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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. I guess my fireballs will have to do... I took some ranks in staff fighting but I only go melee in one-on-one fights.
  2. The females could all use a 'Better Bodies' mod... the faces are alright. I like the second preset of the female human noble. Looks a lot like the noble mother from the origin video.
  3. I find that just like in Fallout 3, it's impossible not to make a male that doesn't look like a complete doofus.
  4. I really suck at the melee combat when I have to fight creatures whose attacks are unblockable for some reason (wolves, porcupines). Just like in Gothic 3, fighting humans is cake compared to most wilderness creatures. Does it become better with more ranks in sword-fighting? If I'll join the bandits on a replay, I'll probably go for mainly an archer type.
  5. It's rather funny when after an hour of twiddling with the sliders the character's face ends up looking exactly like the preset. I wish there was a 'randomize' button somewhere.
  6. I don't get why we can't roll-back attributes? Rogues start out with 12 in magic and this value is fixed, why exactly?
  7. Who needs Orcs when there are hordes of deadly porcupines & swarms of killer moths? Eh?
  8. In addition to Canada, Australia, and Poland (first as a sovereign state, then as a exiled government). You should probably also include South Africa and New Zealand, but they wouldn't have seen any troop deployments until after the Winter War so I won't be as picky about them. Yugoslavia?
  9. I'm 9th in queue on the fileplanet site. I couldn't connect to the BioWare server for some reason. The anticipation is killing me.
  10. Alternate question: why do dragons fly around in random directions and attack the non-hostile environment (in this case snow and ruins) instead of their enemies? Might as well ask why the bad guys are just standing around waiting to be pushed off a cliff or until an arrow hits them in the forehead, or attacking the power-armoured generic Hero Dude one-by-one in Pterry fashion.
  11. I never went to the bandits in the swamp myself. I figured I would have had to do a lot of fighter related quests there and hence dump a lot of skill points in sword fighting & strength while I was trying to become a mage... I considered that with the lesser scope of this game compared to Gothic 3 one would not be able to acquire enough skill points to be able to become proficient in everything. It was an interesting choice right in the beginning, and offers replay value. I don't think 'jack-of-all-trades' would work very well with the unforgiving combat.
  12. It was funny when my n00b character tried to take on a normal vulture after wading through 'hungry' vultures. I took away about 1 millimeter of health with each strike and had to run away like a little girl in the end. But I did manage to kill 3 normal moths after twenty minutes of blocking & riposting... gave me a boatload of XP. This game rocks.
  13. Have you seen the Brood (Blood?) Mother trailer?
  14. Has anyone already managed to do a succesful counterattack? I tried this for half an hour against a moth but it never worked. Is it only possible against human enemies?
  15. Hey, I watched this on TF1 around 17 years ago. The princess of Mercury was pretty cute, wasn't she?
  16. I think Putin was mostly wary that the missile 'defense' system would accidentally manage to malfunction (highly likely, since it wasn't made in Germany or Japan) & all those nice defensive rockets/missiles would come plummeting down on Russian cities.
  17. Viru: In your Drakensang game, specialize in two-handed axes/maces. Trust me, you won't regret it. Not only is the game's "uber" weapon the best when you choose the two-handed mace form (3D + 2, plus strength bonus of 15/1) but you'll get and unstoppable two-handed warhammer way before that (Dragonslayer's Warhammer) sporting 1D +7 damage with a strength bonus of 14/1. These x/1 strength weps are awesome! When you boost your strength above 30 (with equipment, buffs, and character points) you can be dishing out 30+ damage plus wounds on every strike! I'm a sword + shield guy all the way, especially since an uber shield comes rolling your way in the game pretty early anyway. And with the uber sword (1D+10 with 10/3 bonus) the damage is comparable to a two-hander, and one gains access to Stormblade talent.
  18. Luckily the red-head in the trailer is pretty hot, or she'd get frostbite on her ass. Even Legolas was smart enough to wear at least pants when hiking on the Caradhras.
  19. ... I had to look that up on the Dragon Age wiki. Interesting...
  20. Divinity 2 also uses Gamebryo and that game runs flawlessly, even with all the graphical bells & whistles set to max. Then again, that is of course a case of German Belgian grundigheit.
  21. This game gets massive influence points for using Emperor, Enslaved & Dimmu Borgir songs in its soundtrack. And loses about the same amount for also using Dragonforce.
  22. What is a 'brood mother' the mother of, exactly?
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