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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Something like that would be quite the hazard where I am. I live on the end of the transmission line, and there are few houses around me. A lightning strike into a power line would likely set the charger if not the vehicle on fire.
  2. My parents are huge fans of Fleetwood Mac, and I don't doubt I've heard all of their songs atleast a hundred times.
  3. Being that my school was out in the boonies we didn't really have a library but a "book bus" came every other week to take our orders and they also had some assortment of books that they brought with them. They were surprisingly nonplussed by me asking for three books about firearms and a couple of fantasy books. I've never read Silmarillion, I never could get into it, it wasn't really that interesting to me. But I have read both the black and white books from Robert Jordan though
  4. I read tonnes of fantasy books, Tolkien ofc, some weird post apocalyptic pocketbooks, a bunch of western books, Stephen King, Jules Verne and a book series called Deerfoot. I've been told that the only thing I read that was mildly appropriate was the Jules Verne and Tolkien books. My sister refused her kids access to my Tintin or Asterix collections And apparently, Stephen Kings Misery isn't appropriate for 11 year olds somehow.
  5. I meant God of War in this case, from searches and from what Yongyeas said in his video God of War doesn't have any multiplayer at all.
  6. It doesn't have multiplayer from what I heard, and you can't buy the game in any country that PSN doesn't "support".
  7. Hard pass on that PSN bull****. There are enough places on the internet already with my info, I don't need to put it in a network that has yearly data breaches. It also means that they will eventually pull the plug on it rendering the game inaccessible. Don't support that **** y'all.
  8. I don't mind female Custodes at all, I've always thought the "only boys, no icky girls" part of the space marines made no sense from a logical perspective. They wouldn't look like women after all the treatments, but still, considering how rare good candidates are cutting off 50% of the population is a bit foolish. And when it comes to lore, there used to be female Space Marines, just that noone bought them back then and they then got repurposed as the second coolest 40k faction, nuns with guns. Haha, that'd be hilarious!
  9. Because people are lazy, or they have forgotten that other storefronts exist. Have you tried downloading a mod from Steam if you don't own it on Steam? In some cases it is impossible, but in all cases it's definetly a headache.
  10. The best Dr Mike. Atleast the funniest
  11. I sincerely hope not, steam workshop is a steaming pile of excrement, and segregating the modding scene is really bad.
  12. Hey, we should be thankful our new AI overlords deign to educate us in these important matters!
  13. We have commercial pharmacies here too, but they're following the same principles of always educating the patients of what they are taking, wether the 20 people waiting for the single cashier want to or not I've waited a bit over two hours once to get my things, which kind of sucked when it was pain medicine for my foot.
  14. Huh, over here it's a 5 year university college education with 6 months of internship and a licence to be allowed to work at pharmacists. They're the ones that keep the doctors in check when it comes to medicines afterall. They will educate you on the medicine you're taking unless you tell them you've been on them for a while, especially antibiotics.
  15. The pharmacist couldn't help you with finding out more?
  16. If that song had been on Eurovision I might've actually watched it, and even voted.
  17. The x-rays were dated and I saw them side by side so there were minor differences in angle. And, while they are victims of budget cuts, it manifests in lengthy queues for non-emergency surgeries. Which means that I'll likely have to wait a loooong time for surgery
  18. Excellent question! The doc is going to talk to a specialist and then get back to me, even though I was curious they have a tonne of work so I didn't ask many questions. The xray I saw it looked like the two pieces hadn't touched and healed together but went their separate ways. I'll be asking more over the phone when they call.
  19. I just came back from the hospital, they did a cat-scan on my feet, and yeah, it's still broken. Yay.
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