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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Kind of an annoying fight after snuffing him out, though. Not enough room on the spine to deal with x death knights, especially with Okku's big ass in the way of everything.
  2. Have people complained about the graphics yet?
  3. Betrayal at Krondor had more text than PS:T & an amazing story (being written by Raymond Feist himself). But it's hardly remembered these days save by a chosen few.
  4. Who's the bald mage that looks like the Ordos Mentat?
  5. Heh, I don't remember MOTB looking that awesome on my pc.. Dark & gritty:
  6. "I tried to be merciful!!!" *hack* *slash* It really doesn't make any sense. At least Imoen would've both kicked them in the nuts or out-smarted them by tying their shoe-laces together or something. I bet if you turn down her over to join in the game she'll immediately jump at your throat too.
  7. That's BIS, not Bio. Besides, this would be better:-The maker tells me to kill. -[iNTELLIGENCE]So the Maker tells you to kill? I was actually thinking about posting something like that myself... Surely that [intelligence] thingie has already become a tvtrope?
  8. That video motivated me to give an 'oldie' a spin myself. Have nothing to play at the moment, anyway. Something from 1999 or 2000, preferably.
  9. Is there low intelligence dialogue?
  10. It seems I'm forced to go for a juicy F/F romance since the qunari is not available to be "romanced". But since I'm planning to kill Morrigan on first sight, that might fall in the water too. Considering it's dark & gritty, it's puzzling BioWare still played it safe with choosing either goody-two-shoes or pansy males to be romanced. I was hoping for some tough love.
  11. How about this (hilarious) review of PS:T: Link
  12. This game will be what Gothic 3 was supposed to be from the beginning without JoWood screwing PB over. I've pre-ordered it already.
  13. Will there be a demo for this game?
  14. Concerning the 'exploring' bit, does the game have the kind of 'free-roaming' like in SoZ or does it consist of a series of main missions taking you to a map area where there are dungeons/ruins & side missions strewn about like in Drakensang (with the difference that the area is not locked upon completion)? I hope the bulk of this 40 hours minimum will not be party conversations/interactions but actually doing things.
  15. Seems like I'm most suited to playing a BioWare game:
  16. The manual doesn't really explain the talent tests. It's explained ratherwell (with examples) on the wiki The Amazon's quest is triggered at a certain point but with or without she will never say much.
  17. Imoen became dark & gritty. She now kills people out-of-the-blue for no apparent reason. I'm afraid for such a trigger-happy companion in my party. I want rational, disciplined beings, not psychotics or emotionally tortured ones... hence I'll most likely use the dog, Wynne & the qunari.
  18. It would be possible, though, considering April's very nature & what the White Dragon said to her in the prologue of the game (not to mention in Dreamfall). Btw, it's ironic that April has a (excellent) discussion about art similar to this thread with a pivotal character in TLJ...
  19. Pacman is art because it has a soul. Or rather, several ghosts.
  20. Microsoft should include that 'ROM check fail' game during the installation process of one of their OS.
  21. Basically all tests in the game are 3 rolls with a 20-sided dice - skills/spells are all governed by 3 attributes and you need to roll *below* each attribute to be 'succesful'. If not, then your talent/spell prowess is used to try to 'bend' the checks into success... TP* & SP* are the remains of your talent prowess & spell prowess after the check... SP* is often used in spell effects and if it is 0 after a spell check, it's possible that the spell has no effect at all even though it cost 'mana'... I'm replaying the game as a 'warrior' so this time I can take along some other companions. Gladys can stay, though, as I quite like her occasional smart-mouthing comments.
  22. That *would* be technically possible, considering what happens in Dreamfall... I wouldn't be surprised even if Ragnar was partly inspired by PS:T considering the esoteric stuff he came up with in Dreamfall.
  23. Guess one must read it in context...
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