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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. I'm bound to play some oldies, since I'm back on my old computer. I finally got enough of my 'uber' PC that had been BSODing intermittently for the past month.
  2. It will be interesting to see how long they can drag out the amnesia cop-out.
  3. Speaking of "epic", the most "epic" thing I've seen about Dragon Age so far is David Gaider's physical metamorphosis... and is that new hair real? He suddenly looks romanceable, even.
  4. Playing with a different character doesn't really change much in gameplay, it only changes the party composition... basically as an Elf you just take over the role of Gwendala (whom I never used when I played as a Ranger). It seems the game was designed with the PC as a warrior/soldier in mind, considering the equipment you get. Even my Ranger needed to pump points in melee combat skills in the late game. Considering Drakensang is the very first RPG of Radon Labs (the developers of Ankh, IIRC), and considering the tiny budget they had to contend with (compared to a BioWare/Bethesda release) I think the game is very impressive. I enjoyed it more in the end than Divinity 2: Ego Draconis.
  5. The 'good' thing about Morrowind is that there is no limit on training. So one can get x5 modifiers each time by training misc skills & having major/minor skills that are governed by each attribute.
  6. Morrigan seems like another (extremely) emotionally unstable lass. First she nearly cries when she has to let go off mommy's skirt, then later she asks power-armoured PC-dude to kill mommy off. Seems like Wynne is the only sane lady in the game.
  7. POP 2 was much harder than POP 1. Having a time limit in that game would be torture. Particularly the part with the skeleton on the bridge is one of the most frustrating parts ever designed in gaming. And those flying heads...
  8. Dune RPG? ... One can only hope.
  9. Didn't know there were dragons in Sapkowski's dark heroic fantasy world. Anyway, this is the real "new ****", indeed. I just hope the plot won't be a knock-off of the first game, it would be lame if this time another mysterious group (apparently assassins) wreaks havoc after abusing the Witcher secrets... i.e. epilogue of the first game. Hopefully Geralt will visit many places of the world this time, instead of just only Temeria. I'd like to see Thanedd Island for instance... also, how is it that every Princess wants to sleep with the white-haired one?
  10. No, I haven't even played "the new sh*t" yet...
  11. There's a good overview on the wiki: Link Look out especially for the world replacers.
  12. You didn't like Bond scampering about in that moon buggy?
  13. You have to download a DLC to get the real ending?
  14. With the right mods Morrowind looks better than Oblivion, no doubt about it. Jade Empire was hilarious once you got 'Jade Golem'. Everything, including bosses, just died in two hits.
  15. A "friend's" reaction to the link of this pic: "Dogs drawing guns? lol" The Germans must have used elephants then to draw their Big Bertha
  16. The best thing Interplay can do know is correcting their horrendous mistake by adding FO:BOS to the trilogy & renaming it to "Fallout: Ultimate Collection".
  17. The hound looks like kind of like a Rottweiler. I like it... I hope it'll be possible to set him loose on Morrigan & that pansy-looking Elf.
  18. I guess it helps if you've been following the game on the BioWare forums... seemed all in-jokes to me. I didn't get anything of it.
  19. No idea what a 4x game is, but the first Age of Wonders had an interesting Tolkienesque world & dark herioc storyline, and excellent Fallout-like combat. There were two main faction campaigns, and three endings for each faction depending on certain critical decisions throughout. I never got to playing the sequels.
  20. Zenimax should perhaps acquire Piranha Bytes to give their next TES a much needed injection of originality. And maybe Radon Labs too for the rather impressive female body models... Arkane Studios wouldn't be too bad either. Arx Fatalis blew away Morrowind in many ways, and the combat system as displayed in Dark Messiah was amazing. One of the more creative developers out there atm - no surprise they were asked to help working on Bioshock 2.
  21. Pre-Oblivion Bethesda didn't have bad writing. At all.
  22. Us Belgians have never really felt that 'socialism' imparted on our freedom. Being overrun over the ages by the Romans, Franks, Burgundians, French (twice), German & Spanish Habsburgs, Austrians & Dutch might have something to do with that. After all that, we really didn't care whether the Russians would come or not.
  23. Drakan: order of the flame. Evergreen game.
  24. Well, you can't argue with a degree in Creative Writing.
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