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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Evil twin vixen was ridiculously powerful. Took out an Echani shield and half my health with one power attack.
  2. There's actually quite a few interesting Russian games coming, published by 1C (from Vladivostok). I read a preview on Gamespot about it a while back which showed a list (can't find it anymore though)... I'm looking forward to the King's bounty sequel but there's also a Sturmovik sequel in development, and some kind of action/adventure game involving pirates that looked cool.
  3. It seems I ran into a game ending glitch. Telos station doesn't load after defeating Atris. Been fun while it lasted, though.
  4. I thought Mothership Zeta was pretty fun. It even has its own [Mysterious Stranger] dialogue option.
  5. Writing in adventure games has only become better as the years progressed. As for BioWare, they seem to be some people's favourite whipping boy along with Bethesda. I don't really know why. I've enjoyed pretty much every game they churned out from the beginning. *shrug*
  6. That's true, but there are games where leveling up is pretty much just tedious. I think it has something to do with the general challenge level of the game and the awesomeness of stuff you get when leveling up. Luckily Bethesda had a stroke of genius that made XP gaining in FO3 always rewarding: the ka-ching!! sound.
  7. Well, that sounded all very positive. *interest rekindled* I think I'll wait for the reviews of RPGCodex & Zero Punctuation before getting the game, though.
  8. Fanbois were crying about the ending & the level cap, so evil Bethesda kindly catered to them.
  9. Ugh, Saudi Arabia reminds me of a recent article I read about a 12-year old girl been married to a 80-year old. Anyway, in before Thirteen movie jokes.
  10. Small update, before anyone forgets about the game: Divinity 2 is now apparently to be released on 5 January 2010 in North-America by CDV. English versions of the game should be released 2 October 2009 in Europe (outside Germany). Meanwhile: Gamecentral Divinity 2 preview German review
  11. Is Freelancer like Darkstar One? Darkstar One began very promising but turned out to be Oblivion in space - predictable story, repetitive quests, enemies, space stations, systems, combat, everything.
  12. Seems Risen is going to take most computers and hang them out to dry: Link It's funny how the system requirements of DA are almost identical to Risen... when one compares some actual screenshots of the two games. Luckily graphics don't matter in RPGs, of course. Ha ha.
  13. The developer Deck 13 made the Ankh adventures, hence I'd be very much surprised if the game won't have its fair share of 'quirkiness'. That's why they usually release first in their heimat so that the native gamers can do the bug testing... international versions are usually polished (of course, as long as there aren't any publishers like JoWood screwing around their developers).
  14. There's not only the cover -> similar watery setting, similar art style, similar awesome heroine with the power to cheat death, also more or less similar combat system (at least the melee). Besides, it's from a European game developer. I put more trust in those guys & gals than in anyone from overseas nowadays...
  15. I'm terribly hyped over Venetica, mainly because of this: Fantasy version of BG&E?! Yes, please.
  16. I can understand now why some stuff was cut, particularly on Nar Shaddaa... but all the new content with HK-47 is great - all new Ebon Hawk 'interludes' are excellent too. I don't really understand why those tidbits were cut. There's an interesting touch on Ebon Hawk where
  17. I lost count of how many HK-50 droids I already turned to scrap.
  18. Any chance this game will be good?
  19. I want to play it but I can't. My new PC is still in repair and I won't get it back until the end of the week (if I'm lucky)... hence I am reduced to playing some good oldies.
  20. I'm replaying the original Age of Wonders which I used to play to death 9 years ago or so. Best fantasy turn-based strategy of all time! Pity they started to go "Terry Goodkind" with the game's story in the 2nd game... 3rd game is even worse. Funnily enough, I didn't even know until now that Triumph Studios is based in the Netherlands.
  21. ... Is there any FPS with good writing?
  22. I'm looking forward to seeing the character introduction of that Miranda (?) chick. A party with two completely bat**** gals would be nice.
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