds of f'd up, I get some kind of fremdschämen looking at past US road layouts.
  7. Lazerpig and History of Everything go to Ukraine, NSFW and sad, and heartwarming.
  8. I doubt he'll have to worry in the near future whatwith german tanks blitzing towards Kursk.
  9. I couldnt stand how badly they ****ed up the skill system, they couldve just used the Raw rules and it'd have been fine. It could've been an actually good game
  10. I managed to faint while giving myself an imhotep injection. I'm kind of proud that I managed 3 injections before it happening.
  11. Yeah, that is a sleepless night for sure. Cant fall asleep myself, its impossible to get comfortable at the moment, my feet and legs are doing their normal jittery stuff they do before i fall asleep and that jives badly with stitches.
  12. Good to hear from you @Guard Dog! I'm doing well, I can feel both 40mm screws doing their job Hope you and yours are doing great!
  13. Even the softest potato chips might have a little corner that's extra crispy.
  14. I adore Mafia 1, enough to play it with wheels and pedals and cramming myself around them to reach the keyboard and mouse for the shooty bits. I enjoyed Mafia 3, the main character was way more likeable. I still would've prefered the car handling mechanics to be Mafia 1 style, but I'll take it.
  15. I can very well imagine it, they are extremely hesitant to give any real pain meds though from what I notice. They did give me sedatives at the ward that did more than the morphine, but what ****ing good does that do me now that I'm home?
  16. Got surgeried on my foot a few hours ago, I was worried it'd be local anaesthesia and I'd be awake, but thankfully they put me under. I say thankfully because the anaesthesiologist had alot of trouble finding the nerves on my thicc muscly thigh which is the one that goes to the area of the surgery, so I have full feeling in the area of the surgery, though I can't for the life of me feel my toes or left side of the foot. Because that nerve was at the kneejoint and was piss easy for them to find. So. Yeah, ow, they gave me alot of oxy, but it's doing bugger all, I had more effect from the sedatives.
  17. I read that it could also be tied to not enough breastfeeding, but that was a long time ago, I don't know how valid it was/is.
  18. Been listening to alot of Prodigy lately, so youtubes algorithm finally found me something nice; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D54jlarArrQ
  19. My foot, it's still broken, technically, since last october. The bone pieces healed separately (pseudoarthrosis) so they're going to do... something. I assume it will either be hacksaws, rippers, hammers, dremels, chisels or any combination of the above to get them to join again, then possibly a nailgun to make sure they stay together.
  20. The yellow paint is a massive eyesore, and I hope those cutscenes aren't too abundant, the ones that seem to already be there are probably going to drive me bonkers already. And that cat fight was kind of depressing to watch, the cat was way too soaky. Very pretty looking though, but generic. I could tell it was Unreal 5 very quick. I hate Unreal engine. And I reckon we won't have anyone modding the game soon.
  21. I think I might have undersold what I did yesterday a little bit, but I was kind of out of it. I watched the Perseids fall through the aurora.
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