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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Just finished Dantooine and quite a lot there was changed. Also just fixed HK-47 and he has a lot more content too. The first encounter with Visas makes more sense now, too.
  2. I bet there are already "lez threeway" threads on the ME2 forums involving SZ and Miranda.
  3. I'm playing KOTOR 2 with the open beta restoration patch applied.
  4. I went to fetch my pre-ordered Risen copy today, but I can't play it yet! My uber computer is still in repair.
  5. I assume Subject Zero is some escaped experiment from Cerberus? That could make the interactions with that Miranda interesting. Since the only saves I have left from ME1 are FemShep renegade ones, I suppose loyalty won't be much of a problem.
  6. I'll reinstall the game from scratch, patch it accordingly and then give it a try. I'll report any encountered 'woes' (if any) in this thread. Anyway, a big thanks to the men & women from TSLRCM who made this possible.
  7. Lucky for mommy she didn't have twins.
  8. I want ... it looks & feels like BG&E set in the Renaissance. /nostalgia
  9. Great review. Can't wait to play this, along with Venetica. It should also be carved in stone that this is going to win German RPG of the Year.
  10. ... I suppose the game has an intro like ?
  11. What does ODST stand for? Shouldn't it be Halo 3: ADHD?
  12. I assume he's an assassin sent to kill the PC? Doesn't seem very smart then to attack four people openly in broad daylight. Whatever happened to poisoned arrows & Morgul blades in the dark? So then of course he gets badly beaten and afterwards... wants to join you? Seems a bit odd. I like this video better than the Leliana one, at any rate.
  13. The Saboteur wants to blow up the Moulin Rouge? He should stick to dynamiting rail roads.
  14. If that Elf actually looked like in the concept art, I would surely take him along in my party. Melnibon
  15. Call of Cthulhu: dark corners of the earth = ultimate survival-horror game, among other things.
  16. Don't even mention Tvtropes. That thing is much worse than Wikipedia when it comes to whiling away hours clicking link after link.
  17. I hate Youtube. Listening to these amazing Age of Wonders tunes for the first time in over 7 years made me want to play the game again...
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