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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Fallout 3 sucks because of this, which is nearly as bad as this
  2. I guess that one should NOT guard the backdoor into Mordor.
  3. It seems the hero from Uncharted was modeled after David Boreanaz.
  4. Yeah, they're derwishes after all...
  5. Level 10 fireball = win. I'm currently revisiting a lot of areas and killing a lot of creatures I had to avoid earlier.
  6. This game has a Broken Sword feel about it... only a lot more action oriented. I'd play it if it were available on PC. Also, doesn't this game also have Claudia Black as voice actor?
  7. Textures are low-res here and there, but I don't care. I really like the look of this game... it is the visual design of Ankh to a fantasyesque renaissance world. Also this game has really great lighting that really adds to the atmosphere, just like with Drakensang. Nothing like the jarring bloomfest of Oblivion. It's also fully voiced, unlike Drakensang, which is a plus. Combat & skill system works similar to Gothic/Risen, which is another plus. I might pick up the German version if the English version is delayed indefinitely, like with Divinity 2.
  8. It was pretty retarded that Bethesda took away Morrowind's unlimited training in Oblivion, yet on the other hand also took away skill requirements to advance through ranks. Then again, most changes from Morrowind were pretty retarded, to say the least. Best thing to do in Oblivion is kill Umbra at level 1, nab her ebony armor & ub3r sword and head through the portal to Sheogorath's realm.
  9. Risen's gnomes must be amongst the cutest enemies in a videogame ever. I really hate killing them... they're so hilarious when they're jumping up and down.
  10. Venetica demo: What a cool game. Another homerun for Germany.
  11. Lordi would've been a fine contender too.
  12. It's a good thing DA doesn't have Halflings or Gnomes. Considering the bodily proportions DA uses, they'd have to walk on all fours.
  13. Have you been attending business meetings at Quantic Dream?
  14. It seems there is already some Dragon Age cosplay going on. Darkspawn FTW!
  15. The music alone makes this game worth playing. And of course, it's great that it wasn't dumbed down for PC.
  16. Risen's 'Nameless Hero' in his sack clothes looks an awful lot like Jason Statham in the critically condemned Dungeon Siege movie. Risen also contains John Rhys-Davies. I think this adds a few more awesome points to the game. Anyway, I picked up a war shield by defeating a guard and now melee combat has become much easier. Still takes ages to kill anything because of my low strength, but that's alright.
  17. Are there Boots of Piercing against those annoying codpieces?
  18. The third chapter was boring & repetitive, though. Best were the chapters starring the Mechs & Delphi (who actually only wore a bikini in the US version of the game... for some reason )
  19. I'm looking for the secret compartment in the Don's hacienda and it's obvious where it is (the Order dudes must be as blind as a mole) but I think that little rat "Toni" was talking nonsense when he told me how to gain access to it. Apparently unleashing a sledgehammer in frustration on the closet doesn't do anything for some reason.
  20. "Burlap sack"? All classes actually started out with pretty cool outfits in Drakensang. But yeah, Drakensang's bodies were pretty good, although the amazons & witches were perhaps a bit too... voluptuous.
  21. I can accept that the nobles have a burly body considering the combat training they receive, but the mages should look slender & squishy... the same is true for the City Elves who are supposed to live in destitute circumstances. Even Morrigan who's supposed to be the hawt seductress has the Brienne of Tarth kind of body.
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