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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. That's the dumbest **** I've read in ages. Kudos to whoever managed to finagle money out of people to be watching scantily clad ladies, I'm quite jealous.
  2. Sorry to hear that, do you get any medication against it?
  3. I saw a clip with this as uncredited background music, and it took me 20 minutes of mental grinding to remember the group and songname. I used to be really good at picking those things up withing the first few bars, but I guess I haven't really used the skill in ages.
  4. Sure, but CIG is in a unique situation amongst the gaming space since their money generally doesn't come from a publisher, and doesn't have a release date. If they get low on cash they release a new jpg and people typically throw money at them.
  5. I'm not really surprised, though tiktok is still worse It should be timestamped to the correct section I'm thinking about, but in case it should be at 8:57
  6. https://www.eurogamer.net/star-citizen-developer-hit-with-layoffs-amid-claims-of-a-highly-toxic-company Well, this isn't really surprising, hard times means people won't be as willing to buy jpgs anymore I guess.
  7. I play quite a fair bit, I love it. Dirt Rally, Elite Dangerous, Half Life Alyx, Sairento, Beat Saber, Fallout, Skyrim and such. I've got me a HTC Vive Pro. From what I remember PSVR 2 is a pretty decent kit
  8. Might be DLC that But it does have Apache attack helicopters, and that's got to be the next best thing though right?
  9. Pure fun made out of awesome and win. It's like someone cheated in Age of Empires and thought... Hey, what about making a game that is this?!
  10. Went and drew blood for my bp meds, and had my BP taken. My meds ran dry a couple of days ago, and there was a new nurse and she got very concerned and expressed so about my 170/110 which caused both me and the more senior nurse that knows of me to chortle. "Oh, it's about 100 to go for his personal record"
  11. Yeah, it was so much more convenient to sit through 23 separate 10 minute videos to get the full picture. XD
  12. Yeah, I'm not sure if my gpu actually survived, but atleast the rest of his pc is alive. He didn't have much of a choice in what psu to get when he bought it, all the reputable ones were sold out or horribly overpriced, overspecced or fanless.
  13. My 750W EVGA psu handled my Vega 64 fine, still does fine with my 3080, but my Vega 64 popped my fathers 1000W noname PSU as soon as he booted up Euro Truck Simulator 2. He was f'n furious at me, despite me warning him
  14. I mean, episode 7 was basically a new hope, so maybe they've given up their pretenses?
  15. It's the amount of content they cut out of the game to sell back to you at a later date.
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