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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Seems that we Europeans have a chance to make a difference, so if any of you are eligible, you should spread this and sign the petition
  2. If anyone of you can, you should sign it!
  3. Well, on the bright side, next time someone asks me why I don't want anything messing with my kernel, such as anti-cheat, I can now point to this as an extreme example.
  4. I think the golden age of the internet was around 2000-2005, but ones memories can easilly be wrong. Back then it wasn't hard to find something that you wanted on the net, and it hadn't had time to be completely poisoned yet.
  5. Golden, ofcourse
  6. It's so goddamn hard to hold back.
  7. Worst part is, if it was faked as some suggest, it wouldn't even matter since his crowd is already sold on the "fake news" **** that he lit the flames of.
  8. Careful that they don't come to you in a few months time and expect to be paid for it
  9. That sounds about right. I'm not on instagram myself, but the annoyance on my mothers face when she wants to show me something is clear.
  10. 1. Yeah, I figure I spend 80% of my web "browsing" actually browsing this forum. I used to browse No Mutants Allowed too, but I've fallen off there. 2. I hate that my content "feed" on youtube has stopped being 90% from the people that I actually want to follow and it seems to show bot content farm bull**** that does the same content or just blatantly copying it instead. It doesn't seem to help that I tell youtube to not recommend certain channels either. As I drive an old car, I often have to look for spare parts, and there is basically no shot of finding a legit parts vendor anymore if you just google. I'm stuck using the ones that I know, because I've got to go past page 10 atleast before I get past the SEO optimized malware pages. 3. Good point. I've started playing pen and paper rpgs again, in person, I still can't stand playing online though, it's ****ing awful and also puts you in the line of fire for being shat on by the publishers in the same way as gaming is infected.
  11. I like Kyles stuff, and I kind of agree with this video unfortunately.
  12. In all honesty, I think the collapse basically started with the election of Obama, and some heavy lifting from the financial crisis, the racists started really crawling out of the woodwork and started to embolden the politicians. Sadly, you're quite correct there. And it is only going to continue to get worse as climate change starts to hit harder and harder, with more and more refugees showing up here. Add in that the newer generation are, anecdotally, ****ing retarded and can't consume any news source that isn't in tiktok form it seems. I went by work yesterday for the first time in 3 months and said hello, the two older people there were cordial and we spoke for a while, but the 20 year olds lost interest in about 15 seconds to go back to scrolling tiktok and instagram. The two older people had heard some news, and were relatively well informed, but the kids were flabbergasted about things that happened months ago. It was a bit funny when one of them were surprised there was still a war in Ukraine, as the Ukrainian refugee working as a cleaner was doing her round... That girl has one hell of a deathglare
  13. Looking from the outside in, I'd say that you basically need a reset. The blatant corruption of the US political and judicial system is scary to see, and as you say, the Democrats can't afford to lose a single vote or you will basically get a Handmaids tale; The nation-wide reality show.
  14. I noticed the same, it's unfortunate Thanks for the swift action
  15. [Perception 7+] But if Three Dawg shuts the hell up, how is he to fight the good fight with his voice?
  16. Babies usually don't cry until I start talking. I was both dissapointed and elated that my best friends latest kid didn't cry but actually approached me and didn't want to leave my side for a good bit.
  17. Yeah, the same, it'd be really interesting to hear his take. I'm going to hope that Legal Eagle drops a youtube video in the coming days. I feel sorry for all you Americans.
  18. Wait, so Biden can off Trump now and get away with it? ****in A!
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