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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Am I weird because I always play RPGs as a female when possible? Insert Freudian crap here: ________________________
  2. I managed to finish the game without any further incidents. There's a few nice new twists at Malachor. Guess I should now replay as a male Exile. Apparently there's some interesting drama added involving the Handmaiden & Visas.
  3. There's a factory somewhere with Chinese ghouls and a funny radio station. I get mine over there.
  4. Have you run into mirelurk hunters yet? Now those things are really bad-ass at low levels. There's a metro station somewhere full of these mudcrabs, I believe.
  5. Looks like the Borg Queen. Hawt.
  6. I have no complaints about diminishing quality... I always manage to play some diamonds in the rough - Drakensang & Divinity 2 were two quality RPGs that I've played this year. Risen will probably be up there too. I just wish there were still quality adventure games made. I can't remember anything remarkable being made since Dreamfall (and that game was only remarkable because it coming out 7 years after TLJ)... Broken Sword 4 was a bitter disappointment as well. White Birds Productions didn't really deliver either... Beno
  7. I'm surprised there is no "Sourpuss" achievement for someone who doesn't pursue any of the romances.
  8. Most unknown Bethesda game is Zero Critical, a point-and-click sci-fi adventure game... I'm not sure whether they developed or published it, though. Probably the latter.
  9. The past is in the past. Lots of talent left after Morrowind. Bethesda is now basically the LucasArts of the RPG genre.
  10. "First Knight", "Witch Gone Wild", "Easy Lover", "Wine, Woman, and Song" ... That should spawn a few hundred romance threads at the Bioboards.
  11. Sheesh, so the Alienage is basically the Warsaw Ghetto, huh? I have a feeling those nazi humans are really going to suffer at the hands of my City Elf rogue and/or Elven necromancer.
  12. Oh my, how embarassing. It seems the science section of the paper I read was a bit out of date.
  13. Link Not long after the confirmation of the existence of dark energy, astronomers recently found a new mysterious dark energy force in the Universe that works against gravity and could turn the laws of modern physics topsy-turvy. Seems pretty big from a scientific viewpoint. Though even though it could mean a landmark in gaining a true understanding of the universe, I haven't seen it reported in the conventional media anywhere.
  14. I hope I get my ******* computer back soon. HP customer service sucks balls. I was hoping to play & finish Risen before Dragon Age comes out.
  15. Stoney is a nice guy. I reported the bug, sent a savefile and he prompty fixed it in a new patch.
  16. I hope "difficult" won't be synonymous to "frustrating". Running around shooting arrows at wolves to prevent dying in one hit isn't exactly my idea of difficult.
  17. From Sands of Time. From Bloodlines, I liked best.
  18. Evil twin vixen was ridiculously powerful. Took out an Echani shield and half my health with one power attack.
  19. There's actually quite a few interesting Russian games coming, published by 1C (from Vladivostok). I read a preview on Gamespot about it a while back which showed a list (can't find it anymore though)... I'm looking forward to the King's bounty sequel but there's also a Sturmovik sequel in development, and some kind of action/adventure game involving pirates that looked cool.
  20. It seems I ran into a game ending glitch. Telos station doesn't load after defeating Atris. Been fun while it lasted, though.
  21. I thought Mothership Zeta was pretty fun. It even has its own [Mysterious Stranger] dialogue option.
  22. Writing in adventure games has only become better as the years progressed. As for BioWare, they seem to be some people's favourite whipping boy along with Bethesda. I don't really know why. I've enjoyed pretty much every game they churned out from the beginning. *shrug*
  23. That's true, but there are games where leveling up is pretty much just tedious. I think it has something to do with the general challenge level of the game and the awesomeness of stuff you get when leveling up. Luckily Bethesda had a stroke of genius that made XP gaining in FO3 always rewarding: the ka-ching!! sound.
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