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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Big win for the Kurds, Assyrians, and Armenians in Aleppo.
  2. Avowed will sell millions. It's not like the Xbox beggars can be choosers.
  3. <- nuclear apocalypse -> slow societal collapse
  4. Having zero knowledge of the setting might actually be a boon here There are a lot of "I wanted POE3" comments
  5. Seems more like Saints Row + Dead Rising also it's a Chinese game
  6. The Logan Paul of vidya gaems
  7. Wormbrain's even against pasteurisation
  8. The Joint Chiefs will like their new boss
  9. Boebert will be running NASA and that "jewish space lasers" hag Space Force
  10. Gotta CATch em all
  11. The next four (lol) years are gonna feel like a century
  12. Biden should just go crazy at this point. Send every NATO bird in and send the Russians scurrying. Just as a final **** you to Trumputin.
  13. I can't bring myself to dislike Vance.
  14. For all the bruhaha about Iowa and Texas, Trump actually nearly flipped New Jersey and had a chance even in New York.
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